Volume control on Samsung TS360 Box?

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Dec 1, 2004
Hey all! First post, but Ive been following the discussions since getting D* at the beginning of the football season.

I have a question about volume control. When the installer set up my box, he played with the remote and made the volume control the volume on my TV... I don't run the audio through the TV, so it does me no good. I know my cable box lets me switch and control volume through the box, or through the set... is there a way to do that on the TS360?

Thanks for the help! Hopefully I can help someone out eventually. :)
Welcome to the group!

I think understand what you are talking about. My mom has Cox cable in Va. and the cable box is able to control the audio of the broadcast with out effecting the volume on the TV, or stereo.

Firstly let me say that to my knowledge no D* receiver will control the audio volume of the broadcast signal.

Can I assume that you run your audio to a stereo receiver?
If so then you may be able to program the remote of the Samsung to control the audio of your stereo.
yeah i thought of that

But alas... it did not support my receiver. Well, its a good excuse to get a new system! :)

Thanks for the help!
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