VOOM and OTA reception in Cleveland, OH

Welcome to the forum DIP. Where are you located? 50 miles could be a problem for ch 19 possibly. But at any rate, good luck with your install. Hope all goes well.
I live in Saybrook Township just west of Ashtabula. I tried to have Prostar bring a bigger antenna but didn't get very far......I guess I will call VOOM for an upgrade!
got VOOM installed...team of 3 people...they were supposed to be there between 12-5, but they showed up at 5:40...they didn't have uniforms on, and no credentials saying they were from VOOM, so i was a bit nervous...it went pretty quick...the previous tenant had directv, so they just used the existing wiring...all the channels including OTA are coming in fine...

after a very long wait, it's finally here... =)
Welcome to VOOMland!
Not looking too good here! I had an appointment for 12-5 Pro star a no show and the office personnel are rude! Still waiting on a call from the installer. They supposedly had to pick up equipment that is why they are late.....or will never show up! Geez even when you confirm dates and times they still stick it to ya....
Well I just cancelled....I just called Voom and and the installer is not coming they have no equipment! This has been a nightmare. I called two days ago and confirmed the install and called twice today to no avail..........I should have known better Pro star stinks :mad: Time to either get E* or D* at least I can have some high def with either. I had to wait three weeks to be disappointed......Thanks to all
DIP said:
Well I just cancelled.... Time to either get E* or D* at least I can have some high def with either.
DIP, I know how you feel. But don't punish yourself because of a bad installer!
I actually blame Voom waiting 3 weeks and still not having equipment to me is unacceptable. When I called Voom to actually find out what happened the CSR said this is happening "frequently". Then they reassured me that they would have equipment in a couple of days. By then Pro star had lied to me 3 times in one day and I couldn't take it. Oh well odds are I would have needed a bigger antenna anyways and would have to wait another 3 weeks for that.....
ProStar is horrible...I don't think they installed my OTA antenna because half of my channels don't come in! They used the existing DirecTV dish not the VOOM dish (which I don't have a problem with because they're pointed in the same direction and I get my channels just fine)...I called VOOM and scheduled for a service call, but I asked for a different company, they called Installs Inc. and got me a different installer for the service call. ProStar pushed my install back twice and they weren't very nice on the phone to say the least...The installers weren't very nice either, dressed in jeans/t-shirts and had no VOOM credentials...When ProStar pushed my install back twice, I called VOOM and they gave me 2 months free for the trouble...I do have to say that VOOM customer service is great and they deserve to be commended...

Anyone receiving ch 19 in Cleveland?

Not receiving ch 19 now or recently. Is it just me or is it a transmission problem. STB shows strong signal power, but 0 signal quality. Sorry to start a new thread Sean, but figured it would be lost in the local area section.
I think I saw it this morning when browsing through channels.
Yeh, you definitely need an antenna upgrade dlayphoto. Ch 19 showed some signs of life for me this morning, but still weak as hell. Unable to view this way, and it is my favorite OTA channel with the great CBS lineup. And tonite they are carrying the Boston Pops fireworks concert. Damn!!!
I lost channel 19 when the foliage started to fill in on my trees. They have a pathetically weak signal. Have been watching this channel on cable when I need it. 19 will probably reappear for me on VOOM in the late fall.
I don't think ProStar installed an antenna at all, because I'm not getting 8, 19, 43, and the spanish channel...and the channels that do come in, I'm getting a signal strength of 37...I'm line-of-sight to the broadcast towers!
Hi Clevelanders. I just wanted to let you know that today I finished adding all Cleveland Market DTV service contours to by web site. I'm not going to do every city (it would take way to long to do as these involve some plotting by hand), just those that border my home market (Wheeling/Steubenville).

The site for the contour maps is:


For Cleveland I also included STAs and Applications, in addition to stations that are licensed Licensed or that have Construction Permits. The contour used is the F(50/90) Noise Limited Contour. Basically if your in the contour you should receive the station and if your outside the contour you might receive it.

I hope this helps determining which stations you should receive and which ones you might not receive.

Have fun :)

BTW down here if I turn the antenna I can receive a lockable signal on WNEO(PBS) Alliance, and WDLI(TBN) Canton. Oh, yea WDLI actually has 4 screens and WNEO does an SD and HD channel.
I've been getting 19 for the past couple of days, but still no 8 and 43. I have a settop antenna...I'll try hooking that up and see what happens...

Indiana/Indianapolis area VOOMERS

Houston Voom - No OTA Signal Running "Aim Outdoor Antenna"

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