Voom HD For Sale?

I'll join the group that says that the Voom channels can be merged, and content moved to the various channels. For example, look at the programming listing for FilmFest. I don't have any problem with the movies they are showing, but the number is somewhere around 12 for the month. Repeated over, and over, and over. Why can't FilmFest and World Cinema be merged? Even throw in the above requested adult anime and other feature-length cartoons, and you've got a solid station.

Same with Animation and Family Room. Why not a single "family room" with classic cartoons, current cartoons, family movies, Flipper, etc. Some of the programming from Treasure HD could be moved to Equator (Chasing History Home, Quintessential Cities, etc.), others could move to Ultra.

Monsters HD seems to have a good programming mix, and a good number of movies, and HD News should be left alone, but there are plenty of opportunities to merge some of the channels.

I'd much rather have 5 well-programmed, 15-18 hours per day channels, than have 15 channels that repeat their programming every 3-4 hours, 2-3 days per week every month. This isn't just Voom, but all cable channels. There are waaay too many repeats on most channels, and truly new programming is harder and harder to find.
Well, you are right, It is my opinion. This is a forum so thats not out of bounds.

I don't attack that Voom has a unique quality with their Channels that is appreciated by many. But I see that like INHD2, they have run their course as far as usefulness to the providers is concerned, or will have once the slate of new HD offerings actually arrives by the end of the year as stated by D*.

Even though there are many who really like the Voom channels, I think that their appreciation of them will do as much to keep them on the air, as much as the former Voom customers where able to keep the Voom DBS service afloat.

I expect that if Voom does not find additional carriers very soon, then they will have missed the boat and will not be able to get their way into Cable lineups due to the expanded HD offerings. I would then expect Charlie to reduce his payment to Voom, since he has to split the pie up with more HD channels. Voom will not have enough funds. They will likely consolidate their HD channels to a few, add commercials, and try to at least sell those few to other carriers. I'm still surprise they haven't cut a deal with FiOS yet.

Buy hey, its just an opinion.

Nice post... I didn't mean to say opinions are bad or to personally attack you. It's just that I am getting tired of seeing the endless Voom bashing that seems to go on around here for no reason other than individuals not being interested in the content.
Same with Animation and Family Room. Why not a single "family room" with classic cartoons, current cartoons, family movies, Flipper, etc.

This would be a very bad idea. When I feel like watching cartoons, I don't want to turn on the cartoon channel and see Flipper. I don't like all of the cartoons that play throughout the day on Cartoon Network or Boomerang, but I understand they are trying to appeal to a broader audience and that there are probably people that watch the shows that I don't watch.

The Voom channels are not the only ones that repeat content throughout the day. Discovery and most of the other popular ones do this too. And as previously mentioned, not everyone has a DVR or sufficient DVR memory to record everything they want to watch.
The Voom channels are not the only ones that repeat content throughout the day. Discovery and most of the other popular ones do this too. And as previously mentioned, not everyone has a DVR or sufficient DVR memory to record everything they want to watch.

Correct. I don't like all the repeats on Discovery HD, either. I've had Discovery HD from one provider or another since the day it launched, and I'm still seeing some of the same programming that was there on day 1. I am glad, however, that Discovery HD is a single channel with programming from Discovery, Travel, Animanl Planet, TLC and other Discovery SD channels, rather than an HD simulcast of each of those channels. Same with HGTV and Food HD. Two channels instead of 4, with programming coming from each of them is a welcome consolidation in my eyes. I'd still like to see more programming, but let's use the existing channels more efficiently before launching more and more channels.
That would be interesting. DirecTV and Comcast paying Dish for programming.

If the rumor proves true, D* could end up with a larger share of VOOM / Rainbow than what E* presently owns. So Dish would be paying D*.

I believe that D* will not carry VOOM unless they buy a big share of Rainbow. I don't think they are going to pay E* to carry those channels. Especially since there is no large outcry for D* to pick them up.
It's just that I am getting tired of seeing the endless Voom bashing that seems to go on around here for no reason other than individuals not being interested in the content.
I can understand that. I personally don't have a problem with the content or the frequency of airings for Voom, so you won't see me posting complaints to that effect. I will say that the James Bond Film Fest last June was the greatest value I ever got out of Voom. I hope that they can do that again this year.
Filmfest is great it reminds me of the old Z Channel in the eclectic choices of films, and although it repeats a lot through the day, they usually have different stuff throughout the week.

The animation channel is useless, as a lot of the shows are just upconverts.

World sport is sad. I'm not sure how much demand there is for showing Canadian football games from 2 years ago, but they sure pimp that a lot.

Rave has been good from time to time. I think they could condense the channels down and make them more diverse.

Does anyone seriously watch the fashion channel?
They should combine all those Voom channels into 3 or 4 channels then the repeating of programs and shows will go down. The bandwith will also be used more efficiently with just 3 or 4 channels and that might make it more appealing to Directv and other cable companies.

I like your idea. Migrate the channels into half as many would be a good move.
I watch many programs on Equator, Rave, Rush, Gallery, FilmFest and even Ultra very regularly.

And I also 'watch' these channels every weekend - 'watch' meaning one of them is 'on' all day as I goof around the house doing other stuff. There is something very satisfying, appealing, and tranquil about having Voom on, even when I'm not paying close attention. Aside from the great programs, one of the important features for me about Voom is the lack of commercials. Commercials for me are often an abrupt, loud invasion into my personal space. I have little patience for the 2 to even 7(!) minute commercial breaks.

Equator for me, is equal to NatGraphicHD in most of its programming, so much so that I barely ever watch NG. Equator becomes superior to NG when I factor in the annoying commercials (not to mention the non HD content they often air).

I'll agree that Voom is niche, and unfortunately many people don't even know about it. I didn't before this past December...and I would consider myself one of their primary demographic targets (support PBS, high disposable income, willing to pay for premiums, tree hugger, crunchy, etc). I don't have kids, but if I did, I think Voom is the kind of programming I'd prefer them to watch.

I also have 2 622s, and DVR a bunch of stuff on both, but sometimes I don't want to make a conscious choice about what to watch next, I just want to be fed something from a slate of programming that I consider PBS-like. Cant tell you how many times I've been in the kitchen getting a coffee refill, and get sucked into something on Equator

I'm so tired of dumbed-down traditional and cable network programming that tries to appeal to both ends of the spectrum, and everything in between. I can't stand much of it.

Having said all that, the Voom programming is kinda repetitive, and I could live with the type of consolidation outlined above by Jeff_R...particularly if it came down to 'saving' Voom from a demise.

But for me, Voom, rarely, if ever, disappoints.
Does anyone seriously watch the fashion channel?

This question could easily be asked for about 50 or more SD channels that are taking up satellite space and wasting bandwidth.

In the context of a conversation limited only to Voom, of course there are options that could be explored to maximize the space and bandwidth Voom channels use.

However, in the overall scheme of things, before one Voom channel is touched, many SD channels need to give way to better utilization in providing quality HD content.

We as avid consumers of HD programming need to do a much better job of educating our family, friends, and neighbors. Many of them have no real appreciation of good HD and cost effective ways of enjoying good HD. When the general public starts to become HD wise, the content providers will see dollar signs and make spending our money worthwhile.

BUT, as long as there are people who are content to listen to music on AM radio over one speaker in their dashboard, there's no reason to change anything.
This question could easily be asked for about 50 or more SD channels that are taking up satellite space and wasting bandwidth.

In the context of a conversation limited only to Voom, of course there are options that could be explored to maximize the space and bandwidth Voom channels use.

However, in the overall scheme of things, before one Voom channel is touched, many SD channels need to give way to better utilization in providing quality HD content.

We as avid consumers of HD programming need to do a much better job of educating our family, friends, and neighbors. Many of them have no real appreciation of good HD and cost effective ways of enjoying good HD. When the general public starts to become HD wise, the content providers will see dollar signs and make spending our money worthwhile.

BUT, as long as there are people who are content to listen to music on AM radio over one speaker in their dashboard, there's no reason to change anything.

I actually know people that have bought nice HD tv's but don't have any HD programming. They for whatever reason, haven't bothered to upgrade their service to include HD. Makes no sense to me.

Swapping LNB's...Install Question

Why is my receiver doing this?
