A strange thing happened tonight. I was watching TCM and all or a sudden I got the slate that the receiver lost the signal. I clicked off the channel, then back on. It came back up just to go away again. I checked the signal on the 129 bird and it read 55%. I own my equipment and installed it years ago. I have an extra LNBF cluster, if I need it. I re-set the receiver with the power button only the find the issue was still there. I then unplugged it for 45 seconds and plugged it back in. It seemed to have worked. In switch channel fast, sometimes I will also get a momentary loss and then it comes back. I fiqure either and issue with the receiver or LNBF cluster. A glitch of some kind?
I really like the vip211k and I have had it for many years, about the time it came out. So the age of the receiver is getting a bit long in the tooth. I am thinking about buying a second 211k receiver for a backup. Solid Signal has then for $89 with the warranty. I paid $159 for the receiver went it came out. I like the 211k with the OTA tuner and the HDD option without any fees. Now, if I buy a refurbished receiver and put my old on away for a back up, should I have any issues switching receivers with Dish? I like having not to pay receiver fees. Thanks.
I really like the vip211k and I have had it for many years, about the time it came out. So the age of the receiver is getting a bit long in the tooth. I am thinking about buying a second 211k receiver for a backup. Solid Signal has then for $89 with the warranty. I paid $159 for the receiver went it came out. I like the 211k with the OTA tuner and the HDD option without any fees. Now, if I buy a refurbished receiver and put my old on away for a back up, should I have any issues switching receivers with Dish? I like having not to pay receiver fees. Thanks.