Vurbano, again you decide to get on the offensive and attack me for pointing out FACTS! You even resort to arguing that VOOM has a great HD DVR coming , while the other satellite services are "struggling" to release one, when that couldn't even be farther from the truth. I can't speak for E*, as I don't have service through them, and don't check up on what they've got coming. But I can tell you D* will have an HD Tivo dvr, and currently has an sd Tivo DVR that is one the best dvr's on the market. Let's be realistic here, there is no current date set to release this powerful dvr from VOOM yet, so no reason to even go there, with this topic. Let's get back to the *real* issues at hand vurbano. Not some future promises by a company that still has a lot of bugs to work out on their current technology. And yes I understand that they are working them out, but let's not go over board with your undying love for VOOM.