VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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I just got a dish network advertisement in the mail, and it says leader in HD and has all the Voom channels listed, gotta love false advertisement.
Geronimo, I have expressed my opinion about how I feel what the document is reporting. I have also said in another location that I would like to read E* response to these allegations as well. In the meantime, there is no response from E* and this is what we have until E* starts singing.

By the same token, there were some here in this forum that posted that it was V* who had said no to the 5 channels remaining. I accepted that as a fact because V* never responded to that but now that V* has stated, in the same document, that it was E* that did it without their consent, I can only go with the document provided by V*.

I still feel the same way because it was money that I paid out for service that I was not given and could have gotten it. Until E* comes out saying no to do this, I will believe this document.
What I find a little strange is the documents on file with the court (Complaint, Reply Counterclaim and Amended Complaint) are filings from VOOM. Where is EchoStar's Counterclaim and why isn't it filed with the court? Were there too many "trade secrets" or "company most private" information to release to the public. I found it difficult reading VOOM's [edited?] Reply Counterclaim without being able to read EchoStar CounterClaim.

Does anyone have a link to E*'s Counterclaim or can post it here?

Again, I don't see how two companies can see something so completely different without one of them knowingly stretching the truth.

What I find a little strange is the documents on file with the court (Complaint, Reply Counterclaim and Amended Complaint) are filings from VOOM. Where is EchoStar's Counterclaim and why isn't it filed with the court? Were there too many "trade secrets" or "company most private" information to release to the public. I found it difficult reading VOOM's [edited?] Reply Counterclaim without being able to read EchoStar CounterClaim.

Does anyone have a link to E*'s Counterclaim or can post it here?

Again, I don't see how two companies can see something so completely different without one of them knowingly stretching the truth.


People are posting the VOOM filings but if you check the original ruling you will seea synopsis of the Echostar filings as of that date what the judge thought and enogh info to search for wahtever else you want.
Voom was a Great Idea. Why can't we just all agree the repeats were excessive. You all can't believe Voom was great the way it was. I know in the back of "even the most Diehard Voom Fans"head that Voom could use some programming work. Thats all Voom had to do,add more programming.

Oh, I agree - they had some terrible repeat periods from time to time.

But we are all learning now that even the New HDs have a chronic repeat issue as well (plus many lack HD content).

Repeats were not unique to Voom.
Ever since we lost VOOM, I've been wondering just what it is I am going to do. I feel that TV in HD is becoming irrelevant. I mean really, satellite and cable providers are compressing the heck out of these channels, and now 15 of these HDlite things are gone. Am I to complain? Is the game really to get me to beg to have these HDlite channels back, thereby getting me to accept inferior picture quality? I do miss VOOM, but had these channels been delivered to me in superior HD quality, I would be screaming bloody murder right now!! As it is now, I am watching very little TV in "HD", and I look to my HD DVD and BluRay collection to deliver on the promise of what High Definition video and sound is supposed to be. HD TV is just not important to me anymore. Now that's what I call irrelevant.

I'm not a tech guy, but...

It seems compression is a problem for E* NOT D*

E* needs more birds in the air, otherwise they will continue compressing.

I believe D* compresses, but no where near as bad as E*

Whatever Cable does to HD is a sin and should never be spoken.

But I agree on the Blue-Ray for the true experience.
Does anyone have a link to E*'s Counterclaim or can post it here?

Again, I don't see how two companies can see something so completely different without one of them knowingly stretching the truth.


That's law for you.

Complaints from Voom are going to be written by their lawyers to benefit Voom.

Any response from E* will be written by E* lawyers to benefit E*

The two stories don't have to match at all.

It is then up to a judge, jury, and I to find the truth as best as one can.

Charlie has a long history of bullying. If Voom found a repeat-rerun loophole to try to back off E* while they were threatening to drop Voom from the agreed upon tier, I have no problem with that.

Who started bullying who first?
Scott, you have D* and E*, which one compresses the signal more and which one has the better picture. Let's hear an opinion form the master.
People are posting the VOOM filings but if you check the original ruling you will seea synopsis of the Echostar filings as of that date what the judge thought and enogh info to search for wahtever else you want.
The filings and the ruling on the temporary injunction are on file and publically available for downloading. However, there are no documents, specifially EchoStar's CounterClaim, from EchoStar that are publically available. Yes, one can gleen small nuggets from the judges ruling...however, his ruling was narrow in scope and, to be honest, it paints an incomplete pictures sine VOOM raised perhaps a hundred of more issue in their complain and only a small percentage of those were addressed by the judge.

A good example would be VOOM's assertion that EchoStar's cheif auditor (Ms Knight?) reported finding no problems with VOOM's books. Likewise, we also see where this woman was deposed in the complaint. However, I don't think the judge mentioned anything about her deposition or what, if any, weight it was given. Plus, what was Ms. Knight's testimony and what, if any, artifacts does VOOM have in support of their claim. Personally, I would like to read EchoStar's CounterClaim to VOOM...but it's not posted on the NY Courts website, 600292/2008.
Why is Scott so quiet on this???

Id love to hear Scotts an ''unbiased'' view on this.

Scott, who I have tremendous respect for should must be livid at what dish did to


The fact that he knows more than us and ISN'T livid tells me that there's a big piece of this puzzle missing.

I trust Scott, and that's why I'm no longer harping on the Voom removal.

The $5 or so I'm still paying for Voom though...that's another story. :D
The fact that he knows more than us and ISN'T livid tells me that there's a big piece of this puzzle missing.

I trust Scott, and that's why I'm no longer harping on the Voom removal.

The $5 or so I'm still paying for Voom though...that's another story. :D
Scott has called Voom demo/eye candy HD channels in the last 30 days, so while certainly not a Voom hater, he's not a fan. He has stated there are too many repeats for his liking.

We Voom lovers (whichever the 15 channels we happened to be most fond), obviously prefer to have the channels than not. It is a big undertaking to have non-stop new content. I was satisfied with the trickling in of brand new (2008) content that Voom added. Would I have liked even more new content, sure, but in the 18 months I had Voom, I came nowhere close to watching everything they had to offer. At the same time, I think I've seen every single show that Smithsonian has aired since we got it on 5/12. They do have one new show this Friday - "D Day: The True Story of Omaha" at 9pm EDT. They only have 100 total hours of shows that they are going to have to run again and again till they add more. The complaints about repeats on this channel are going to increase...and I'm sure they'll be a call to remove this worthless channel to add another...
The quantity of repeats is a debatable issue and everyone has a threshold for what is and is not acceptable. Do people expect more out of Voom or simply the same as every other channel?
A lot of channels have repeats thats just the way it is, you cant expect Voom to be much different, there were times where they had more repeats than it seemed they should but it was ok by me, I cant watch TV 24 hours a day.
Scott has called Voom demo/eye candy HD channels in the last 30 days, so while certainly not a Voom hater, he's not a fan. He has stated there are too many repeats for his liking.
While VOOM used to be, at minimum, eye-candy at some distant time in the past on Dish Network, over the past 2 years it reminded me more of a fat kid who had eaten too much of Charlie's brand of DishHD-Lite eye-candy and spewed HD-Lite chunks all over my HDTV screen. What used to be a feast for the visual senses had, in fact, turned out to be an eye-gouging experience administered by the likes of EchoStar engineers Moe, Larry, and Curly.

The pain of watching VOOM while being poked in the eyeballs got to me after a couple years. Life is too short to suffer watching inferior quality HD-Lite.

I wonder if VOOM will amend their complaint to include Dish Network stealing roughly 33% of their HD picture and still calling it HD. Heck, I would find them guilty on that count alone...and sentence them to lifetime of DishHD-Lite. VOOM's infamous "fiber problem" my eye!!!

As far as all the repeats...I can't figure out whey E* would demand VOOM repeat more of their programming back in November 2007.

:) = VOOM HD the way it used to be
;) = VOOM after getting any eye poked out watching DishHD
I was away for my Birthday, got back last night.

Both Dish and DirecTV look about equal now. DirecTV looked MUCH better when DirecTV 10 first launched but now appears to have gotten softer.

Some things now look better on Dish however some things look better on DirecTV. I believe its just how they have the encoders setup and the programming airing, as Discovery HD on Dish sometimes looks better on Dish and then sometimes it looks better on DirecTV.

There is no winner as far as HD Quality goes in the Satellite world.

Yes FIOS look the best of them all, but again how many HD channels does FIOS have? (Just posting this because someone always pops in and raves about FIOS which is only available in a small portion of the country) :)
Yeah well the more FIOS adds that might all change again with them its how they have their network setup.. For most part all of their video is going across fiber to the home to where most other providers are not doing this yet..
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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