VOOM Deinstall -- What I Got To Keep

r.jones1116 said:
Where does the quality HD come into play? It looks to me like you don't even have 1/3 of the Voom HD line up. INHD 1 & 2 is just another repetitive HD channel. You don't think Voom will have a DVR available soon?

Well, I guess it was your choice, good or bad.
It comes into play because voom uses only 12 mbps average bandwidth on its HD channels.
I still find it humerous that with all the issues surrounding all of the providers, that some of you still need to bash another person for going to another service. we are all being taken advantage of in some way when it comes to HDTV. we should devote all of this negative energy towards the companies that we subscribe to. call and complain
when you have an issue to complain about and demand that something get done about it, whether it be a service credit or antenna upgrade. i have tried voom and in short it just didnt work for me. bad service and even worse major billing issues, luckily i stayed with D* <i dont think this makes me a bad person> i have issues with D* also but it seems to be the best <FOR ME> i call and have been credited in a timely manner and have never been overbilled, double billed. i want all of us to have many hd channels and voom provides that for some, the competition can only be good. as the direc* and Dis* providers will have to do something if and when voom becaomes a major factor. although i think with a price increase they will take themselves out of some homes.REMEMBER THEY ARE A CABLE COMPANY.LOL they know how to do a price increase. i hope voom survives and thrives as it will make for good comeptition and only benefit each and every one of us unless they price themselves out of the market. as for the price of the receivers well we all pay for them one way or the other and i dont think any of us would mind paying for a receiver that works well and delivers HDTV without major issues so LETS DEVOTE all this negative energy into something positive. COMPLAIN to your Providers about issues, Complain here and explain resolutions and new issues but again no need for the bashing of other people just because they disagee with your provider choice
stevesmall said:
I still find it humerous that with all the issues surrounding all of the providers, that some of you still need to bash another person for going to another service. we are all being taken advantage of in some way when it comes to HDTV. we should devote all of this negative energy towards the companies that we subscribe to. call and complain
when you have an issue to complain about and demand that something get done about it, whether it be a service credit or antenna upgrade. i have tried voom and in short it just didnt work for me. bad service and even worse major billing issues, luckily i stayed with D* <i dont think this makes me a bad person> i have issues with D* also but it seems to be the best <FOR ME> i call and have been credited in a timely manner and have never been overbilled, double billed. i want all of us to have many hd channels and voom provides that for some, the competition can only be good. as the direc* and Dis* providers will have to do something if and when voom becaomes a major factor. although i think with a price increase they will take themselves out of some homes.REMEMBER THEY ARE A CABLE COMPANY.LOL they know how to do a price increase. i hope voom survives and thrives as it will make for good comeptition and only benefit each and every one of us unless they price themselves out of the market. as for the price of the receivers well we all pay for them one way or the other and i dont think any of us would mind paying for a receiver that works well and delivers HDTV without major issues so LETS DEVOTE all this negative energy into something positive. COMPLAIN to your Providers about issues, Complain here and explain resolutions and new issues but again no need for the bashing of other people just because they disagee with yopur provider choice

Why would you want everyone to stop doing something you find humorous? :confused: ;) I actually do find it amusing and say, "keep up the bashing fellas"! Where would the entertainment around here come from without all the jackasses bashing each other?
They don't have more than $10-$15 in the Dish, and at the most maybe $50 on the OTA Antenna.

By the time they take down the Dish, its just as much to ship as it is to leave on the customers home.

As far as the Antenna, If its a conventional OTA antenna with elements, its too much of a hassle to fold up and take down!
wbuffetta said:
Don't Forget People VOOM Dose'nt Need That 18" Dish Because They Will Be Obsolete After Oct. 1 When The Second Sat. Comes Online.
There Will Be Two East Coast Sat.s & Two West Coast Sat.s & Both Will Require Two LNBs & A Bigger Dish.
What dish will be needed then?
Will the 24" they are putting for rain faid problems work?
This part of this statement by claude Greiner I would believe to be true ( By the time they take down the Dish, its just as much to ship as it is to leave on the customers home.

As far as the Antenna, If its a conventional OTA antenna with elements, its too much of a hassle to fold up and take down!
I just got a call from my installer and he said the same thing, wanted to know if I had the receiver and remote ready to go and I said yes , I said I am not going to get charge for the dish on anything else? He said no its not cost efficient for them , voom that is to worrier about the dish and the antenna.
I have the Square Shooter antenna (about $100). I'ld bet they would want that back if I uninstall.

Also, if you uninstall and they don't want to take the dish, can you make them remove it? What would I need another dish on the roof for?

The only good thing I see is they left me the RG6 with ground and I was going to have to run another line here in the future , now I don't have too. Yeah don't know what I am going to do with the 30" dish, I don't have a problem taking it down . To big for a Frisbee and to small for sledding
Uninstall, what will they take?

I'm getting VOOM uninstalled in about 30 min. What will the installers want to take? Just the STB, remote, dish, and OTA antenna? Or will they also want all the cables and dish/antenna mounts?
jgantert said:
I have the Square Shooter antenna (about $100). I'ld bet they would want that back if I uninstall.

Also, if you uninstall and they don't want to take the dish, can you make them remove it? What would I need another dish on the roof for?


My uninstaller would have removed the dish if I wanted him to do so. Since I already had 2 E* dishes right beside the VOOM dish that needed to be taken down as well, I told him to leave it. I took all 3 dishes down myself this past weekend.
I just got my deinstalled. They took the STB, remote, and Component cable. Left the rest.
They only took my STB and remote and I have never open up the DVI plastic bag, I ask if they wanted the cables and he said no.

Why Do HD Ch's Annoy Me?

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