Vip722k Losing Guide Data


SatelliteGuys Master
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Lifetime Supporter
May 14, 2011
Lower Macungie Township, PA
I've been with E* for 2 days. My Vip722k has lost it's guide data twice. Yesterday after loading up the full 10 days I turned it on and there was "no information available" posted in most of the guide slots. A search for a program would result in a correct time and channel, but with no information. Guide data was fully restored when checking a few minutes later. The same thing happened tonight at about 7PM EST. Is this a problem or is the guide really being recreated? I don't have this problem with my 612.
I've been with E* for 2 days. My Vip722k has lost it's guide data twice. Yesterday after loading up the full 10 days I turned it on and there was "no information available" posted in most of the guide slots. A search for a program would result in a correct time and channel, but with no information. Guide data was fully restored when checking a few minutes later. The same thing happened tonight at about 7PM EST. Is this a problem or is the guide really being recreated? I don't have this problem with my 612.

Run a check switch test to make sure your signals are coming in OK, this should also force the guide to download again.

You can also check signal on one of the sat/transponders below to see if you have low signal

119 - trans 18 for western arc
72.7 - trans 21 for eastern arc
I've lost my full 8-day a couple of times over the last couple of days. Had all 8 days then last night the guide only went out 1 1/2 days. Downloaded a new guide and all was well. Just checked a few minutes ago and back to 1 1/2 days. It has happened a couple of other times over the past month or so. What could cause it to lose 6 1/2 days of info after it downloads the full 8 days?
Run a check switch test to make sure your signals are coming in OK, this should also force the guide to download again.

You can also check signal on one of the sat/transponders below to see if you have low signal

119 - trans 18 for western arc
72.7 - trans 21 for eastern arc

Check Switch OK. 65 sig strength on 72.7 trans 21.
Happening with my 722K also for the last 2 days. Runs check download for 9 days....& then next day...back to 2 day guide. I am downloading the complete guide again as I am writing this.
I have been having a similar problem. 5-6 days ago, I had 2 nights where I got 24 hours of guide data, and then it returned to normal. As of Tuesday night this week, I have full guide data, but my 722 is ignoring the new/all timer settings and recording ALL episodes regardless. Doing a check switch now (just passed), it is now downloading guide data and we'll see how it looks after this.

UPDATE: After check switch and guide download complete, it is still recording ALL episodes of all of my timers. I'll try a power cycle next.
UPDATE 2: Reboot (Power cycle) did not resolve the issue either.
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I too am getting several shows that are recording all episodes now and not just new after having a guide problem with no guide data as well. Impacted shows include the simpsons and dr who (old timer being kept for next season) and a few other shows......
Western arc 722k here

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