VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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The #1 reason I thought anybody bought an HDTV was to watch HDTV...NOT SD!!!!!!!!!! I don't know anyone who bought an HDTV just for sports. This still doesn't explain the desire for people to demand these Nat'l channels in SD over any other channels in HD..We (masses) already had ABC Family, Disney, etc. So what, now it's in 5.1...........IT'S STILL SD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that the ultimate debate here? Losing HD for SD??? (and the way it was handled, I guess)

Dish now wants to compete the way D* does. They are done being that other comapny that has a better low price end and programming you can't get anywhere else.
The key to new subs is giving them what they want. Joe Sixpack has NO IDEA what HD is because they learned about it from the kid at Best Buy who told them that their new 120Hz LCD panel will need 120Hz digital cables from Monster to work properly.

Since I don't watch my music and my kids don't live on visual pap, Dish is quickly becoming a provider that does not serve my preferences. This is why I say OTA and dvds/bluray from Netflix will probably become my next provider.
Man, spending a couple grand to watch 3 or 4 shows in HD
Thats basically what I do. It isnt that I dont enjoy anything else, I simply dont have the time to watch all of the "300 hours" of programming that they took off. With the time I do have, I would rather watch something that interests me a little more, and generally speaking thats the main four networks, and sports. Everyone is different.
I just got off the phone with an account specialist? and the lady told me that Dish got rid of the Voom channels, not because of the lawsuit going on right now (I doubt that very much), but because of the new HD channels that were launched. She said Dish wants to bring the Voom channels back but she didn't know when they would be back. It sounds like a PR statement but I dunno if it's true.

This is why I am going to be patient and hope for the best, I am still thinking this may be something Dish plans to do, and now that they showed Voom that they mean business they may get what they want out of it.
Sports in HD was the driving motivator that caused me to purchase an HDTV.....Now that I have one, I really enjoy watching my other shows in HD, but sports is what drove the purchase.
I'm a pretty passive guy where mostly nothing gets under my skin but removing VOOM and especially Monsters HD does. If Dish doesn't want to carry VOOM it's their choice and I could care less what their reasons are. However, they should sever all ties to them so VOOM at least has an opportunity to be picked up by Direct.

If Direct picks up the VOOM channels I'll immediately switch and I'll be really angry at Dish for forcing me to do this.

Even so, I'm now so angry at Dish that I'm now exploring other options. Where I used to automatically throw away any mailings from Direct TV and others (cable, etc.) without even opening the letters, I now am reading each one of them.
I'm a pretty passive guy where mostly nothing gets under my skin but removing VOOM and especially Monsters HD does. If Dish doesn't want to carry VOOM it's their choice and I could care less what their reasons are. However, they should sever all ties to them so VOOM at least has an opportunity to be picked up by Direct.

If Direct picks up the VOOM channels I'll immediately switch and I'll be really angry at Dish for forcing me to do this.

Even so, I'm now so angry at Dish that I'm now exploring other options. Where I used to automatically throw away any mailings from Direct TV and others (cable, etc.) without even opening the letters, I now am reading each one of them.

Man I am with you on this one.
Even so, I'm now so angry at Dish that I'm now exploring other options. Where I used to automatically throw away any mailings from Direct TV and others (cable, etc.) without even opening the letters, I now am reading each one of them.

Wow! How many of those mailings have you gotten since midnight that you've read each one of them?

:D I'm just joking with you, since it sounded like you've already received a bunch, and they just shut off MonstersHD.
Voom was cool until all the reruns. They ended up being HD demo channels. DISH really wants to kiss our ass now and will be adding HD left and right.
I am the same way Monsters was my only reason comming to Dish, I started getting used to the other channels like Equator and Rave but I am selfish too I would be happy with just Monsters
The problem is that the general populace is not filled with the HD-geeks like you and me. In the end E* has to try and get subscribers and we are definitely living in an age where "brand recognition" rules. I really think the DirecTV ads about the "Channels you've never heard of" hurt E* more than we know.

I blame this more on the "masses" and VOOM than anything else. Although, I blame E* for the poor way they handled the removal.

I tend to agree with the statement you made here........ I know people are upset they lost some channels that are in their viewing habits, but the fact is, DISH had to make a decision. These channels do not bring in new subs. DISH's numbers on their earnings report were down substantially. They have to make drastic changes, that includes adding channels that the majority of people percieve to be the mainstream channels. The general public want channels they know and recognize.

Let's face it, Dish is trying to increase the new subs. If a potential new sub wanted to view the HD offerings from DISH, which would they prefer to see? Keep in mind, they are probably comparing the channels to DirecTV's offerings.

NEW HD Channels added on Monday:

  1. CNN
  2. USA
  3. SCI-FI
  5. BRAVO
  15. CNBC
  17. MGM

Plus these hopeful and eventual additions in place of the 15 removed VOOM Channels:

  1. MTV
  2. CMT
  3. VH-1
  5. SPEED
  6. FUEL
  7. FX
  10. SPIKE
  12. HBO-W
  13. SHO-TOO
  15. STARZ-W

OR..... Would the potential new sub rather see these? (Perhaps they have never even heard of)

Former VOOM Channels on DISH:

  5. RAVE
  9. KUNG FU
  13. RUSH
  15. HDNEWS

I think Dish is making a HARD but good decision for their long term. Who know's, maybe later the VOOM Channels will return, but for now, in the short term, they had to make a tough decision.

As far as how they followed through with their plan, I'm sure legalities played a major part in how they were removed and discussed (or not).

Also, another thing to keep in mind, HD is more mainstream now, it's no longer just for the enthusiast. Many retail stores now only sell HDTV sets. This forces a lot of other consumers into this arena that would not normally be in this market. Prices have come down as well, so it brings in a whole different type of subs and viewing audience.

The main thing DISH wants is to keep up with the HD subs, and the last couple of quarters has not been well for DISH. They obviously understand now, and are finally making moves trying to adjust.

I for one, stuck around when I and everyone felt like DISH was falling behind by not adding any HD channels, We were all complaining that they weren't doing anything. Where are the new channels? Well, I guess we have to be careful what we ask for. I stuck around during the drought, and I will stick around now. The main reason I have stuck around has always been for one main reason. The DVR. I would be PO'd if they had to remove the DVR functions because of the TIVO lawsuit, so I can empathize with those who are upset with the VOOM channels. However, I still put the blame on VOOM for this mess.
My prediction... This is a ploy by Charlie to purchase the Voom networks outright for cheap. Once CVC doesn't pick them back up, he'll come in with a lowball offer to get the networks. Then he'll keep the best ones (with maybe fewer repeats), consolidate the others, and have something to use against D*.

Hey, we can hope can't we?
Sports in HD was the driving motivator that caused me to purchase an HDTV.....Now that I have one, I really enjoy watching my other shows in HD, but sports is what drove the purchase.
My driving motivator was my ten year old 60" SD RPTV going belly up. I didn't want to go down in screen size, and you can't find an SD set that large. Or even a 720p one. So I ended up with a 65" 1080p HDTV. The sport I watch most is hockey and to be honest, SD hockey on a 60" SD set wasn't all that bad. However, SD hockey on a 65" HDTV is just horrible. Basically unwatchable. There is a big big big difference in SD vs. HD hockey on a large HDTV however.

Given a choice between watching a regular show in HD or SD, of course I'll choose the HD version. Most of my TV viewing, what little there is of it in the first place, is major network shows. I don't normally go "exploring new things" just because they are in HD. Junk programming is still junk. Commercials are still commercials. Junk is no more appealing in HD than it was in SD. It's just a TV.
Gotta say.. folks may be upset about losing VOOM but going to Direct? looks like knee-jerk reaction to me.

what channels does Direct have that are worth:

- the effort of switching
- paying upfront cost
- getting worse DVR (by most opinions)
- paying more per month

when I look at the HD vs HD chart, I see maybe 3 channels that would be ok to have.. in other words I watched the SD version MAYBE for less than 1 hour per month.

I have no huge love of Dish, but looking at things as a current subscriber, or even as a potential subscriber.. I don't see how you beat the Dish HD-only package.
Gotta say.. folks may be upset about losing VOOM but going to Direct? looks like knee-jerk reaction to me.

what channels does Direct have that are worth:

- the effort of switching
- paying upfront cost
- getting worse DVR (by most opinions)
- paying more per month

when I look at the HD vs HD chart, I see maybe 3 channels that would be ok to have.. in other words I watched the SD version MAYBE for less than 1 hour per month.

I have no huge love of Dish, but looking at things as a current subscriber, or even as a potential subscriber.. I don't see how you beat the Dish HD-only package.

More HD, and the NFL package.
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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