Quick impressions after 24hrs with VOOM installed:
1) Install went smoothly. My house has whole house wiring so it's pretty painless. The installer managed to hook everything up, even to my stereo and tivo, and added and named the input on my Mits, w/ no prompting from me whatsoever. A man with a clue! I feel bad for not remembering to offer him a drink. D'oh.
2) I'm in Redondo Beach, way out on west coast Calif (I'm about 1 mile from the ocean). The dish is horizontal, virtually zero elevation. So if you're in SoCal, you better have a VERY clear line of sight to the east. I still get 96 signal quality (after s/w update).
3) Speaking of which, do NOT even bother using your VOOM box until after the update to 0.5.68. Turn it off, go to bed, and let it update the s/w. Out of the box, the thing is SO SLOOWW to tune channel you will be so frustrated you want to cancel right there. And the box would lock up if you press buttons too quickly. Horrible. After the update, channel changing is about as fast as my D* Hughes E86. Whew.
4) Right now, my biggest gripe with VOOM is the poor UI. For ex, when you pull up the prog guide, it always starts at the beginning instead of the channel you are watching! Staggeringly stupid. Lots of minor usability quirks, like there's no one button way to get to a specific guide (movies, sports) and there's no "use the last guide" button. I also miss the Turbo Tune feature on my E86 (two click access to 9 most frequently watched channels). But I'm relieved the tuning speed is improved, b/c I would've gone insane.
5) OTA tuner seems fine. I get all the channels I care about, plus one PBS station I couldn't get with the E86, a pleasant surprise since that station broadcasts from another location, not from Mt Wilson as most others in L.A. The E86 has a much nicer signal meter that lets you change to different channels while on the signal meter screen. But since I'm getting the channels fine, it's not a big deal for me personally.
6) HD quality seems about as good as D* (comparing DiscHD). SD looks fine (though admittedly my expectations for SD quality on my 65" Mits have been beaten into submission by watching D*). I do notice that SD on V* seems more consistent than on D*, where some channels like Food look good but others like some locals look like old VHS tapes.
7) Now for the programming: so far, I'm pleased with it. (I only have the Voom pkg, not VaVaVoom.) I like cinema 10, which so far have some movies I like, Epics (aka Masterpiece Theater
, WrldSprts, Monster, and a bit of Rave. I really could do w/o Rush, and Auction? uggh. I admire Voom for trying to produce its own content like HDNews and Ultra, but frankly I just don't think they have the resources to do it right. I'd rather they concentrate their $$$ and efforts on getting INHD or HDnet.
Ironically, I think having so many channels can actually exacerbate the impression that they have nothing worth watching and this becomes self-defeating. They may be better off consolidating the channels to give the fewer channels the appearance of greater variety, and SIGN UP HDNET AND INHD AND EVERYTHING THERE IS OUT THERE. This will make them much more attractive than the "21 exclusive channels." You have to consider the psychology of the viewer. When he sees Auction, he's not thinking "well I guess SOMEBODY out there likes this stuff and what the heck they have bandwidth to burn apparently". He's thinking "I'm PAYING for THIS?"
My wishlist:
1) Improve the ird's UI
2) get Food and HGTV, so I do not need to fear for my life (yes there are women in da house
3) get some bikini babes in HD. I'm serious. Man does not live by high-brow PBS stuff or low-brow Monster alone. Man needs no-brow babes in bikinis or similarly minimal attire that he can watch w/o looking too much like a pervert (playboyhd).
I hope somebody from V* monitors these groups
1) Install went smoothly. My house has whole house wiring so it's pretty painless. The installer managed to hook everything up, even to my stereo and tivo, and added and named the input on my Mits, w/ no prompting from me whatsoever. A man with a clue! I feel bad for not remembering to offer him a drink. D'oh.
2) I'm in Redondo Beach, way out on west coast Calif (I'm about 1 mile from the ocean). The dish is horizontal, virtually zero elevation. So if you're in SoCal, you better have a VERY clear line of sight to the east. I still get 96 signal quality (after s/w update).
3) Speaking of which, do NOT even bother using your VOOM box until after the update to 0.5.68. Turn it off, go to bed, and let it update the s/w. Out of the box, the thing is SO SLOOWW to tune channel you will be so frustrated you want to cancel right there. And the box would lock up if you press buttons too quickly. Horrible. After the update, channel changing is about as fast as my D* Hughes E86. Whew.
4) Right now, my biggest gripe with VOOM is the poor UI. For ex, when you pull up the prog guide, it always starts at the beginning instead of the channel you are watching! Staggeringly stupid. Lots of minor usability quirks, like there's no one button way to get to a specific guide (movies, sports) and there's no "use the last guide" button. I also miss the Turbo Tune feature on my E86 (two click access to 9 most frequently watched channels). But I'm relieved the tuning speed is improved, b/c I would've gone insane.
5) OTA tuner seems fine. I get all the channels I care about, plus one PBS station I couldn't get with the E86, a pleasant surprise since that station broadcasts from another location, not from Mt Wilson as most others in L.A. The E86 has a much nicer signal meter that lets you change to different channels while on the signal meter screen. But since I'm getting the channels fine, it's not a big deal for me personally.
6) HD quality seems about as good as D* (comparing DiscHD). SD looks fine (though admittedly my expectations for SD quality on my 65" Mits have been beaten into submission by watching D*). I do notice that SD on V* seems more consistent than on D*, where some channels like Food look good but others like some locals look like old VHS tapes.
7) Now for the programming: so far, I'm pleased with it. (I only have the Voom pkg, not VaVaVoom.) I like cinema 10, which so far have some movies I like, Epics (aka Masterpiece Theater

Ironically, I think having so many channels can actually exacerbate the impression that they have nothing worth watching and this becomes self-defeating. They may be better off consolidating the channels to give the fewer channels the appearance of greater variety, and SIGN UP HDNET AND INHD AND EVERYTHING THERE IS OUT THERE. This will make them much more attractive than the "21 exclusive channels." You have to consider the psychology of the viewer. When he sees Auction, he's not thinking "well I guess SOMEBODY out there likes this stuff and what the heck they have bandwidth to burn apparently". He's thinking "I'm PAYING for THIS?"
My wishlist:
1) Improve the ird's UI
2) get Food and HGTV, so I do not need to fear for my life (yes there are women in da house

3) get some bikini babes in HD. I'm serious. Man does not live by high-brow PBS stuff or low-brow Monster alone. Man needs no-brow babes in bikinis or similarly minimal attire that he can watch w/o looking too much like a pervert (playboyhd).
I hope somebody from V* monitors these groups