voom just installed

A response to TYORK;

The OTA antenna that TYORK installed on my roof IS defective. And, I can prove it!

The antenna electronically shorted out the diplexer causing the voltage supplied to the LNB to be low. This low voltage at the LNB prevented the LNB from changing polarities. For people that don't know, there are two polarities, some SAT channels are on one polarity and other SAT channels are on the other. This defective antenna prevented me from receiving some SAT channels.

I still have the defective antenna hanging I my garage. I welcome TYORK to come to my house so that I can prove to her and VOOM that the antenna is actually defective.

It is true that I told her to leave the defective antenna on my roof. I wanted to redo her wiring job, because she simply removed the diplexer and replaced it with an (F81) F type barrel connector. The connection was not water proofed and I knew it would create problems in the future.

I'm sorry if I hurt TYORK's feelings.

Kind regards,

Earl F. Brune
efbrune said:
A response to TYORK;

The OTA antenna that TYORK installed on my roof IS defective. And, I can prove it!

The antenna electronically shorted out the diplexer causing the voltage supplied to the LNB to be low. This low voltage at the LNB prevented the LNB from changing polarities. For people that don't know, there are two polarities, some SAT channels are on one polarity and other SAT channels are on the other. This defective antenna prevented me from receiving some SAT channels.

I still have the defective antenna hanging I my garage. I welcome TYORK to come to my house so that I can prove to her and VOOM that the antenna is actually defective.

It is true that I told her to leave the defective antenna on my roof. I wanted to redo her wiring job, because she simply removed the diplexer and replaced it with an (F81) F type barrel connector. The connection was not water proofed and I knew it would create problems in the future.

I'm sorry if I hurt TYORK's feelings.

Kind regards,

Earl F. Brune

No feeling hurt here. You where trying to dog me out on here and if i had found this remark than no one on this web-site would have know that you had me leave the antenna on your garage and that you told me to use your attic antenna and as for defective part that is totally your assumption and it would not matter who come to service you voom you would not give in that it was anything else. You told me that you wanted your attic antenna hooked up cause you got more channel on that. And if i read in one of your early post that you could fix it yourself so i am not sure why you are trying to post negetive stuff about me. And I don't really care for the negetive post if they are truely negetive and the whole story it being told.
TYORK said:
No feeling hurt here. You where trying to dog me out on here and if i had found this remark than no one on this web-site would have know that you had me leave the antenna on your garage and that you told me to use your attic antenna and as for defective part that is totally your assumption and it would not matter who come to service you voom you would not give in that it was anything else. You told me that you wanted your attic antenna hooked up cause you got more channel on that. And if i read in one of your early post that you could fix it yourself so i am not sure why you are trying to post negetive stuff about me. And I don't really care for the negetive post if they are truely negetive and the whole story it being told.

What are you talking about? Are you trying to tell me it is ok for VOOM installers to install defective antennas? The OTA antenna that you installed on my roof IS defective, whether you want to believe it or not!

You and VOOM will not let me prove to you that you installed a defective antenna. It is a poor situation when the installers and VOOM does not care about their customers. You are demonstrating the fact that you don't care whether or not your installs are done correctly and with working components. That is sad!
efbrune said:
What are you talking about? Are you trying to tell me it is ok for VOOM installers to install defective antennas? The OTA antenna that you installed on my roof IS defective, whether you want to believe it or not!

You and VOOM will not let me prove to you that you installed a defective antenna. It is a poor situation when the installers and VOOM does not care about their customers. You are demonstrating that fact you don't care whether or not your installs are done correctly and with working components. That is sad!

Ok i see that you think you are right and everyone else is wrong so be it. But for you to say that i don't care about my customer you are so wrong, I go way beyond the call of duty to make my customer happy but some you can't make happy no matter what you do. All i can say is that for the most of my customer say 99% don't have a complaint with my installs or my customer service that i do at there home. But i quess there is that 1% that has to complain about something. So i will go on with what i do everyday and aim to please my customers.
TYORK said:
Ok i see that you think you are right and everyone else is wrong so be it. But for you to say that i don't care about my customer you are so wrong, I go way beyond the call of duty to make my customer happy but some you can't make happy no matter what you do. All i can say is that for the most of my customer say 99% don't have a complaint with my installs or my customer service that i do at there home. But i quess there is that 1% that has to complain about something. So i will go on with what i do everyday and aim to please my customers.

Are you calling me a liar?

I want you (VOOM) to fix my system so that I can get the local Indianpoolis TV channels. The OTA antenna that you installed does not do that! I paid for a OTA antenna and I did not get one. I want you to install a working OTA antenna.
No i can say that i didn't say you where a liar? all i can say is that i know that you were getting the most of this channel listed below. I can only install what voom provide and what they will aprove so my hand are tied on your antenna . I was working when i left you home and when i returned you had took of the diplexer on the inside cause you said you know how to fix it.
Type Call Sign Channel Network City State Live
Date Compass
Orientation Miles
From Frequency
* yellow - uhf WRTV-DT 6.1 ABC INDIANAPOLIS IN 33° 4.2 25
* yellow - uhf WTBU-DT 44 PBS INDIANAPOLIS IN FCC Ext 38° 3.5 44
* yellow - uhf WTHR-DT 13.1 NBC INDIANAPOLIS IN 32° 6.5 46
* yellow - uhf WXIN-DT 59.1 FOX INDIANAPOLIS IN 38° 3.5 45
* yellow - vhf WISH-DT 8.1 CBS INDIANAPOLIS IN 34° 3.5 9
* yellow - uhf WFYI-DT 20.1 PBS INDIANAPOLIS IN 33° 4.2 21
* green - uhf WNDY-DT 23.1 UPN MARION IN 41° 26.3 32
* lt green - uhf WHMB-DT 40.1 IND INDIANAPOLIS IN 53° 17.9 16
* red - uhf WIPX-DT 27 PAX BLOOMINGTON IN TBD 174° 30.9 27
* blue - uhf WTTV-DT 48.1 WB BLOOMINGTON IN 174° 30.7 48
TYORK said:
No i can say that i didn't say you where a liar? all i can say is that i know that you were getting the most of this channel listed below. I can only install what voom provide and what they will aprove so my hand are tied on your antenna . I was working when i left you home and when i returned you had took of the diplexer on the inside cause you said you know how to fix it.
Type Call Sign Channel Network City State Live
Date Compass
Orientation Miles
From Frequency
* yellow - uhf WRTV-DT 6.1 ABC INDIANAPOLIS IN 33° 4.2 25
* yellow - uhf WTBU-DT 44 PBS INDIANAPOLIS IN FCC Ext 38° 3.5 44
* yellow - uhf WTHR-DT 13.1 NBC INDIANAPOLIS IN 32° 6.5 46
* yellow - uhf WXIN-DT 59.1 FOX INDIANAPOLIS IN 38° 3.5 45
* yellow - vhf WISH-DT 8.1 CBS INDIANAPOLIS IN 34° 3.5 9
* yellow - uhf WFYI-DT 20.1 PBS INDIANAPOLIS IN 33° 4.2 21
* green - uhf WNDY-DT 23.1 UPN MARION IN 41° 26.3 32
* lt green - uhf WHMB-DT 40.1 IND INDIANAPOLIS IN 53° 17.9 16
* red - uhf WIPX-DT 27 PAX BLOOMINGTON IN TBD 174° 30.9 27
* blue - uhf WTTV-DT 48.1 WB BLOOMINGTON IN 174° 30.7 48

You are wrong! The OTA antenna that you installed only got channels 6 and 13. It could not receive any of the other channels. At the time of the install you told me to go to Radio Shack and buy an inside antenna. I want VOOM to install an OTA antenna that works!

Also, the OTA antenna you installed caused the LNB that you installed to only get some of the SAT channels. When you disconnected the OTA antenna all of the SAT channels started working. Doesn't that tell you something?
oh so no i am the liar. i done just what you whated me to do so you could use your attic antenna
TYORK said:
oh so no i am the liar. i done just what you whated me to do so you could use your attic antenna

I want VOOM to install a working OTA antenna!

I welcome you to come to my house and see for yourself. Maybe it will refresh your memory.

I will prove to you or anyone else that the antenna that VOOM provided is defective.
efbrune, just call Voom and asked for the upgraded antenna.
TYORK, you can't just talk to customers this way, just tell the customer to contact Voom for the upgrade and the service call.
I am going to jump in here and add something since I started the post. If you look earlier in the post and efbrunes responses to me. I could see why TYORK is treating efbrune the way she is. I was trying to answer his questions about my setup and the antenna installed. Heck I went out and climbed a ladder to see if I could find a model number for him and he was being a jerk to me. You can not make some people happy no matter whatt you do.
jhogue@hrtc.net said:
I am going to jump in here and add something since I started the post. If you look earlier in the post and efbrunes responses to me. I could see why TYORK is treating efbrune the way she is. I was trying to answer his questions about my setup and the antenna installed. Heck I went out and climbed a ladder to see if I could find a model number for him and he was being a jerk to me. You can not make some people happy no matter whatt you do.

You are lucky, you have a working antenna to look at! I don't even have a working OTA antenna to look at. You have an OTA antenna that gets channels from 40 miles away from your house. The antenna that Voom gave me will not get channels 5 miles away from my house. Consider yourself very lucky.
jhogue@hrtc.net said:
I am going to jump in here and add something since I started the post. If you look earlier in the post and efbrunes responses to me. I could see why TYORK is treating efbrune the way she is. I was trying to answer his questions about my setup and the antenna installed. Heck I went out and climbed a ladder to see if I could find a model number for him and he was being a jerk to me. You can not make some people happy no matter whatt you do.

Thank You
here is a happy voomer

Theresa was the tech who came out to install the first time and she new NOTHING about Voom. Well almost nothing. Welll anyway I showed here how everything is supposed to work and she went on her way. That was in March of last year.

I am now Vooming once again thanks to Theresa and enjoying the concerts on Rave. Theresa has come along way since March and is out in the trenches rain or shine, or like last night by the light of a flashlight due to no power at a customers house, installing legions of Voom dishes across central Indiana. Thanks Theresa!
All I want is an OTA antenna that works! The OTA antenna that Voom gave me is defective. All I'm asking is that Voom give me an OTA antenna that works.
Ok, guys.. we are going back and forth with this... Let's keep this stuff off the thread... It is not doing anything good to anyone... :) Thanks for your understanding...
Sean Mota said:
Ok, guys.. we are going back and forth with this... Let's keep this stuff off the thread... It is not doing anything good to anyone... :) Thanks for your understanding...

Sorry Sean
Just trying to defend my Name in my area.
but i understand what you are saying
efbrune said:
All I want is an OTA antenna that works! The OTA antenna that Voom gave me is defective. All I'm asking is that Voom give me an OTA antenna that works.

The antenna is only part of your problem. HD OTA signals are very sensitive to multipath interference. Trees and distant tall buildings in the line of sight can break up a digital signal to below the threshold of reception. Digital signals are either there and usable or they are not.

I have found antenna orientation of just a couple of degrees can make or break a digital signal.

The solution to most problematic antenna installations is the use of an antenna rotor. I know this sounds like a hassle but, if you are close enough to the different transmitter towers multipath rejection and aiming become even more critical. Try the rotor and see if that helps.

What do we kick around now?

CRT vs LCD vs DLP vs Plasma on Voom

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