[VOOM] Does OTA work

[VOOM] Re: Does OTA work

You have to go into the installer menu. Here's the steps.
1. voom button. Look to the lower right of this screen (green button =3D Op=
tion & Settings)
2. green button. Look to the lower right of this screen (green button =3D S=
ystem Settings)
3. green button again.
If you've put the system on password (parental control) you'll have to go t=
hrough an extra=20
step here.
4. installer menu (select and click)
5. installer wizard (select and click)
Now options 3 & 4 are what you seek. Option 3 lets you scan individual chan=
nels. Option 4=20
lets you scan all 69 channels.

If you have a rotor and a highly directional antenna, option 3 is pretty ha=
ndy because it=20
lets you figure out the ideal direction for each channel you enter.

Option 4 is easiest if the antenna is not too directional because it will s=
imply scan for=20
everything it can find and put it in the guide.

I would guess the original poster of this thread could point his antenna on=
e way for=20
Toledo, do the (option 4) scan, and then rotate it almost exactly the oppos=
ite direction, do=20
the (option 4) scan and be set.=20

One GREAT thing about how the Voom box handles this is that it doesn't dele=
te previously=20
scanned channels that it can't on a second sweep. My old D* box would not "=
previously found DTV channels, so I had to scan and lock in individual chan=
nels that I=20
couldn't get in an (option 4-like) sweep scan.=20

If you haven't used this feature before, you'll probably be surprised how m=
any channels=20
you can get- especially if you attach a rotor or do some manual adjustments=
to the=20

--- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, jesse camacho <jcama720002002@y...> wrote:
> I did not know you could search for digital ota stations from your receiv=

er. I live in=20
Corpus Christi, Texas and I am only receiving 2 ota stations even though I =
know there are=20
more digital stations in town. How do I program the other stations?
> hobesounddarryl <darrylhall@u...> wrote:
> You're probably in great shape. 22 and 33 miles is well within range for =

most antennas.=20
> Just test your way into it. It may turn out that you need a rotor if you =

go with a=20
> antenna. The rotor will turn the antenna to point where you need it to po=

int. With 2=20
> in opposite directions, this may prove handy. If so, I have and really li=

ke the Channel=20
> Master 9521A. It works by remote and can handle 360 degree increments.
> Relative to the Voom box itself, I am very happy with how it handles loca=

ls. My old D*=20
> equipment would only let me enter up to 2 zip codes at most. But I can pu=

ll DTV=20
> from 3 different markets. This meant I was always stuck with at least som=

e channels=20
> having no program guide info.=20
> Voom seems to correctly identify every channel. On rare occassions I can =

get some=20
> channels from a 4th market too, and Voom corrently identifies them as wel=

> 3 last tips: get some overkill in your antenna selection. In other words,=

if antennaweb=20
> suggests a medium directional, get a large directional. Bigger is pretty =

much always=20
> Mount it outside and as high as you can- higher is always better too. And=

, if you go with=20
> the rotor, consider a universal remote that will let you program macros f=

or channel=20
> selections. That 9521A rotates your antenna by remote control selections.=

Using a UR=20
> the MX-700 from Universal Remote Control with this setup allows 1-click t=

uning of local=20
> channels. In other words, one button rotates the antenna to an ideal angl=

e and tunes the=20
> Voom box to that channel.
> I hope this is helpful
> --- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, "nutforhockey" <nutforhockey@y...> wrote:
> >=20
> > --- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, snaggerbob <satguys2004@y...> wrote:
> > >=20
> > > do you have any idea where the digital stations towers are located?
> > >=20
> > >=20
> > > --=20
> > > snaggerbob
> > > -------------------------------------------------------------------

> > -----
> > > This message was posted via http://www.satelliteguys.us by=20

> > snaggerbob
> > Toledo - 22 miles
> > 1 yellow
> > 1 green
> > 1 lt. green
> > 2 red
> > Detroit- 33 miles
> > 4 lt green
> > 1 red
> > 1 blue, 1 violet

> ---------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> To visit your group on the web, go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VOOM/
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> VOOM-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.=20
> jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjcccccccccccccccccc
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! =96 Try it today!=20
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [VOOM] Re: Does OTA work

It's best to point the antenna to where you can scan in the maximum amount
of stations and then go to peaking individual channels by working with the
rotor and the OTA signal meter and finding them and scaning them in. It
SHOULD add to the previously scanned channels without deleting them.
----- Original Message -----
From: "hobesounddarryl" <darrylhall@usa.com>
To: <VOOM@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 10:34 AM
Subject: [VOOM] Re: Does OTA work

You have to go into the installer menu. Here's the steps.
1. voom button. Look to the lower right of this screen (green button =
Option & Settings)
2. green button. Look to the lower right of this screen (green button =
System Settings)
3. green button again.
If you've put the system on password (parental control) you'll have to go
through an extra
step here.
4. installer menu (select and click)
5. installer wizard (select and click)
Now options 3 & 4 are what you seek. Option 3 lets you scan individual
channels. Option 4
lets you scan all 69 channels.

If you have a rotor and a highly directional antenna, option 3 is pretty
handy because it
lets you figure out the ideal direction for each channel you enter.

Option 4 is easiest if the antenna is not too directional because it will
simply scan for
everything it can find and put it in the guide.

I would guess the original poster of this thread could point his antenna one
way for
Toledo, do the (option 4) scan, and then rotate it almost exactly the
opposite direction, do
the (option 4) scan and be set.

One GREAT thing about how the Voom box handles this is that it doesn't
delete previously
scanned channels that it can't on a second sweep. My old D* box would not
previously found DTV channels, so I had to scan and lock in individual
channels that I
couldn't get in an (option 4-like) sweep scan.

If you haven't used this feature before, you'll probably be surprised how
many channels
you can get- especially if you attach a rotor or do some manual adjustments
to the

--- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, jesse camacho <jcama720002002@y...> wrote:
> I did not know you could search for digital ota stations from your

receiver. I live in
Corpus Christi, Texas and I am only receiving 2 ota stations even though I
know there are
more digital stations in town. How do I program the other stations?
> hobesounddarryl <darrylhall@u...> wrote:
> You're probably in great shape. 22 and 33 miles is well within range for

most antennas.
> Just test your way into it. It may turn out that you need a rotor if you

go with a
> antenna. The rotor will turn the antenna to point where you need it to

point. With 2
> in opposite directions, this may prove handy. If so, I have and really

like the Channel
> Master 9521A. It works by remote and can handle 360 degree increments.
> Relative to the Voom box itself, I am very happy with how it handles

locals. My old D*
> equipment would only let me enter up to 2 zip codes at most. But I can

pull DTV
> from 3 different markets. This meant I was always stuck with at least some

> having no program guide info.
> Voom seems to correctly identify every channel. On rare occassions I can

get some
> channels from a 4th market too, and Voom corrently identifies them as

> 3 last tips: get some overkill in your antenna selection. In other words,

if antennaweb
> suggests a medium directional, get a large directional. Bigger is pretty

much always
> Mount it outside and as high as you can- higher is always better too. And,

if you go with
> the rotor, consider a universal remote that will let you program macros

for channel
> selections. That 9521A rotates your antenna by remote control selections.

Using a UR
> the MX-700 from Universal Remote Control with this setup allows 1-click

tuning of local
> channels. In other words, one button rotates the antenna to an ideal angle

and tunes the
> Voom box to that channel.
> I hope this is helpful
> --- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, "nutforhockey" <nutforhockey@y...> wrote:
> >
> > --- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, snaggerbob <satguys2004@y...> wrote:
> > >
> > > do you have any idea where the digital stations towers are located?
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > snaggerbob
> > > -------------------------------------------------------------------

> > -----
> > > This message was posted via http://www.satelliteguys.us by

> > snaggerbob
> > Toledo - 22 miles
> > 1 yellow
> > 1 green
> > 1 lt. green
> > 2 red
> > Detroit- 33 miles
> > 4 lt green
> > 1 red
> > 1 blue, 1 violet

> ---------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> To visit your group on the web, go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VOOM/
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> VOOM-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
> jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjcccccccccccccccccc
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[VOOM] Antenna

Some people are getting taken for a ride on antennas. The RF signal
that is picked up is ANALOG. The only difference is the signal
encoding, which is done by the receiver. If the signal is strong
enough, you can pick up a high def signal with a 99 cent FM radio
antenna. There is no such thing as a digital antenna, or a "High
Def" antenna.
You need to get a good VHF-UHF antenna, period.

[VOOM] Re: OTA Antenna question

No. There is no difference in digital vs. HDTV over-the-air antennas. A bigger (and higher)
antenna tends to do a better job than a smaller (lower, and/or indoor mounted) antenna.
While his statement is not true, it might be worth looking into a bigger, better antenna
than just going with the one Voom provides. I don't think I would trust the installers
opinion on this (given what he's already told you).

--- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Kessler" <mike@d...> wrote:
> I just got done talking to my installer. He says the antenna provided by
> Voom is a digital one, not a high def one. He swears I will get a digital
> signal, but I will not get a high def local signal without a $150 high def
> antenna. Is this right?

Re: [VOOM] Re: OTA Antenna question

Now that is a bunch of crap! HDTV is just a digital signal and it is all
just RF and any very good "analog" deep frnge antenna is what you need.
Theree is no such thing as Hi-Def antenna.
----- Original Message -----
From: "hobesounddarryl" <darrylhall@usa.com>
To: <VOOM@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 12:09 PM
Subject: [VOOM] Re: OTA Antenna question

> No. There is no difference in digital vs. HDTV over-the-air antennas. A

bigger (and higher)
> antenna tends to do a better job than a smaller (lower, and/or indoor

mounted) antenna.
> While his statement is not true, it might be worth looking into a bigger,

better antenna
> than just going with the one Voom provides. I don't think I would trust

the installers
> opinion on this (given what he's already told you).
> --- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Kessler" <mike@d...> wrote:
> > I just got done talking to my installer. He says the antenna provided

> > Voom is a digital one, not a high def one. He swears I will get a

> > signal, but I will not get a high def local signal without a $150 high

> > antenna. Is this right?

> Yahoo! Groups Links

[VOOM] Re: OTA Antenna question

As others have pointed out already your installer is full of BS and
just trying to make some more money. We have the original Stealth
antenna from VOOM and receive all the digital channels we should be
receiving including HDTV signals (which are the same). However, we
are only 13 miles south of most of the antenna farms. What you can
pick up with this antenna depends on your distance and obstructions
such as buildings, mountains, trees, etc.

Still watching HDTV via VOOM's Stealth antenna under partly cloudy
Seattle skies, Gill

--- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Kessler" <mike@d...> wrote:
> I just got done talking to my installer. He says the antenna

provided by
> Voom is a digital one, not a high def one. He swears I will get a

> signal, but I will not get a high def local signal without a $150

high def
> antenna. Is this right?

RE: [VOOM] Re: OTA Antenna question

There is a technical term for what he's trying to do. It's called " F R A U
D " and it's illegal. At worst he should be fired and at best should be
criminally charged.

From: Bruce Grodner [mailto:bruceg@htva.net]
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 5:30 PM
To: VOOM@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [VOOM] Re: OTA Antenna question

Now that is a bunch of crap! HDTV is just a digital signal and it is all
just RF and any very good "analog" deep frnge antenna is what you need.
Theree is no such thing as Hi-Def antenna.
----- Original Message -----
From: "hobesounddarryl" <darrylhall@usa.com>
To: <VOOM@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 12:09 PM
Subject: [VOOM] Re: OTA Antenna question

> No. There is no difference in digital vs. HDTV over-the-air antennas. A

bigger (and higher)
> antenna tends to do a better job than a smaller (lower, and/or indoor

mounted) antenna.
> While his statement is not true, it might be worth looking into a bigger,

better antenna
> than just going with the one Voom provides. I don't think I would trust

the installers
> opinion on this (given what he's already told you).
> --- In VOOM@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Kessler" <mike@d...> wrote:
> > I just got done talking to my installer. He says the antenna provided

> > Voom is a digital one, not a high def one. He swears I will get a

> > signal, but I will not get a high def local signal without a $150 high

> > antenna. Is this right?

> Yahoo! Groups Links


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [VOOM] Antenna

Not a big ride though in most cases the "digital" was added to the
packaging and in the descriptions, but it's the same antenna as before and
the price really hasn't increased significantly due to competitive
pressures. It's kind of like the old deal with RMS power in audio amps, or
watts ratings on speakers. Just marketing. Now if they were charging a
premium for digital...
----- Original Message -----
From: "rdavidson75" <rdavidson75@yahoo.com>
To: <VOOM@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 12:10 PM
Subject: [VOOM] Antenna

> Some people are getting taken for a ride on antennas. The RF signal
> that is picked up is ANALOG. The only difference is the signal
> encoding, which is done by the receiver. If the signal is strong
> enough, you can pick up a high def signal with a 99 cent FM radio
> antenna. There is no such thing as a digital antenna, or a "High
> Def" antenna.
> You need to get a good VHF-UHF antenna, period.
> Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [VOOM] OTA Antenna question

No, it's not correct.
What's the installer/installation company name?


From: Mike Kessler [mailto:mike@delphistuff.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 3:02 PM
To: VOOM@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [VOOM] OTA Antenna question

I just got done talking to my installer. He says the antenna provided by
Voom is a digital one, not a high def one. He swears I will get a digital
signal, but I will not get a high def local signal without a $150 high def
antenna. Is this right?

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netflix.com/Default?mqso=60185400> click here



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [VOOM] OTA Antenna question

Well, here we go Wilt is now on the trail, what a poor excuse for an=20=20

On Jan 8, 2005, at 3:02 PM, Wilt Hildenbrand wrote:

> No, it's not correct.
> What's the installer/installation company name?
> Wilt
> =A0 _____=A0
> From: Mike Kessler [mailto:mike@delphistuff.com]
> Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 3:02 PM
> To: VOOM@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [VOOM] OTA Antenna question
> I just got done talking to my installer.=A0 He says the antenna=20=20
> provided by
> Voom is a digital one, not a high def one.=A0 He swears I will get a =

> digital
> signal, but I will not get a high def local signal without a $150=20=20
> high def
> antenna.=A0 Is this right?
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0
> <http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=3D129c17qf8/=20
> M=3D298184.5639630.6699735.3001176/D=3Dgr
> oups/S=3D1705036932:HM/EXP=3D1105300930/A=3D2434971/R=3D0/SIG=3D11eeoolb0=

> //www.
> netflix.com/Default?mqso=3D60185400> click here=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0
> <http://us.adserver.yahoo.com/l?M=3D298184.5639630.6699735.3001176/=20
> D=3Dgroups/S=3D
> :HM/A=3D2434971/rand=3D713463353> =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0
> =A0 _____=A0
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> *=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 To visit your group on the web, go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VOOM/
> =A0
> *=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> VOOM-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:VOOM-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com?subject=3DUnsubscribe>
> =A0
> *=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Term=

s of=20=20
> Service
> <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/> .
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> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> <111704_1104_g_300250a.gif>
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> Yahoo! Groups Links
> =95 To visit your group on the web, go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VOOM/
> =A0
> =95 To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> VOOM-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> =A0
> =95 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of=20=20
> Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [VOOM] OTA Reception

I think you would still get the sw upgrades. It will scan for channels
and list them in the guide. Problem is when a box is deactivated the
turn off signal goes to the access card and thats why you get no video.
But since locals come through an antenna it should work. One way to test
it is on a sub'd receiver, pull the card and see if the locals still

This message was posted via http://www.satelliteguys.us by VegasVoomer

Re: [VOOM] OTA Reception

Greg Hoffman Wrote:
> If I purchase a VOOM receiver and do not activate it,
> will I be able to use the receiver(with antennae
> purchase) to get Over the Air programming?
> Thanks

The problem I see with this is:
If you are not subscribed, they can't know your
address or zip code so you wouldn't have any channels mapped for your
area. Unless you are lucky enough to get one that was originally in
your area and already has some channels mapped.
It probably won't have a current enough
software/firmware already in the receiver to do a scan with. You would
have to be authorized to receive the correct downloads.
But, please give it a shot and let us know what you
can do with it, if you can do anything.

This message was posted via http://www.satelliteguys.us by voomvoom

Re: [VOOM] OTA Reception

i just had a 3 receiver set up last week, this is what i can tell you.
#1 i have 3 cables coming in, 2 satellite 1 antenna. they will want to
use a diplexor to combine the satellite and antenna cables, some say
this is not a good idea, mine works. the 3 cables will come into your
house and connect to a provided multiswitch,there will be 3 cables
going out of the multiswitch to supply your 3 receivers. i think you
are allowed 150ft of cable for each box. #2 you can probably split the
signal to feed 4 tv's...but every tv will have the same channel. i
think the rf output would work for this. i think it is located next to
the dvi output.#3 not sure about this one. #4 i would think if you had
2 receivers next to one another that the remotes would work both
receivers. why not split that signal(use 1 receiver for both set ups
and use the other receiver somewhere else)? #5 i think the only cables
provided are the rg6, componant and dvi. no s-video or optical. #6 you
may need power for an amplifier for your antenna if you happen to need
extra power to pick up a good signal. being only 10 miles from the
tower that is unlikely.#7 not sure about that one. #8 request an
upgrade if necessary. i think you get 2 upgrades a year. if you get
much rain you will probably have rain fade..it is a known problem. i've
requested and been granted a bigger dish, 24in. i think, they are
putting it up next friday. good luck with your install! you will love
the voom picture on your hdtv...i do! the standard def tvs look alot
better too. now we just need a dvr....hopefully in march.

This message was posted via http://www.satelliteguys.us by snaggerbob


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