I recently purchased a Vizio LCD TV and have visible VITS lines on the top of the screen while watching broadcast TV. It's predominately on one channel but I don't see it at all times on that channel and it's visible on other channels occasionally. Vizio is telling me the TV is fine and it's the TV station or my antenna. This particular TV doesn't have any user adjustment of the picture position or size while watching broadcast TV. I'm guessing the TV picture is under sized and / or it's not centered correctly but since it's primarily but not always one channel it's hard for me to argue with Vizio. I have no idea how it could be my antenna. I think their antenna comment is a red hering.
Does this sound like the TV or the stations? Is there a spec on where the VITS lines are broadcast such that they should never be seen on the TV screen?
Does this sound like the TV or the stations? Is there a spec on where the VITS lines are broadcast such that they should never be seen on the TV screen?