It's tough
It's very difficult for a new business venture to predict how well their product(s) will do. This, and the fact the stb/dish is made by a third party, make it very difficult to figure out just how much equipment they should order. Most new business ventures (like this) tend to have startup difficulties like this.
Also, I keep reading people saying Voom is having such a tough time with their customers. This is just hogwash. Just because there are posts here doesn't mean EVERYONE is having a problem. I, for one, am very happy with Voom. I want to see some improvements in some areas but I'm not even considering canceling my service.
Remember, people, by nature, will not tell you about the great products they use or the great service they got somewhere unless prompted to do so specifically. They will, however, be VERY quick to complain when something goes horribly (or not so horribly) wrong. People, by nature, will also only hear the bad stuff about a product or service they're looking into. How many people are afraid of a European car because it costs a lot to service it? I drive one and my friends always say, "Boy, must cost you a fortune for an oil change!" It's a great car, have had very few problems with it. It gets great reviews. But my friends only see the bad.
Same thing with Voom. Anything bad gets blown out of proportion. A few people have complained the pq is better on Dish while others have said it's as good (or better). What do the people say when they post their new, "The pq sucks!" post? They point to the few people saying it's not as good as Dish and complain. Forget about the thousands of us (yes, thousands) who are happy with our pq.
Bottom line is Voom is new. They're going through growing pains because they're growing fast. Are they growing at a record rate? Probably not but they've got a lot of people signing up every day. This puts a strain on a new venture and is very hard to plan for ahead of time. If they buy too much equipment or hire too many people and have to lay them off people complain about that. I'd rather see them have a few shortages now rather than have too much gear or have to lay people off. That's very bad for the bottom line.
The Rickster