VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

Please reply by conversation.
I've found the recent discussion between HDRoberts and 8bitbytes to be interesting and insightful, providing a fair degree of worth to this thread, despite all the other (cough) stuff. I think it shows that a discussion of what VOOM was (and wasn't) is still relevant, even if VOOM isn't coming back. Thanks for being able to disagree with energy and sincerity.

In addition the efforts by a few others to inject a little humor (including sarcasm) are a welcome addition to a discussion where some take themselves to seriously. This is a worthwhile thread and I hope it continues in a constructive manner.

Thank you. I don't wish to be disrespectful, or imply Charlie's decision was not controversial. I'm just trying to keep it fair and balanced (but let's not bring Fox News into this:)). And you convinced me. If you want to keep the thread open for mutual commiseration, that's OK. Everyone has a right to miss Voom, just as everyone has a right to not miss Voom.

And we should all make sure our humorous posts (or at least ones meant to be) are marked with an appropriate smiley.
I had sunday ticket and it really is nice sometimes, but over all since they raised the price it isnt worth it.
I agree, The price went up and Number of games went down. Sunday Ticket, doesn't have any Sunday Night,Monday Night , Thursday night, Or Saturday Night games at the end of the season, and No play off games. D* can keep it. Why pay the high price when so many games are on Prime Time now. I'd rather pay for Voom.
I miss Voom, especially the commercial free part. I am sick and tired of having to record everything, so I can skip the commercials. NO LIVE TV. I really mis Monster HD and Treasure HD. Some of the others I watched occasionally. I used to channel hoop thru the Voom channels, pausing and watching parts of everything. Now channel hooping is a thing of the past.
To me I can live without Voom, its just hard to live without MonstersHD, yes there were repeats but I have a dvr for that reason. I just want MonstersHD back. If Chiller went HD and uncut I would be a little happy. Maybe Mark Cuban will make a horror HD channel, he knows the formula of a good HD channel.
Well, Voom is not beyond criticism. They were definitely ahead of their time when they started, they are a little bit behind the times now...and in their current format, I just don't see them being that marketable to providers.

I mean, 15 channels was amazing variety back when options were limited, now 15 channels is just 15 more options. Take them or leave them.

I, for one, miss Voom terribly...especially (I'm saying it again) GalleryHD because there is no other dedicated HD Art channel even available anywhere else. And from what I've seen, no other HD channel supports a casual viewing experience like Voom did. You can turn on Voom at any time of day or night and get something in HD to enjoy. It was not unusual for me to have RaveHD or GalleryHD on in the house while I was doing other things, just to have the atmosphere of art and/or music in the house. I remember I had the guys over to watch the Cubs game, and it got rained out...so we just had KungFuHD going while we ate and drank beer. We just enjoyed the entertrainment. With the limited HD and numerous commercial breaks, you just don't get that kind of casual viewing experience from any other HD channel.

In all honesty, as much as I like Voom. I need to admit that a change in format and possibly even a rebranding may be required for them to 'keep up with the times' if not outright survive in todays market. The Voom brand itself does have the stigma of 'failure' surrounding it from when it was attempting to be a satellite provider, and the Voom brand was so heavily leveraged during the "HD Leader wars" that the Voom brand name may be irrevocably tarnished by its competition and critics. Many of which probably never even SEEN a Voom channel, but just bashed it outright out of support for their own provider. It still continues to amaze me, even in this thread, how the strongest critics of Voom have so very little to go in to support their position...

But in conclusion, I'm of the opinion that if Voom programming (if not the Voom brand itself) wishes to survive in todays HD market, Rainbow needs to consoldiate the Voom content into about 5 channels of related content (movies, sports, lifestyles, etc...) and market them individually along side their other HD channel offerings, like AMC, IFC, We, etc...I honestly think that would make Voom programming far more attractive to television providers and viewers alike.

Thanks for taking the time to read my little 'testinomial' here... ;)
Well, Voom is not beyond criticism. They were definitely ahead of their time when they started, they are a little bit behind the times now...and in their current format, I just don't see them being that marketable to providers.

I mean, 15 channels was amazing variety back when options were limited, now 15 channels is just 15 more options. Take them or leave them.

I, for one, miss Voom terribly...especially (I'm saying it again) GalleryHD because there is no other dedicated HD Art channel even available anywhere else. And from what I've seen, no other HD channel supports a casual viewing experience like Voom did. You can turn on Voom at any time of day or night and get something in HD to enjoy. It was not unusual for me to have RaveHD or GalleryHD on in the house while I was doing other things, just to have the atmosphere of art and/or music in the house. I remember I had the guys over to watch the Cubs game, and it got rained out...so we just had KungFuHD going while we ate and drank beer. We just enjoyed the entertrainment. With the limited HD and numerous commercial breaks, you just don't get that kind of casual viewing experience from any other HD channel.

In all honesty, as much as I like Voom. I need to admit that a change in format and possibly even a rebranding may be required for them to 'keep up with the times' if not outright survive in todays market. The Voom brand itself does have the stigma of 'failure' surrounding it from when it was attempting to be a satellite provider, and the Voom brand was so heavily leveraged during the "HD Leader wars" that the Voom brand name may be irrevocably tarnished by its competition and critics. Many of which probably never even SEEN a Voom channel, but just bashed it outright out of support for their own provider. It still continues to amaze me, even in this thread, how the strongest critics of Voom have so very little to go in to support their position...

But in conclusion, I'm of the opinion that if Voom programming (if not the Voom brand itself) wishes to survive in todays HD market, Rainbow needs to consoldiate the Voom content into about 5 channels of related content (movies, sports, lifestyles, etc...) and market them individually along side their other HD channel offerings, like AMC, IFC, We, etc...I honestly think that would make Voom programming far more attractive to television providers and viewers alike.

Thanks for taking the time to read my little 'testinomial' here... ;)

Anyone ever told you "well said" before? :D
Well, Voom is not beyond criticism. They were definitely ahead of their time when they started, they are a little bit behind the times now...and in their current format, I just don't see them being that marketable to providers.

I mean, 15 channels was amazing variety back when options were limited, now 15 channels is just 15 more options. Take them or leave them.

I, for one, miss Voom terribly...especially (I'm saying it again) GalleryHD because there is no other dedicated HD Art channel even available anywhere else. And from what I've seen, no other HD channel supports a casual viewing experience like Voom did. You can turn on Voom at any time of day or night and get something in HD to enjoy. It was not unusual for me to have RaveHD or GalleryHD on in the house while I was doing other things, just to have the atmosphere of art and/or music in the house. I remember I had the guys over to watch the Cubs game, and it got rained out...so we just had KungFuHD going while we ate and drank beer. We just enjoyed the entertrainment. With the limited HD and numerous commercial breaks, you just don't get that kind of casual viewing experience from any other HD channel.

In all honesty, as much as I like Voom. I need to admit that a change in format and possibly even a rebranding may be required for them to 'keep up with the times' if not outright survive in todays market. The Voom brand itself does have the stigma of 'failure' surrounding it from when it was attempting to be a satellite provider, and the Voom brand was so heavily leveraged during the "HD Leader wars" that the Voom brand name may be irrevocably tarnished by its competition and critics. Many of which probably never even SEEN a Voom channel, but just bashed it outright out of support for their own provider. It still continues to amaze me, even in this thread, how the strongest critics of Voom have so very little to go in to support their position...

But in conclusion, I'm of the opinion that if Voom programming (if not the Voom brand itself) wishes to survive in todays HD market, Rainbow needs to consoldiate the Voom content into about 5 channels of related content (movies, sports, lifestyles, etc...) and market them individually along side their other HD channel offerings, like AMC, IFC, We, etc...I honestly think that would make Voom programming far more attractive to television providers and viewers alike.

Thanks for taking the time to read my little 'testinomial' here... ;)

Indeed, this is my opinion as well (except I wasn't a GalleryHD fan). Unfortunately, this option was not open to Charlie. So he took the lesser of 2 evils: yank Voom. The only other choice was to keep paying Voom for years to tie up bandwidth with little to no incentive to improve their programming. Of Charlie didn't take a stand, I think we would have seem Voom decide thay could even spend less on programming.
Charlie still has options. Now that he has yanked Voom he could have any member of his contagion of lawyers sit down with Rainbow and come to a mutually agreeable compromise and be rid of all the court room drama and legal proceedings. This of course would likely require everyone give a bit, which is something the Charlie seemingly has been recalcitrant to do of late.

This would all be happening behind closed doors, so we would likely have no idea, but I certainly hope that is happening. Fingers are crossed......
I guess the only thing left for some of us to do is to put 2-3 people on the ignore list. I have never done this before but I can see you guys are not reasonable. Pretty pathetic!

How do you put someone on the ignor list?? There are a couple of trolls on this thread that need to go away.
Charlie still has options. Now that he has yanked Voom he could have any member of his contagion of lawyers sit down with Rainbow and come to a mutually agreeable compromise and be rid of all the court room drama and legal proceedings. This of course would likely require everyone give a bit, which is something the Charlie seemingly has been recalcitrant to do of late.

This would all be happening behind closed doors, so we would likely have no idea, but I certainly hope that is happening. Fingers are crossed......

Ideally, It would make sense for dish and Voom to come to terms.
Dish has had terrible PR in 2008. Plus their numbers are going the wrong way.

They need to come to an aggreement. Put the lawyers away and find a way to please all parties.

Endgame being put Voom back on Dish with a condensed lineup.
How do you put someone on the ignor list?? There are a couple of trolls on this thread that need to go away.
Click on the person's name. Add to ignore list is the bottom option....

I wish I was around e* when voom was there... maybe there is hope when ceil 2 goes online. Let's hope that both parties can come to a reasonable settlement. I mean even half of what was there is better than none of what was there....
Click on the person's name. Add to ignore list is the bottom option....

I wish I was around e* when voom was there... maybe there is hope when ceil 2 goes online. Let's hope that both parties can come to a reasonable settlement. I mean even half of what was there is better than none of what was there....

the HD quality of voom was excellent. you would've liked it. my favorite was equator HD. you would see so many sights from around the world:up
on the ignore feature: the only thing that stinks is if others quote what the person on your ignore lists post you'll see it too. i hope they add a feauture to the ignore function that would also block quotes of who you're ignoring.
It takes 2 to tango. Charlie tried to leave 5 channels up. but Voom insisted 15 or bust. Cablevision is very conflicted about Voom. Unfortunaltely, I think some within would like to see it die themselves. If reducing the channel count was what Voom wanted to do, I think we would see that as a gesture of good will. But they haven't. It's time to stop blaming Charlie entirely for the loss of Voom.
It takes 2 to tango. Charlie tried to leave 5 channels up. but Voom insisted 15 or bust. Cablevision is very conflicted about Voom. Unfortunaltely, I think some within would like to see it die themselves. If reducing the channel count was what Voom wanted to do, I think we would see that as a gesture of good will. But they haven't. It's time to stop blaming Charlie entirely for the loss of Voom.

I have always stated that Voom should only be around 5-7 channels. They have 3-4 pretty good channels but then it goes downhill from there. I say leave the 3-4 most popular alone and condense the rest into 2-3 channels. Monstershd seems to be the favorite so that should be left alone.
Ideally, It would make sense for dish and Voom to come to terms.
Dish has had terrible PR in 2008. Plus their numbers are going the wrong way.

They need to come to an aggreement. Put the lawyers away and find a way to please all parties.

Endgame being put Voom back on Dish with a condensed lineup.

Good post. Not sure why the two groups didn't work something out. Both are now worse off than they were when Voom was on E*.
Please reply by conversation.

CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.
