But now not HD.Why not capture them on DVD's? It is what I did........
But now not HD.Why not capture them on DVD's? It is what I did........
You mean they failed twice in five years.
I come to this thread for a laugh. The same 10 people posting the same thing over and over.
The post I commented about made it sound like an accomplishment that Voom lasted for almost five years. In reality they have failed as a stand alone service and on Dish in that time frame.
People need to stop crying over the death of voom on dish. It was vooms fault. The channels were to different to each other. it seems like most people loved 1 or 2 channels, but not all 15 I loved Monstershd for the first couple of months, but then I saw most of their content. I would then only watch it once or twice a week and eventually less than that. Rave was cool but they only had 4 or 5 shows that interested me and no new content. I would watch Rush every now and then but they repeated more than the other channels. If voom kept me interested with new programming maybe I wouldn't have dropped to the lower package. Apparently they didn't keep many people interested.
If you want to be mad at somebody be mad at Voom. They did this to you. They let you down.![]()
I am questioning people like you who somehow think removing true HD content is a good idea.
I do not believe he has ever said what you have just implied.
Well, you just had to go and ruin it for you, didn't you?It's funny that these guys did nothing but cry about some Voomers going into threads and discussing Voom but you see they can't stay away from the Voom thread. Though KAB to his credit is being civil.
Its hard not to look, since its always under "New Posts"
But Its still just the same old repeating content. Just like Voom.
Voom is the best thing E* ever had. Though for a stretch of about 6 months they did repeat the same stuff over and over and over again. During regular Voom operations I don't think they repeated material more than any other national channel. HDNet Movies repeats some too. MGM has just been a big piece of crap. Too bad they have a lot of good stuff much like UHD they refuse to show it.
MGM has had some good movies, and no commercials (unlike UHD), so it's not a complete waste, though I know they have a huge catalog of excellent movies that haven't shown up yet.
Voom had huge repeat issues the last 6 months they were on. I think they saw issues/trouble coming and a week or so before they were yanked, started working in a lot of new movies and concerts (many are on my EHD's), but by then the writing was on the wall. They dragged their feet too long on getting new programming in the pipe...simple as that.
I miss several of the Voom channels quite a bit and the replacements for them have been, well, less than of equal value (and I'm being kind).
However, much as I missed Rave, Rush, Monsters and Movies, I've also gotten over it now. I've resigned myself to the fact that they're not coming back and have gotten past it.
Life goes on...
This Voomer is converting...
Death to Voom!
At this point, Voom has made it impossible for anyone to carry Monsters HD or any of their other channels. It's time for Voom to close up shop, claim bankruptcy or whatever and try to get $1,000,000,000 from Dish.
It's pretty obvious that Voom is digging its heels in for the long run, refusing to do anything that might make a profit as to not loose their Dish lawsuit.
That puts Voom on its death bed (and that's what they want the courts to see). But until it dies, a newer Monsters HD or Rave HD or whatever will not be created.
From the Death of Voom, a new premium commercial free HD Monsters/Sci-Fi channel will rise. The demand and customer audience is there, ready to convert.
Death to Voom!
How disheartening to hear you say this. You are however right on some points. Voom is being inflexible. But is this due to the fact that dish broke a contract?
No one ''really'' knows the true facts or who did what here.
All I know is that programming I loved is gone. Period.
No good is coming from this.