Volume Two, Show Twelve

I'm thinking I disagree with you Scott on your criticsm of D*'s hardware. It has come a long way, and after having both services, I just dont think there's that big of a difference any longer... at least in how I use my HR21.

The guide/speed issues have improved drastically, espcially with the latest CE. Is it quite there with the 6222/722? Unfortunately, not yet. The onDemand features work well and i've never had recording issues that some people claim.

One thing I DO prefer with D*'s equipment is the fact when I try to schedule a recording it will prompt me as to which program I want to cancel if both tuners will be in use. This is sloppy with E. You have to rearrange priorities. This makes it move Tivo-like and easier to use. I missed this capability after dropping D years ago when I had a Tivo.
In one of the podcast's a few weeks ago we talked about E*'s 1080P. While I have not seen E*'s 1080P selections, I can not comment on how good it looks. Right now 1080P is still in testing mode for D*, and sence it was released to CE subs last week we talked about how good it looked so you can be informed to check it out if your a CE sub and report your results. We will be talking more about E*'s 1080P VOD in the future so stay tuned. :)

Well you got me trying very hard to find the 1080p show on my D* HDDVRs without any success. Any ETA on a non-CE box?

While I agree the D* HDDVR features are getting better, the slowness of the remote and guide is a major piss. If the lastest CE has solved it, then let it out already.
Well you got me trying very hard to find the 1080p show on my D* HDDVRs without any success. Any ETA on a non-CE box?

While I agree the D* HDDVR features are getting better, the slowness of the remote and guide is a major piss. If the lastest CE has solved it, then let it out already.

There was a report in the D* forum that a non CEr was able to see channel 1080 and download the movie.. if you go to schedule a on demand recording through D*'s website you can get it that way, that is how most people got it.
I'm thinking I disagree with you Scott on your criticsm of D*'s hardware. It has come a long way, and after having both services, I just dont think there's that big of a difference any longer... at least in how I use my HR21.
There are still issues that need to be fixed. Blank recordings being a big one. But yes they have come a long way with the HR series over the past few years.

Of course I can remember when DirecTV receivers were rock solid and the Dish Receivers sucked. :)
Boy do I remember back then . It was about 4 years ago I think. The old 721s I used to have would lose their mind and wipe the hard drive clean , when ever you least expected it. But no dvr fees back then either. The receivers have definately improved starting with the 522 and name based recording. I don't know how I ever got by without nbr. Before the 522 all we had was digital vcrs. The new 622/722 dvrs are the best out there and put Directv dvrs to shame. I can't wait to get the new 722K or 722S models , which ever comes out first. IT will be so COOL to be able to record 2 ota/2sat at the same time. The new sling media features in the 722S will be nice as well. I am hoping that you can really sling an hd or sd picture to another tv in your house. THis will be nice for my parents who use a audio/video sender/receiver now for their back bedroom.
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