The original OTA antenna installed was a Stealth 3010. The OTA ant was placed on the back of my house, barely clearing my roofline. The broadcast tower faces the front of my house. I live only about 5 miles from the broadcast tower, but I do not have a clear shot (some tall buildings in the way). I'm listed as RED according to I received 0 OTA channels from the get go, Installer at that time said I had to wait until my box receives the software updates -- very wrong
I was getting in the neighborhood of Off-Air Sig Qual. = 2 – 20 and Off Air Sig Power = 0. I went up to the roof and took off the 3010 from the short mast & lifted it up in the air , according to my wife the Off Air Sig Power jump up. I didn't have her surf the locals at that time. I just wanted to see if my theory of the antenna being too low was correct. When I called Voom & tried to explain all I might need was a taller mast, they wouldn't hear off it and said just wait for a service call. Will after almost 2 weeks & 2 messed up scheduling snafu by Voom, a new installer showed up today. I went through the same theory with the new installer, but he was already prepared to swap out the antenna. The new antenna is a beast, a DB8. It was attached to a 3 ft. pole – oh baby!
According to the Installer, this antenna took care of other OTA problems he was called out to fix. Anyways, he takes down the old stealth & re-drills new holes for the DB8. We couldn't check to see if it was working until after 6pm, due to work on the broadcast tower. So he left, and I waiting 2 hours to give the new antenna a shot. Checking the system status for OTA signals, I was disappointed to see the same results as before – OA Sig Qual = 2 -20 and OA Sig. Pow = 0. The thing that got me thinking was the installer was going by his compass direction of 63 degrees, wheres the recommended settings on antennaweb had most of my stations in the 72 degree range. Will up to the roof I go to tweek the antenna. This time I had my cell phone with me to get back results from my wife, who was in the house. As I started turning the antenna my wife said no change. I was about to give up, when I remember someone on this board said to turn it 180 degrees, well low and behold when I did that my wife started yelling out OA Sig Qual = 60 – 70 & QA Sig Power = 45 – 50. It seems the installer placed it backwards.. This would be a happy ending if all my OTA channels came through, but I'm only getting a few channels out of the bunch that I should from the broadcast tower.
So here we go with the questions:
1. Would adding a pre-amplifier to the DB8 help me at all in this case. The RJ cable run is probably less than a 100'
2. The installer did not know how much the DB8 was going to cost me; he said Voom would pick up $60, but according to installer the DB8 costs around $145 (though I see it on the web for bout a $100.). Will and how will I get billed the difference for this?
3. I've read good things about the SS100. Does this model handle obstructions (tall buildings) better than a DB8?

I was getting in the neighborhood of Off-Air Sig Qual. = 2 – 20 and Off Air Sig Power = 0. I went up to the roof and took off the 3010 from the short mast & lifted it up in the air , according to my wife the Off Air Sig Power jump up. I didn't have her surf the locals at that time. I just wanted to see if my theory of the antenna being too low was correct. When I called Voom & tried to explain all I might need was a taller mast, they wouldn't hear off it and said just wait for a service call. Will after almost 2 weeks & 2 messed up scheduling snafu by Voom, a new installer showed up today. I went through the same theory with the new installer, but he was already prepared to swap out the antenna. The new antenna is a beast, a DB8. It was attached to a 3 ft. pole – oh baby!

So here we go with the questions:
1. Would adding a pre-amplifier to the DB8 help me at all in this case. The RJ cable run is probably less than a 100'
2. The installer did not know how much the DB8 was going to cost me; he said Voom would pick up $60, but according to installer the DB8 costs around $145 (though I see it on the web for bout a $100.). Will and how will I get billed the difference for this?
3. I've read good things about the SS100. Does this model handle obstructions (tall buildings) better than a DB8?