Viewsat VS200 - No Channels

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Aug 4, 2005
I've just installed a Viewsat VS2000 with a 33" Fortec Dish on a HH90 Motor by STAB. I am seeing 62 channels on both IntelSat5 & Nimiq 1,2, but all the Channels are under the "Scrambled" Category, which cannot be seen. Under the FTA selection, it says No Channels...

BTW Iceberg... Low & High LNB value of 10600 does not work. 10750 worked, and when you had mentioned something about setting 22K value to be set to "ON", that option only comes up, if you have a "Standard" LNB. Since I have a "Universal" LNB, the 22K option goes away, and it asks for Low LNB instead. So I hope 10750 for both Low & High are correct.

Also... I still don't understand how the Disecq Option works. Everytime I set the "Motor" Option to either User or Installer, it moves the dish immediately almost all the way to the West. It doesn't matter which Satellite I choose, it always goes all the way to the West. If I leave it on "Off" however, the dish will not spin at all. So if I am pointed towards a satellite, then I will be able to get a good 70+ signal.

So if I accidentally left the Motor Option on either "User" or "Installer", I would have to manually spin the Dish step by step in the User Mode to get the dish pointing towards the correct Longitude again... Very frustrating...

Please Help before I totally give up on this FTA venture of almost 1 week.

Just installed a Viewsat yesterday, it should not fly off east or west when your hit F1 and choose "User or Installer". Something is wrong there, otherwise I was not too impressed with this receiver. I will stick with the Fortec for now.
Elevation, Latitude, & P Value

Just to perform a Sanity check, can someone tell me what my settings should be for my Dish Installation using the STAB HH90 with a Viewsat VS2000 & Fortec 33" Dish?

My Zip Code is: 78550

If someone can tell me what my Universal LNB Low & High Values should be set at, that would be great.

Looks like your dish elevation should be at 41 deg. (4.38 deg. declination) With the motor elevation set to your latitude 26 deg.

                     Harlingen, TX 78550
          Latitude 26° 11.706'N Longitude 97° 41.340'W

                        Sat Name Sat Lng Az(t) Az(m)   El  Skew
                    Intelsat 901   18.0W  94.6  88.8  0.5 -63.4
                    Intelsat 603   20.0W  95.5  89.7  2.3 -63.3
                           NSS 7   22.0W  96.4  90.6  4.1 -63.1
                    Intelsat 905   24.5W  97.6  91.8  6.4 -62.8
                    Intelsat 907   27.5W  99.0  93.2  9.1 -62.4
                  Hispasat 1C/1D   30.0W 100.3  94.5 11.4 -62.0
                    Intelsat 801   31.5W 101.0  95.2 12.8 -61.7
                    Intelsat 903   34.5W 102.6  96.8 15.5 -61.1
             AMC 12 & Telstar 11   37.5W 104.2  98.4 18.2 -60.4
                         NSS 806   40.5W 105.9 100.1 21.0 -59.7
                       PAS 6B/3R   43.0W 107.4 101.6 23.3 -58.9
                          PAS 1R   45.0W 108.6 102.8 25.1 -58.3
                    Intelsat 705   50.0W 111.9 106.1 29.6 -56.4
                    Intelsat 707   53.0W 114.0 108.2 32.3 -55.0
                    Intelsat 805   55.5W 116.0 110.2 34.5 -53.8
                           PAS 9   58.0W 118.0 112.2 36.7 -52.4
                        Amazonas   61.0W 120.6 114.8 39.3 -50.5
          EchoStar 3 & Rainbow 1   61.5W 121.1 115.3 39.7 -50.2
                Estrela do Sul 1   63.0W 122.5 116.7 41.0 -49.2
                    Brasilsat B2   65.0W 124.5 118.7 42.7 -47.7
                    Brasilsat B1   70.0W 130.1 124.3 46.7 -43.4
                Nahuel 1 & AMC 6   72.0W 132.5 126.7 48.2 -41.4
                           AMC 6   72.0W 132.5 126.7 48.2 -41.4
                       DirecTV 5   72.5W 133.2 127.4 48.5 -40.9
                           SBS 6   74.0W 135.2 129.4 49.6 -39.2
                           AMC 5   79.0W 142.5 136.7 53.0 -33.1
                         Nimiq 2   82.0W 147.5 141.7 54.7 -28.8
                           AMC 9   83.0W 149.3 143.5 55.3 -27.3
                    Brasilsat B3   84.0W 151.1 145.3 55.8 -25.7
                          AMC 16   85.0W 153.0 147.2 56.3 -24.1
                           AMC 3   87.0W 156.8 151.0 57.1 -20.7
             Intelsat Americas 8   89.0W 160.9 155.1 57.9 -17.1
                Galaxy 11/Nimiq1   91.0W 165.1 159.3 58.5 -13.3
                    Brasilsat B4   92.0W 167.3 161.5 58.7 -11.4
                       Telstar 6   93.0W 169.5 163.7 58.9  -9.4
                       Galaxy 3C   95.0W 173.9 168.1 59.2  -5.4
             Intelsat Americas 5   97.0W 178.4 172.6 59.4  -1.4
                       Galaxy 4R   99.0W 183.0 177.2 59.4   2.7
                           AMC 4  101.0W 187.5 181.7 59.2   6.7
                           AMC 1  103.0W 191.9 186.1 58.8  10.7
                          AMC 15  105.0W 196.2 190.4 58.3  14.5
                         Anik F1  107.3W 201.0 195.2 57.6  18.7
        DirecTV 6 & EchoStar 6/8  110.0W 206.3 200.5 56.4  23.4
                         Anik F2  111.1W 208.4 202.6 55.9  25.2
                   Solidaridad 2  113.0W 211.8 206.0 55.0  28.2
                        SatMex 5  116.8W 218.1 212.3 52.7  33.6
         EchoStar 7 & DirecTV 7S  119.0W 221.5 215.7 51.3  36.5
 EchoStar 9/Intelsat Americas 13  121.0W 224.3 218.5 49.9  38.8
                      Galaxy 10R  123.0W 227.0 221.2 48.5  41.0
                       Galaxy 12  125.0W 229.5 223.7 46.9  43.0
            Galaxy 13/Horizons 1  127.0W 231.8 226.0 45.4  44.9
             Intelsat Americas 7  129.0W 234.0 228.2 43.8  46.6
                          AMC 11  131.0W 236.1 230.3 42.1  48.1
                       Galaxy 1R  133.0W 238.1 232.3 40.5  49.6
                          AMC 10  135.0W 239.9 234.1 38.8  50.9
                           AMC 7  137.0W 241.7 235.9 37.0  52.2
                           AMC 8  139.0W 243.3 237.5 35.3  53.3
                    EchoStar 1/2  148.0W 249.9 244.1 27.2  57.4

        Satellite Finder is (c) Copyright 2004, P. Lutus

Intelsat Americas 5 @ 97.0W would be the closest to true south.
Great. Thanks Pete. What should my LNB Low & High Values Be? Both 10750???
Whoops forgot that one : )

09750-10600 L.O. for a Universal LNBF
Hmmm... I will try that again, but from what I saw thus far only 10750 for both High & Low have been giving me results.

So what you're saying here is that Low LNB should be 9750, and High should be 10600 correct? Should I leave Disecq Setting to "User" before I click on Automatic Channel Search? I have been leaving it at "Off", because everytime I click on Automatic Channel Search, the dish moves all the way to the West. Where should it be moving to, if I select IntelSat 5?
Yes, 9750-10600 for a universal. I only used manual channel search. IA-5 is at 97w.

Its a real pain without USALS as you have to enter a live channel/TP then move the dish until the meter turns yellow, then do the manual channel search.
Then what is Disecq suppose to offer me, if USALS and Disecq were supposed to be the same thing?? Basically I will never be using a feature on the receiver that I've intentionally paid for? Will I always leave Disecq Option Off?
Diseqc is if you have more than one dish/LNB. Basically its good for fixed dishes or the Invacom quad, which does both DBS & KU Band
DiSEqC 1.0 = LNB switching, DiSEqC 1.2 = motor operation.

DiSEqC 1.2 is another protocol for operating the motor, I use USALS. Not sure if your receiver has USALS or not... USALS will automatically move your dish to a given satellite using the latitude/longitude data for your location which you provide in setup of USALS.

The reason you cannot select 22khz when you have a Universal LNB is that the receiver automatically turns on 22khz when the 'upper' side of your universal LNB (the Local Oscillator 10600 side) is in use. This is most of the time, since the only channel that uses the 'lower' side (Local Oscillator 9750) is Cubavision. So if you tell your receiver you're using a universal LNB, it will leave out the 22khz option and switch this automatically.

If you have a universal LNB, and you're sure its a universal, it should be set at a L.O. (NOT LOW, this means (L)ocal (O)scillator) of 9750 / 10600.

Use DiSEqC 1.0 for selecting multiple LNBs using a DiSEqC switch. If you don't have multiple LNBs, leave this at 'OFF'. The options are 'OFF' and ports 1-4. If you have a DiSEqC switch and multiple LNBs, connect each LNB to a port on the switch (1-4), and the output of the switch to your receiver. If you have a motor, it should be in between the output of the DiSEqC switch and the receiver. In the receiver channel setup, you would select which LNB to use for a satellite by selecting the port it is connected to on the DiSEqC switch.
Please reply by conversation.

Thumbs Up for Fortec 0.4 Lnbf!

Ebay Sweetness

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