I was a DISH customer with SD only, but when I tried to upgrade to the Hopper, I needed new cabling to 3 GHz to the Hopper and have the dish mounted on the house to point to the satellites needed. With the DirectTV, no new wiring needed and the satellite could be placed in the same location (different pole) as my old Dish 500 was.
I didn't have a Hopper to compare, but I have been extremely satisfied with the HR34. I am amazed of how many shows I have saved and yet my DVR says I still have 71% free. I do not have clients (I switched before the Genie promotion). I do notice a slow down from time to time when watching on a remote TV, but it has seem to have gotten better over the past few months (maybe some software updates happened). I love the 5 tuners. I looked at upgrading to a client so I could pause Live TV on the remote TV's, but they wanted $149, so not doing that yet.
I'm sure if I had gotten the Hopper, I would have been satisfied with it as well, though the 3 tuners may have been slightly annoying. We really only watch 2 TV's of the 3 anyway, so I could have worked any recordings (with PTAT) around it, but the 5 tuners means I really do not have to think about it.