VIP722K receiver, playstation 3 and hardly no signal to second TV

Is there a better way?

New Member
Original poster
Oct 29, 2010
Hi all,

Here is my problem. I have a VIP722K dual receiver hooked up in my livingroom on a Mitsubishi high def TV. My second television is a standard definition. No bells or whistles. Just composite hook-ups and I think there is a S-Video connection. I have a Playstation 3 hooked up to the high def by HDMI. The problem is when the Playstation is on and being played or a movie is being watched the second television remote will not operate the satellite. I get stuck with whatever channel happens to be on at the time playstation is turned on or if the receiver is off I cannot turn it on with second remote. There has been at times if I point the remote control towards my lamp next to me on the wall I can get a signal. I found that out by coincidence. Frustrated, I pointed the remote everywhere to get a signal. I have also followed the electric flow in the second room to get the remote a signal to the receiver. I have made sure there are fresh batteries in the remote. I have switched remotes around. I have made sure the antena on the receiver is not blocked. There is aprox 30 feet between the receiver and the second TV. It's down a hallway and just behind a door. I have changed the HDMI cable to the Playstation 3 around to composite hook-up. That didn't work. I hooked the PS3 back up HDMI. I called Dish Network and they cannot help me. They said they would report the issue to technical support and if problem presists call back. What good does that do when they don't know what the problem is. I have been dealing with this since joining DN in April.

I hope I have given enough info to hopefuly get an answer. I would like to have normal TV reception again. Afterall, I pay plenty of money for it.
Sounds like UHF interference when the ps3 is one. I have my ps3 sitting on top of my sat box for a fee years and never have had that issue though. So it's tuff to say whT the problem is.
There is some problem either with the tv or one of your compenents such as the ps3. I doubt it's the tv since it works fine until you use it. I am a tech and have been doing this for years and believe it or not have the same problem. My 722 works fine until I turn on my DVD player to watch a dvd. Once the dvd is on the tv2 side is stuck not being able to change until I turn off the dvd player. My thinking is that it's some sort of interference from the dvd player. Sounds like you have something similar going on.

Try this ut would solve your problem.
With my setup, the receiver is in the basement and TV2 is upstairs and down the hall. The TV2 remote would not work reliably so I added a length of coax cable (and a coupler) between the remote antenna and the receiver so that I could move the remote antenna closer to TV2. It took about 6 feet to make it work perfectly all the time. If the playstation is generating interference, moving the remote antenna out of the interference zone (and closer to TV2) might fix the problem.

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