Well this site is a true God send in that my install never happen yesterday 6/8 and I vented my frustation on this web site not knowing what would really happen ,but Sean read my thread and told me to e-mail Wilt. I thought what the Hell nothing else is working so I e-mailed Wilt and lo and behole, I get an e-mail back that same day that said he would escalate the matter
. Well in about 1hr I got a call from Melissa telling me that what I went throught was uneceptable and that they would send some one out to my house by 6pm. Well at 5:30pm theres a knock on my door and in the rain stood my new installer. Even thought he knew he couldn't install my system becuase of the rain he came to make sure my line of site was good. Now that's customer service
. They are coming back friday 6/11 to do the install. It's obvious that I was changed to a different installer who by the way has called me no less than 6 times in 2 days to asure and comfrim. Thanks Sean, Wilt and MetroTech.