VideoBusiness: High-def formats will remain at parity


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 16, 2007
Interesting analysis IMHO:

By the end of 2008, the installment base for the PlayStation 3 will top all HD DVD devices combined, including set-tops and Xbox 360 drives, by about eight times. The format war will still remain far from resolved, however. Regardless of that huge capability of consumers to utilize Blu-ray, software sales in the format will represent just a two-to-one leading margin over HD DVD...
By 2012, U.S. high-def software will be evenly split between the two formats, where Blu-ray represents 55% of the market and HD DVD represents 45%.
Globally the software split will be 60% Blu-ray; 40% HD DVD...
By 2012, standard DVD discs will total $10 billion in U.S. consumer sales, HD DVD $5 billion and Blu-ray $5 billion...
It looks like they assume the status-quo in studios' netrality/exclusivity what I would not consider a given (at least up to 2012).

Interesting analysis IMHO:

It looks like they assume the status-quo in studios' netrality/exclusivity what I would not consider a given (at least up to 2012).


Yeah, I'm not so sure about this one. He doesn't seem to take a side, but I'd be really surprised if both formats survive for 5 more years like that..... I don't know which way it will go, but it seems like ultimately the entire industry is better off with one format, so I'm not sure why they would drag it out that long.

Then again, what do I know?
...I'd be really surprised if both formats survive for 5 more years like that.....
Me too.
But we have a catch-22 of sort ...
Consumers won't buy with confidence unless there is one format
and studios won't force one format unless they see consumers' confidence and support...:)

But I agree that this standoff has low odds to last 5 years...


Any portable HD format players coming?
