VOOM: New Channel Wish List

1080iBeVuMin said:
My only "wish list" would be to get OTA HD programming over the satellite. We are too far from anywhere to get any HD OTA. We mainly would like to catch the shows on UPN and PBS. Can't get them unless we also subscribe to cable.

(I know sending OTA over the satellite is not popular with most subscribers because they already get them OTA.)

I hear ya.....its really a matter of great debate. if you are in an area that doesnt get OTA HD Ch's then of course you want VOOm or anyone else to carry your local ch's. Im in NY and cant get NBC...PBS...WB....and we have no digital UPN...so Im in a bad way with my locals also. The one thing I will say is that when you catch HD OTA...its USUALLY better than what any provider can provide to you.
vinnyv07 said:
I hear ya.....its really a matter of great debate. if you are in an area that doesnt get OTA HD Ch's then of course you want VOOm or anyone else to carry your local ch's. Im in NY and cant get NBC...PBS...WB....and we have no digital UPN...so Im in a bad way with my locals also. The one thing I will say is that when you catch HD OTA...its USUALLY better than what any provider can provide to you.
In my case I could get local OTA HD channels right now if I were willing to subscribe to cable.

I just want VOOM to provide them via satellite so I don't have to pay for 2 services. :D

I hope Kentstater72 is right that we will get them! Those extra 70 HD channels coming in March have to include something, right?

this is dishboy
i have dishnetwork,if voom add these channels,i will drop
dishnet work now. I LIKE VOOM HD CHANNELS

BFG said:
1) *Inhd1 & *Inhd2
2) Hdnet and HDnet Movies

I've never seen them but I think the HDNet pack has probably much better content.

16) *TRIO - Awesome channel that Direct TV has

News flash, DirecTV is dropping this channel, so much for that ;)

17) *FOX Sports Arizona - Need this real bad in HD or at least SD
not going to happen soon, because it would only be shown to a regional area

* Most important.


You state you have never seen them ?how could you make that statement, i for one have seen hdnet and the content on INHD and hdnet are great just becasue they are hd. my god we all loved the tennis matches bravo hd in hd the first trillion times we watched again because it was in hd,i think inhd has its shining moments as does hdnet but they both loop lots of content, in truth i want both of inhd 1&2 and hdnet, but at least i have seen them to make this statement !
Kentstater72 said:
1080iBeVuMin said:
My only "wish list" would be to get OTA HD programming over the satellite. We are too far from anywhere to get any HD OTA. We mainly would like to catch the shows on UPN and PBS. Can't get them unless we also subscribe to cable.

I am still quite confident this will be happening. CBS out of Green Bay is still a go. I am told January. Scott and Sean disagree but I stand by my prediction.
it is a good thought but then it wouldnt be OTA it would be sat locals

Welcome to the Forum, dishboy!

I moved your posting from "VOOM News" forum to this thread. Hope, you don't mind.
New Channeles Wish List

I would like them to add

Wealth Tv (HD)
Tech Tv (SD)
HD / HDNet
ABC HD( i get CBS over air not other 2)
Most important to me is Pay per view. I would love see Spiderman 2, Butterfly Effect in Hd. I am on my way to Blockbuster. Come on Voom give us Pay Per Vew - cinema 5.

how about HustlerHD to spice it up (Canadian Channel)

and of course DVR as soon as possible

HD DVD out in 9 months ( will that be something)
My wish list would be for ala-carte programming to be added. I hate to be forced to add 10 or 20 channels just to get one that I really want to view. If that would just let you pick the 15 or 20 channels that you personally want in a basic package. That would be better than being force fed with a lot of junk channels that aren't watched enough to stand on their own merits. I know that some sellers of programming require the cable or sat. companies to buy their junk programs in order to get the good programming. Fox is one of the worst offenders in this catagory.
Now that several people have expressed their opinions on what new channels Voom should carry, how much more in monthly fees are you will to spend to obtain these new channels?
Regional sports, regional sports, regional sports.

Absence is a dealkiller for some, both sports fans and HD consumers. Especially in an area like San Francisco, where Voomers will miss up to hundreds of HD baseball, basketball and hockey (don't even start :() games because we're missing this key channel available on all other HD providers here.

I'm new here and apologize for not researched the backstory; is D*/Fox screwing Voom here on the Fox Sports Net regionals?
Of equal importance will be fleshing out the SD lineup to ensure they compete on the basics with D*, E*, and cable. Sure, I would like as much HD as they can carry but not if it is crap or just upconverted and stretched SD material.

They neeed to add:

BBC America
Discovery Home
Discovery Kids
Discovery Wings
Disney West
History Channel International
National Geographic
Outdoor Channel
PBS Kids
For any family with small kids, PBS is a big deal (they do nice HD also).
Science Channel
VH1 Classic

They do NOT need to add any home shopping channels!

The SD channels should simply be upgrades to the existing VOOM package at no extra charge. Again, they need to establish content parity. If they did that, then the HD offerings becoe icing on the cake and they have a big winner.

Network HD channels should be made available to those who can not receive networks OTA or live in network O&O affiliate markets where perhaps they could be made available. No need to bother with networks in SD, if you have VOOM you probably have HD.

I do hope they publish soon what channels will be coming. This could encourage potential subscribers to sign up now rather than waiting to see what happens in March. Show me the new line-up Voom, if it covers the basics and is not much more $$$ then I will sign up today.
Hey Amphicar770 -
Your user name reminds me of the old Amphicar in the 1960s, the small amphibious car that drove on land and water. Any connection? I always wanted one of those.
Admittedly off topic but yes, I own an Amphicar and swim it regularly. I also run the 300+ member Amphicar group on Yahoo. My very outdated web site is at:

That's it, add the Amphibious Vehicles Channel. Now we are back on topic! :)
Hey, thanks for that link. Looks like I could spend some time there. I haven't thought about that vehicle in 30+ years.

And yes, bring on that Amphib Veh Channel in HD.
Amphicar770 said:
They neeed to add:
BBC America
Discovery Home
Discovery Kids
Discovery Wings
Disney West
History Channel International
National Geographic
Outdoor Channel
PBS Kids
For any family with small kids, PBS is a big deal (they do nice HD also).
Science Channel
VH1 Classic
They do NOT need to add any home shopping channels!
I agree with this list.....some of the ch's that are very big for my kids are PBS KIDS(Im hoping to get this OTA very soon), NickTOONS....NickWEST...for the wife LIFETIME and QVC(yes VOOM needs a shopping ch).
They need to add Univision (or a couple of the other spanish tv channels). My wife is from Colombia and likes to have atleast one channel in her native language to watch from time to time. That is why she like D*, because they offer two spanish channels with their base package. It's been like 4 years since I had E*, I know they had a spanish package, but can't remember if they offer any of them with the base package.
The kids are often the decision makers

Yes, reality is that directly or indirectly, for anyone with a family it is often the kids that will be the deciding factor. They are the ones who probably spend the most time in front of the TV and HD movies are not a six year olds biggest concern.

SD kid's programming is like air bags on a new car. They may not be sexy but if you do not have them, the family will look elsewhere. HDTV becomes the leather interior and the high output engine which will make the sale to Dad or Mom but ONLY if the airbags are there. From a business perspective I think that this is what VOOM initially missed and is now trying to address.

Yes, there are lots of tech-heads out there who will gladly spend $$$ on multiple providers and have to deal with switching inputs on the TV to go from one provider to the next. In most cases they are probably single! As a market segment, it is just not large enough to make VOOM viable as a business. The average family on a budget wants ONE service provider. It is a matter of BOTH cost AND simplicity.

VOOM is pretty darn close. If they flesh out the SD offerings to cover the basics then they can become the carrier of choice for BOTH families AND videophiles alike. This is a volume business with high fixed costs but lesser incremental costs. It is just a simple matter of a good business plan.

Grandfathered pricing still in effect?

What happens to my warranty when VOOM is sold?

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