I personally didn't think he was a GREAT QB in college, but a great athlete that was basically allowed to do his thing on the field and a coaching staff at Texas that trusted him. In the NFL it is definately a different game. In the 7 years I worked in Chicago in sports media, I saw alot things the average "arm chair QBs" did not see and some of the pressures these athletes go through.
Usually, the 1st thing EVERYONE mentions is "but the money that guy makes....blah, blah, blah...." Let me tell you something, NONE of you guys, INCLUDING MYSELF, would trade your so called average lives for his. You cannot do normal every day things you and I do....eat in peace, shop in peace, taking a walk with your significant other in peace....go on vacation with your loved ones in peace, without SOMEONE asking for SOMETHING. You have ALL KINDS of people ASKING you for money....ESPECIALLY FAMILY. GOD FORBID you make a mistake like accidently push somebody...or get into a little Bullsh!t fender bender....things that EVERYONE of us has done in some point of our lives. Because HALF of that town WILL BE SUING you. And on top of that, you HAVE TO...I REPEAT YOU HAVE TO, be a roll model. You better not have an attitude and do EVERYTHING....I REPEAT, everything, with a smile.
...in others words, you are NOT ALLOWED to be human and EVERYTHING that you do MUST BE PERFECT....if not, it WILL be a headline the next day.
You and I have our familes to take care....usually your wife and children, maybe your parents as well. Some of these players take care of their wives/girlfriends families, cousins, aunts and uncles. IF something happens to you or I, it will not be NOWHERE near as financially devastating as something happening to some of these guys.
Maybe you do not feel sorry for these guys, but until you have seen FIRST HAND what they have to go through DAY-TO-DAY.....you really need to respect the fact that most have TONS more responsibility than you and I will ever have.