Vista - Yes or No?

The chief problem I have with Vista is that it seems to be unable to keep a stable wireless network connection.

I find that while I am on the internet, about every 30 minutes, everything stalls while it loses and then has to re-establish the connection.

I will have to check some of the settings in my router to make sure it isn't timeing out the DHCP address that often.
go to ubuntu linux save your $$$$$$$ dual boot your xp or 2000 then compare i am saying good by micro crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I switched to Vista about two months ago. I didn't encounter any hardware problems, and all my software works great with it. Even Avast antivirus seems to play rather nicely. No, it's not as fast as XP was, but I was expecting that, considering the computer that is running it is 4 years old. I still score a 4.9 on the performance scale in vista though. After I got used to the rearranged start menu and windows explorer, and turned off the annoying user account control, I've been loving it. Now I'm far from a Microsoft lover, in fact I've been thinking of switching to Apple, but so far Vista has impressed me. The graphics are a hell of a lot nicer, it seems much more stable, and everything I own seems to play well with it. Could there still be improvements? Sure, but it's far far from the worst Windows release ever, and it's a big improvement over XP as far as I'm concerned.
Typing this from a Vista notebook... networkability so far sucks with connectivity to my xp machines.. I like xp family and pro much better right now..,.

Yeah I had a tough time working networking out too. I found if you setup Vista, and then the Windows XP machine for networking it seems to work. I'm sharing printers and files without a problem now.
at work, they refuse to install Vista or the latest version of IE because they both break a lot of vendor's web apps. Please keep in mind that I work for one of the nation's biggest Universities and that they have several special vendor contracts with big companies like MS. Yes, Vista is MS's WORSE app ever... and I honestly think it's going to be the key in making Linux take a number 1 spot... which is why MS is cutting deals with Novell not to sue Suse, etc. and is eyeing patent lawsuits against all other linux distros.

It may be the most secure OS they've put out, but that ain't saying much... look at how many patches there are to windows xp....
at work, they refuse to install Vista or the latest version of IE because they both break a lot of vendor's web apps. Please keep in mind that I work for one of the nation's biggest Universities and that they have several special vendor contracts with big companies like MS. Yes, Vista is MS's WORSE app ever... and I honestly think it's going to be the key in making Linux take a number 1 spot... which is why MS is cutting deals with Novell not to sue Suse, etc. and is eyeing patent lawsuits against all other linux distros.

It may be the most secure OS they've put out, but that ain't saying much... look at how many patches there are to windows xp....

If you were trying to make your post more valid or believable by throwing in that you work for a university, it failed.. Especially when you say "WORSE APP ever".. Poor grammar for 1, and 2 It's not an APP it's an OS.. I take it your not a professor there.
Linux will never be number 1 no matter how many stars you wish on. It just doesn't have it, and MS is so rooted with people now, even when they hate it they use it.
If all of these people posting about how Vista ruined/slowed/crapped out/destroyed their computer would post the specs of the machine they are trying to run it on I think the truth would reveal itself..
4 year old P3's with 512mb ram and a 20gig HD are NOT going to give you good results. Looking at the system requirements and commenting, "Mines almost up to minimum, it should be close enough" is how threads like this are born.
Diesel is kinda close to gas.. It all burns right? Would I put it in my gas vehicle? NO.. If I did, would that then give me validation to come online and start b!tching about how bad a product diesel is? NO. My own stupidity got me there, not someone elses product.
I dont understand how everyone is having problems with vista as im not... I have had absolutly no issues (knock on wood) even with my ipod. I am upgrading my other computer to vista ultimate 64, (same version that I have on the notebook) When I get home. ;)

Same here Bob, no problems with Vista it's acting as a server for the other 5 computer in the house, even from beta RC1 and RC2 to now there have been no more problems no more than any OS we have run
If you were trying to make your post more valid or believable by throwing in that you work for a university, it failed.. Especially when you say "WORSE APP ever".. Poor grammar for 1, and 2 It's not an APP it's an OS.. I take it your not a professor there.
I agree with your assessment. Vista is an OS, not an app. However, you used the "you possessive" instead of the contraction "you're" meaning "you are." I've dished poorly written diatribes also lambasting grammar only to have my response picked apart by someone more acquainted with skilled writing. As a result of that humbling experience, I try not to insult grammar and prefer to focus on the content. Sometimes it is unavoidable though.

Linux will never be number 1 no matter how many stars you wish on. It just doesn't have it, and MS is so rooted with people now, even when they hate it they use it.
I agree and disagree here. I think what would happen if Linux started to gain enough popularity in the computing world is that MS would put out a Linux-based product (MS would also have to develop a WINE/Rosetta of sorts). So in essence, it could become number one, but that would require this generation (Vista) to bomb so miserably that consumers demand XP compatibility on nearly every title and that a Linux distro with an abundance of drivers and some amazing WINE integration could provide direct competition. It would force them to reconsider what constitutes an OS upgrade. Does requiring better specs and more system resources make the OS actually better and more useful? Linux installs and runs on nearly all personal computing platforms. Come to think of it, OS X works fairly well on "outdated" hardware as well... but let's ignore the embarrassing Leopard "upgrade."

If all of these people posting about how Vista ruined/slowed/crapped out/destroyed their computer would post the specs of the machine they are trying to run it on I think the truth would reveal itself..
4 year old P3's with 512mb ram and a 20gig HD are NOT going to give you good results. Looking at the system requirements and commenting, "Mines almost up to minimum, it should be close enough" is how threads like this are born.
Diesel is kinda close to gas.. It all burns right? Would I put it in my gas vehicle? NO.. If I did, would that then give me validation to come online and start b!tching about how bad a product diesel is? NO. My own stupidity got me there, not someone elses product.

Yes, but your car can't just "kind of" run on diesel. It basically can't run at all. It would be more like complaining that OS X won't run on your non-SSE AMD Thunderbird PC. People should check their specs before they decide to install. If not, you deserve the headache you get from not paying attention. I have heard people though with decent specs on their PC's getting abysmal performance and driver issues. The only way to avoid this for many people is to handpick specific Vista certified hardware or buy a pre-built and Vista tested PC. It happened with XP and it's happening with Vista... I think I can see why a lot of people find that annoying. Maybe its unavoidable and that's a natural consequence to supporting so many different combinations of hardware, but it's still annoying.
I dont understand how everyone is having problems with vista as im not... I have had absolutly no issues (knock on wood) even with my ipod. I am upgrading my other computer to vista ultimate 64, (same version that I have on the notebook) When I get home. ;)

Because you're using it at home and mostly for multimedia applications and games. Vista doesn't play well in a business environment where most applications are not compatible yet. So you just can't throw Vista out there to users in a business environment and break half of the applications. You'll have riots and will get fired. :)
Generally speaking, I've not found upgrading to a new OS to EVER be a good idea.

Wait a year or so and buy a new PC preloaded with it. Doesn't solve all of the problems, but it does solve most of them.
Because you're using it at home and mostly for multimedia applications and games. Vista doesn't play well in a business environment where most applications are not compatible yet. So you just can't throw Vista out there to users in a business environment and break half of the applications. You'll have riots and will get fired. :)

Businesses should never upgrade right away anyway. Hell, when I worked for the postal service (until a few months ago), we were still using Windows 2000 on a lot of the machines. XP on a few. And Red Hat on most of the important ones.
I have tried Vista Ultimate 4 times.

Each time, it acts up..

Now, programs will not install, they sit trying for 30 minutes, then fail.

I was getting hangs for 60 or 120 seconds every 4-5 minutes, but the 3rd install got rid of that problem

I tried to turn shadow on on another disk, it hung, and reboot, the C: Boot partition WAS MISSING!

So I am waiting for SP1!
I have tried Vista Ultimate 4 times.

Each time, it acts up..

Now, programs will not install, they sit trying for 30 minutes, then fail.

I was getting hangs for 60 or 120 seconds every 4-5 minutes, but the 3rd install got rid of that problem

I tried to turn shadow on on another disk, it hung, and reboot, the C: Boot partition WAS MISSING!

So I am waiting for SP1!

What are the specs of the system your trying to put it on?
I've run VU since february with no problems.

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