dziko said:
It is time to move on, Cablevision has and so should we.
So should
you. Speak for yourself.
dziko said:
If you want to keep enjoying the Voom service then go on.
Will do. Appreciate the permission.
dziko said:
But this will just drag out the fact that Voom will be gone soon.
I disagree. It'll just give me as much enjoyment from Voom as I can get.
dziko said:
I would also like to state that The Timm can continue to view Voom for as long as they will let him and I hope he enjoys it.
Um...thanks again.
dziko said:
I also feel that a personal attack is not the right thing to do.
I agree. So where was the personal attack?
I'm awfully sorry if I offended by describing you as a "jilted, bitter dziko", but those are your adjectives, not mine.
dziko said:
I am just express my thoughts on this matter; as are you and everyone els.
Actually, you were calling for all Voom subs to drop Voom ASAP, unless I misinterpret the words, "I would like for all Voom subs to drop VOOM ASAP", which is possible. If you were indeed just expressing your wants and not trying to tell me what to do, fine. My bad. Ever so sorry.
dziko said:
Lets just keep it about Voom. I did say that I felt jilted, I was just letting you know I felt.
Agreed. But I was under the impression you were trying to talk all Voom subs into dropping Voom, which I don't like -- so I was just letting you know how I felt.
dziko said:
I loved Voom and I will be sorry when they close.
Me, too. But you won't actually still be here, will you? Or is it just all the
other Voom subs you want to drop Voom ASAP?
Basically, the point of my post was that just because you feel jilted and bitter isn't necessarily reason for everyone else to jump ship. It appears that the ship is going down fast, and many of us want to enjoy the ride as long as we can. So feel bitter. Feel jilted. But why would it make you feel better for everyone to drop Voom? Move on , already.