[VOOM] New user comments, some TiVO tips, and sparkles on CNNHeadline News


Jeffrey Kain

Original poster
Hi everyone --

I'm new to Voom. I had my system installed on Monday, and so far I am very
pleased with how things are going. This list is a good resource, despite
the higher-than-average amount of noise, flames, and grudge-carrying members.

First, I hope that Voom and/or Installs Inc. increases the amount of
training they give to their installers. My installer did a great job with
the exterior work, but he had some serious gaps in his knowledge of HDTV
and the Voom box. He insisted that a coax connection from the receiver to
the TV would give me a great hi-def picture (seriously). I gave him a
little bit of instruction, but he said that he never had to worry about the
component cables or DVI on any of his other installations, which makes me
fearful that many other less-informed users have received sub-standard Voom

Now that nearly everything is hooked up, the picture quality of the Voom HD
and SD content is really, really good. It was everything I was hoping it
would be. The SD picture quality is so much nicer than my analog cable
channels, especially when blown up to 55", but it's even noticeable on my
smaller 27" analog/SD set in the bedroom.

My installer said I was also one of the first in the area to get the new
boxes with upgraded software (v6.0.0). I haven't had any problems with the
receiver at all in the few days I've had it all hooked up, so I'm hopeful
that the problems reported here early-on are just bad memories for the
early adopters... :)

First, I have some questions:

1. Some of the channels have a lot of "sparkles" (to use the term used in
previous messages in this forum). This is most noticeable on CNN Headline
News (it's quite awful on this channel), TNT, and The Weather Channel,
although I can see them around text on VH-1, The History Channel, and a few
other channels. I called Voom customer service about the problem before I
discovered this forum, and while they were very and knowledgeable, we
couldn't resolve the problem. So, they scheduled a service install with a
technician. Now that I've read about this problem in other posts here, I'm
wondering if there is anything a technician could do.

What's the definitive word on the "sparkles" on certain channels?

2. I didn't notice this until today, so I don't know if this is a new
problem or if it has existed since installation, but the difference in
volume when changing channels is pretty extreme. It's not a little
difference -- it's a BIG difference. Is anyone else noticing this
(especially lately)? I'm hoping it's a temporary problem. Example -- the
volume on MSNBC for me is very low compared to the others. Or maybe it's
just MSNBC that is very quiet?

Now, some TiVO tips:

1. Recording Locals

Unfortunately, there's no way to get TiVO to record by program name or
Season Pass using a single input from the Voom receiver, despite what
Voom's web site and TiVO's web site may imply. There's no reason that TiVO
couldn't do it, they just don't support it in their software. You can
record by time and channel (like a VCR), but that's not a great solution.

The solution I'm going to go with is to set TiVO's TV source as "satellite
plus cable", and subscribe to the basic "locals only" package for
$12.95/month from Comcast. I'll still get the $15/month bundle discount for
my cable modem so net/net it's cheaper than not subscribing to cable TV at
all, and I'll be able to record locals by name/season pass until the Voom
DVR is available.

2. TiVO and SD Picture Quality

I just discovered this tonight, and it's great. The first thing I noticed
after my installation about the picture quality of SD channels on the big
55" screen is that all the channels looked really soft -- as if someone had
smeared a thin layer of Crisco over my screen. It was still better than
analog cable, but not a whole lot better.

While browsing the archives, I found out about the "native mode" setting on
the receiver. You would think that this setting would only affect the
hi-def output of the box, but it ALSO slightly affects the S-Video and
Composite outputs. Once I set the Voom receiver to native mode, all the SD
channels sharpened up, and they look great (sparkles notwithstanding). And
for some reason, I get a 1080i signal even when on ESPN (but not on my
local ABC digital which is 720P natively... dang - time for a new TV that
can do 720P and 1080i...<g>).

This is really similar to what I saw with my Motorola DCT5100 cable box and
its 4:3 Override setting -- if 4:3 override was set to 1080i or 480P, the
digital SD channels all looked smeary and soft through the S-Video or
Composite outputs going into the TiVO; setting it to 480i yielded a crisp,
clear picture.

Apologies for the length of this initial post, but hopefully someone else
out there will find the tips useful. I'd be grateful for any advice on how
to deal with the sparkles and the volume issue.


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The sparklies and volume differences are included with the VOOM service. I have no idea why VOOM customer service continues to act surprised when people call up with this problem. Maybe they like to waste customer's time and VOOM's money. I would let the installer come out and give you a new box. This will not solve the problem but it will cost VOOM the maximum amount of money so that maybe they work on fixing the problem instead of pretending that it does not exist.
jnardone said:
The sparklies and volume differences are included with the VOOM service.

Sparklies have been around since the days of the BUD (Big Ugly Dish). On that format they are caused by several things, out of alignment dish, too much signal or too little signal, excessive solar radiation during the spring & summer. On Digital Pizza dishes sparklies are part of the digital artifacts amplifying the "video noise", which could also be problematic during the spring & fall.
The sound difference has also been around since then too. Each feed sent up to the satellite is controlled by the up linker. They control the audio output also. Then the down linker (cable company or local network) receives the "channels" they adjust the audio output to match.

Thanks for the tip on native mode. It makes sense, though some people say it causes a momentary breakup or dropout when switching channels and the TV set has to catch up with the new resolution.

I've seen people bitch about volume differences before, and Walt recently said Voom had made some adjustments where possible. Bottom line, however, is that there are source differences and unless you're willing to live with a "midnight mode" compression scheme that ruins your dynamic range, it will never be completely cured.

I have the same problem on Comcast cable. G4/TechTV, or whatever they call it now, is so low that I have to jack up the volume to hear it. If I switch channels without remembering to turn it down first, the next one blows me out of my seat.

Sparkles can be install-related, poor signal strength due to a badly aimed unpeaked dish, a bad box or improper connections, etc. By all means have the service call.
Re: [VOOM] New user comments, some TiVO tips, and sparkles onCNN Headline News

At 09:32 AM 7/15/2004, you wrote:

>Thanks for the tip on native mode. It makes sense, though some people
>say it causes a momentary breakup or dropout when switching channels
>and the TV set has to catch up with the new resolution.

This is probably set-specific if you're watching a component or DVI input,
while the set synchs to the new signal. It does do this on my set if I'm
flipping between HD and SD on the component inputs, but the TiVO is run
through an S-Video input on the TV, so this won't happen.

I'm perplexed why changing the video mode for the HD outputs would affect
the picture quality of the S-Video and Composite outputs, however, which
are always 480i. It seems like it may be a Motorola issue/bug/quirk since
the exact same thing happened on the DCT 5100.

>Sparkles can be install-related, poor signal strength due to a badly
>aimed unpeaked dish, a bad box or improper connections, etc. By all
>means have the service call.

Great. I'm curious if everyone sees the sparkles on CNN Headline News, or
if it's just a few people (you can't miss them on this channel, at least
with my current setup -- the whole picture just shimmers and glitters!). I
went down to the local Sears and tuned it to CNN Headline News and there
were a lot of sparkles there as well. I guess they could both be
installation related.

Hopefully the 2nd visit will clear everything up... fingers crossed!


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RE: [VOOM] New user comments, some TiVO tips, and sparkles on CNN Headline News

You could always watch a real news channel.. Channel 412 <g>


From: Jeffrey Kain [mailto:jkain@orchardsoft.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 10:37 AM
To: VOOM@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [VOOM] New user comments, some TiVO tips, and sparkles on CNN
Headline News

At 09:32 AM 7/15/2004, you wrote:

>Thanks for the tip on native mode. It makes sense, though some people
>say it causes a momentary breakup or dropout when switching channels
>and the TV set has to catch up with the new resolution.

This is probably set-specific if you're watching a component or DVI input,
while the set synchs to the new signal. It does do this on my set if I'm
flipping between HD and SD on the component inputs, but the TiVO is run
through an S-Video input on the TV, so this won't happen.

I'm perplexed why changing the video mode for the HD outputs would affect
the picture quality of the S-Video and Composite outputs, however, which
are always 480i. It seems like it may be a Motorola issue/bug/quirk since
the exact same thing happened on the DCT 5100.

>Sparkles can be install-related, poor signal strength due to a badly
>aimed unpeaked dish, a bad box or improper connections, etc. By all
>means have the service call.

Great. I'm curious if everyone sees the sparkles on CNN Headline News, or
if it's just a few people (you can't miss them on this channel, at least
with my current setup -- the whole picture just shimmers and glitters!). I
went down to the local Sears and tuned it to CNN Headline News and there
were a lot of sparkles there as well. I guess they could both be
installation related.

Hopefully the 2nd visit will clear everything up... fingers crossed!


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[VOOM] Re: New user comments, some TiVO tips, and sparkles on CNNHeadline News

On Jul 15, 2004, at 10:36 AM, VOOM@yahoogroups.com wrote:

> I have the same problem on Comcast cable. G4/TechTV, or whatever they
> call it now, is so low that I have to jack up the volume to hear it. If
> I switch channels without remembering to turn it down first, the next
> one blows me out of my seat.

FWIW, it was the same way on TW cable that I just switched out of a
couple of months ago, and it was that way for years while they were
"working" on getting the volume levels right. So you can complain about
Voom all day, but a lot of these issues are just part of the "state of
the art".

BTW - I rebooted my box yesterday to see if it would help with the
constant audio drop-outs and pixelation. It seemed to help a lot, but I
still see it occasionally, just not 2-3 times per minute. Rebooting
seemed to make the pixelation at channel change go away that some folks
were mentioning.


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[VOOM] Re: New user comments- sparkles on CNN Headline News

Jeff Cain, I get those sparkles too (and I'm also a new user) . I just assumed they were
pinching the SD bandwith too much. I have pretty high end equipment, high quality cables
(going through component connections though), etc. This channel is not that important to
me, as Voom is making me more and more of an HD-only kind a guy. But among the SD
channels available on Voom, this would be one of a few at the top of my list of desiring
best possible quality.

If you resolve it, I'd love to know what you did. It seems at least 3 of us share this same
problem. I haven't tried the native signal suggestion, so that might be worth a shot. I
presume the theory is that the Voom box is having trouble upconverting CNN-HDN to
1080i (thus sparkles) and the TVs upconverter might do a better job.

I check the signal strength, so it seems like I could rule out poor dish pointing, etc.

If anyone else had the sparkles problem on CNN-HDN and then solved it, please let us
know the solution.

--- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, Jeffrey Kain <jkain@o...> wrote:
> At 09:32 AM 7/15/2004, you wrote:
> >Thanks for the tip on native mode. It makes sense, though some people
> >say it causes a momentary breakup or dropout when switching channels
> >and the TV set has to catch up with the new resolution.

> This is probably set-specific if you're watching a component or DVI input,
> while the set synchs to the new signal. It does do this on my set if I'm
> flipping between HD and SD on the component inputs, but the TiVO is run
> through an S-Video input on the TV, so this won't happen.
> I'm perplexed why changing the video mode for the HD outputs would affect
> the picture quality of the S-Video and Composite outputs, however, which
> are always 480i. It seems like it may be a Motorola issue/bug/quirk since
> the exact same thing happened on the DCT 5100.
> >Sparkles can be install-related, poor signal strength due to a badly
> >aimed unpeaked dish, a bad box or improper connections, etc. By all
> >means have the service call.

> Great. I'm curious if everyone sees the sparkles on CNN Headline News, or
> if it's just a few people (you can't miss them on this channel, at least
> with my current setup -- the whole picture just shimmers and glitters!). I
> went down to the local Sears and tuned it to CNN Headline News and there
> were a lot of sparkles there as well. I guess they could both be
> installation related.
> Hopefully the 2nd visit will clear everything up... fingers crossed!
> Jeff

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Re: [VOOM] Re: New user comments- sparkles on CNN HeadlineNews

At 09:24 PM 7/15/2004, you wrote:

>If you resolve it, I'd love to know what you did. It seems at least 3 of
>us share this same
>problem. I haven't tried the native signal suggestion, so that might be
>worth a shot. I
>presume the theory is that the Voom box is having trouble upconverting
>1080i (thus sparkles) and the TVs upconverter might do a better job.

Unfortunately, the same effect is on both of my TVs (one hidef, one
normal), and independent of the input.

>If anyone else had the sparkles problem on CNN-HDN and then solved it,
>please let us
>know the solution.

I'll drop a note to the list tomorrow after the visit by the tech.


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I think the sparkles are due to non-optimal dish alignment on Voom's downlink. As far as I know, the source of some of these channels are from analog C-Band birds, then are uplinked to the Voom satellite in a digital format from their headquarters. So there's nothing you can do except ask Voom to tune their big ugly dishes.

I still have a big ugly dish in my front yard btw...just had Voom installed on Monday. Very happy with the entire package, except there aren't any digital OTA channels that I can pick up here in Lake Charles, LA.

Alas, Voom is a "bridge" product for me.


[VOOM] RE: VOOM] Re: Voom - Poor business = No business; Good VS Bad

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