Voom at NAB?


Overall, an O.K. Guy
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 15, 2005
Anyone know if Voom will have a presence at NAB this year? I'll be attending in a couple of weeks and was wondering whether or not to expect them on the floor?

If so, I'll definitely see what they're showing and ask a few Q's.
NAB is short for 'National Association of Broadcasters," an annual conference that's been held in Las Vegas in various convention spaces for a number of years. It's huge, probably second in scope only to an international conference that's held in Amsterdam (and you can guess why so many folks turn up for that one ;)).

NAB used to be squarely aimed at vendors and broadcasters as the annual get-together to compare notes and sell next year's equipment to, say, T.V. stations and such. Lately, what with the burgeoning computer/desktop industry and alternate broadcast & distribution media (read, sat/cable/internet/DVD), it's sortof become a huge user group and consumer electronics show rolled in as well. You'll find everyone from Sony to Adobe to DirectTV to little companies that create music beds for radio/commercials there.

I usually go down for a couple/three days, hit some big user group meetings, go to some vendor events, cover the show floor. A lot to take in, but it kind of sets the tone and/or is a bellweather for "where things are at/where things are going" that year. I believe I remember Voom had one cubby hole in a booth in the satellite sector (perhaps in the Motorola booth?)...I'd REALLY be curious to see if they are there this year and how. Last year it was fun to watch Avid and Apple try to out-volume each other with their demos, as they faced each other at the entrance to one auditorium and were obviously in a bit of a p*ssing contest with their NLE software. Always some drama at NAB.
They were last year.... I do not know about this year but I assume the answer will be yes if they are still in business after 3/31.
That's what I was hoping. I am also hoping they have more rep presence, because I don't remember there being much at the kiosk they had last year. I may be remembering incorrectly, though. I do think they'll be around, it's just whether they see showing at NAB as a viable expense. Would be nice, however.
Lobstah said:
It's a lot of buckaroos...
$200-300k to take the cheap side.


Yikes. I bet that's why they 'partnered' with Motorola last year. Still, they could piggyback again to keep it affordable...we all agree that their continued survival/growth is going to be half "getting the word out".

Anyone with Voom ties able to comment?


Hello March, nice to see you. Now give me my damn DVR!!!

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