VOOM Channel Lineup Card

When I get back home I'll list the new channels TIVO is reporting, but the national feeds are VOOM sat channels, not OTA. But maybe no one is receiving them yet.

There are a couple of other channels which no one has listed yet either, but I didn't remember what they were. I know what ever they were they did not appeal to me, so I ignored them. I didn't even try to enter the channels into the remote. I did try the national feeds, but Voom just jumped to the nearest channel.

BTW, I've always noticed TIVO seems to report the new channels a day or two before they get turned on.
Updated 3/14/05.

Under the "by channel # page" channels 252 & 251 were reversed. Channel 862 is now "Arena Rock". Changed the channel number for the "Hit List" to channel 870. Removed channel 404. I've left channels 311, 341 (NFL HD and FSFL HD) hoping they'll return. Added channel 700 (INVOOM). Added an apostrophe to the beginning of 90's. Added a space in "Sci Fi".

Thanks Voom4Me.
TIVO reported channels

From what I can tell TIVO reports the following new channels

321 NBCDT NBC Digital Feed
593 WVIT NBC Affiliate
594 KNSD NBC Affiliate

I must have been dreaming about seeing the other national networks.

As for the rest of the stations, no other new ones exist, as far as I can tell. All the channels I stated I didn't like, have always been there. Within TIVO I have the option to remove channels I don't receive. I happen to mark several channels as ones I don't receive. It makes the TIVO work faster when you receive less stations. It improves the download time and processing when searching for programs to record when using wish lists. So I removed all the stations I never watch or expect to record anything from. But it does make it difficult to know what is new and what is not, except for the notices TIVO sends out. Many times I delete the notices without even reading them. There are a couple of sport feeds that I'm not exactly sure are new or not. But from the description of the channel they appear to temporary stations used during black outs.

Had Voom installed yesterday.
Thanks a lot for the listing. Compared to Dish, VOOM needs to definitely improve their onscreen presentation of the channel lineup.
I will definitely use this listing as it's much easier to read and understand.

Sunil G.
HD at last said:
From what I can tell TIVO reports the following new channels

321 NBCDT NBC Digital Feed
593 WVIT NBC Affiliate
594 KNSD NBC Affiliate

I must have been dreaming about seeing the other national networks.

As for the rest of the stations, no other new ones exist, as far as I can tell. All the channels I stated I didn't like, have always been there. Within TIVO I have the option to remove channels I don't receive. I happen to mark several channels as ones I don't receive. It makes the TIVO work faster when you receive less stations. It improves the download time and processing when searching for programs to record when using wish lists. So I removed all the stations I never watch or expect to record anything from. But it does make it difficult to know what is new and what is not, except for the notices TIVO sends out. Many times I delete the notices without even reading them. There are a couple of sport feeds that I'm not exactly sure are new or not. But from the description of the channel they appear to temporary stations used during black outs.

HD at Last...how do you have your Tivo steup?
Could it be that Tivo finally included OTA through Voom STB?
Please say yes so I can go out and get one today...!!! :confused:
I think Vooms DVR isn't going to happen anytime soon... :mad:
madpoet said:
Get a Replay, hack it with WiRnS. Far superior to those silly Tivos anyway ;)
Can you elaborate or point me in the right directin?
I have been sitting in the fence waiting (like many here) for the HDDVR but I have the need for one that can record OTA without breaking the bank even if it's SD!!!
madpoet said:
Well, www.planetreplay.com is one resource... look in the WiRNS forum there. I also wrote step by step instructions here at one point, but they are slightly out of date.

I looked at that site and reviewed your step by step setup.
Is it still necessary to have a PC connected at all times?

If I don't use WiRNS, what's the deal? Same as Tivo, no Local Channel Info?
Sorry if I seem ignorant when it comes to DRV's but I am... :p
truqui said:
HD at Last...how do you have your Tivo steup?
Could it be that Tivo finally included OTA through Voom STB?
Please say yes so I can go out and get one today...!!! :confused:
I think Vooms DVR isn't going to happen anytime soon... :mad:

I'm splitting the OTA signal before it enters the Voom box. I use my own diplexer, instead of the one that the installer is sent. I take the second OTA feed and let the TIVO run off that. I then program the TIVO to accept both Voom over s-video and OTA analog. For me the OTA analog is very good, no ghosting or little noise in the image. Even with TIVO you can switch over to the OTA from the SAT box, but it requires you to enter the station number twice. Which means you can not currently get the TIVO to record from the Voom OTA-HD signal automatically. I'm sure some of the Tivo wizards out there could get the Tivo to always fake the double number entry, or force it to record off s-video when it should be recording from OTA.

A side benefit from recording OTA directly means I can watch Voom in HD, while the Tivo is recording OTA. For my favorite shows, I feed the same OTA signal into my FusionHDTV card and capture the show in HD on my PC. Then play the HD file through my LinkPlayer back on my TV. I'd say 70% of my recording comes from OTA, and about 70% of that is recorded in HD. But for convenience and security that the Fusion doesn't do its job, I always record to the TIVO. Surprisingly, quite a few times I'll watch the show from the TIVO because it is so much easier to use and access. I end up deleting the file from my PC without even watching it.

If someone can workup a frontend to program the PC to record HD from the LinkPlayer, I would be in heaven. I expect it might not be that hard, the LP can access webpages and the Fusion can be programmed to record via Web pages.

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