Update: 6/21
Well, the original "first" installer said no way (trees). So I thought I found an area 150' along a privacy fence that had a los. So I called voom and scheduled a new install.
This time I wanted to make it too easy for the guy. I got out an old dtv dish, my sat sig meter and using my dtv receiver to power the meter, I wanted to verifying the voom sat location (along the fence). My newer oval dtv dish is mounted on the roof. I just wanted to make sure this old round dtv dish (and the meter) still worked, and could pick up a sat sig, other than the dtv sat. So I took the dish, meter, and went up on the roof (connecting to my dtv receiver). Well, the dtv sat was hard to pin point (even though my oval dtv dish is on the roof and pointed at it), I was having a hard time getting the dtv sat sig on the test dish, but finally did. My neighbors have dish net, and from my roof, I could see their dish net dish was pointed just a tad to the east of dtv's sat. So (holding the dish in my hands, mind you) I swung a bit to the east and got another sat sig on the meter. That HAD to be dish net's sat. I was getting about an 80 meter strength from the dtv sat, and about the same from dish net's sat. Then, I "just" thought, I'd swing the dish in the voom sat's direction. Wow! Thru all the trees, I was getting a 95 (close to 100) reading on the meter. How could this be??? So (in shock), I readied a new rg6 cable from that location on the roof, inside to the tv (for the voom receiver). All was ready to go. So now this second installer comes out, I could see in his face he was thinking "no way, too many trees". Before he could speak, I told him I did most the work for him, and that I had an old dtv dish on the roof (next to the oval dtv dish), that was just temp mounted on a board just lying on the roof and pointing to the voom sat. The installer said that the dtv lbn was the same as the voom (which I knew). So (as I hoped) he went first right into installing the receiver to the tv, and it worked perfect. He had a 90-95 voom sig. He then suggested he just perm mount my old dtv dish on the roof, instead of the voom dish. It didn't matter to me, so he went that way. ANyway, I'm voomed. Thru the trees. An install the first installer said wouldn't work. All I can guess is the voom sat must be a lot stronger, powerful, than the dish and dtv sats? The worst part was the installer waiting on hold, calling voom, to activate my account. That took as long as the install. Voom's pretty neet. Its nice changing channels and getting so many in hd. Its the way tv should be in general, some day.
Btw, I did ask the installer to leave the voom dish with me (he didn't use), just incase I needed a new dish to put up. Later I thought too, that if I were ever to cancel, voom would want the voom dish back and I would not have it. I'd have to convince voom that the installer used an old dtv dish instead. You can guess how that would go over!
Now I need to know how to make settings on the receiver (other than the basic settings in the on-screen setup menu. What other things can you get into to change, and how do you get into?