When mine went bad, for some reason they did not want to send me a replacement, so they sent out a local tech. It was bad and he replaced with a new 722. I already knew that none of the dealers in this area can get 622's anymore. But if they send you one, I would guess you might get a refurb. Just Dunno!
Same here, when my first 622 went south they sent a tech out. After my 5 other 622's that went bad they just sent a a refurbed one out and I sent the other back.When mine went bad, for some reason they did not want to send me a replacement, so they sent out a local tech. It was bad and he replaced with a new 722. I already knew that none of the dealers in this area can get 622's anymore. But if they send you one, I would guess you might get a refurb. Just Dunno!