Video Game System survey...

What Game Console do you have (or plan to get before 2006 is done)?

  • XBox 360

    Votes: 73 65.8%
  • Playstation 3

    Votes: 9 8.1%
  • Nintendo Wii

    Votes: 43 38.7%
  • Original XBox

    Votes: 48 43.2%
  • Playstation 2

    Votes: 34 30.6%
  • Nintendo Game Cube

    Votes: 28 25.2%
  • Console?!? PC Games are where its at!

    Votes: 24 21.6%
  • Older systems or could care less....

    Votes: 21 18.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Playing XBoxOne SeriesX/Supporter
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 12, 2003
Brielle, NJ
I'm curious as to what systems everyone has (or is planning on getting before Christmas)....
I'm surprised at the Wii numbers......

While everyone focused on MS vs. Sony, Nintendo may be sneaking up on everyone. Maybe there are a few more like Eric Cartman out there...

I went shopping over the weekend trying to find controllers and there is NOTHING but the plastic stuff (nunchuk covers, system organizers, etc.) for sale anywhere. Anything from Nintendo is being snapped up... Even the 2000 point cards.... which aren't critical since you can buy the points online with a credit card.

Ours is a 360/Wii household now, with the Original XBox relegated to my son's room. We are going to donate the GameCube to my brother in law and his 3 year old son as he doesn't have a system right now....
I'm old school.

Dreamcast (Gran Tourismo 2 bleemcast rocked!)
3 PS2s (but one no worky) + lots of PS1 games
Have lots of games for the PC. I'd love to be able to play my old Sierra Aces games on my XP system.

When the game cube hits $50, I'll probably add that, too.
Hey, I feel ya....

My SNES and NES are at my parents, where my kids play it when they visit....

My N64 is at my in laws.

I donated all my old Atari VCS hardware and carts to a friend of my sisters who had nothing about 10 years ago....

I kinda dig the Wii old school vibe. Just have to wait for Goldeneye to hit the shopping channel....
Actually, one of my favorite games is Carmageddon on the PC. Released 10 years ago, it still is the most fun game about vehicular combat.

It was like Death Race 2000,... you got ponts for running over pedestrians and livestock, and you were supposed to race to the finish line... None of us didthough,... we played Demolition Derby with the other racers until there were no more standing...
I primarily use Xbox 360 and PC but will get Wii next year when its easier to obtain. Between the 3, there is absolutely no need for PS3. Sorry Sony!!
Actually, one of my favorite games is Carmageddon on the PC. Released 10 years ago, it still is the most fun game about vehicular combat.

It was like Death Race 2000,... you got ponts for running over pedestrians and livestock, and you were supposed to race to the finish line... None of us didthough,... we played Demolition Derby with the other racers until there were no more standing...

Some friends and I replaced almost every sound file (they were all .wavs) with us screaming and all sorts of other shennanigans and we still yell them from time to time to remind us of the old days of LAN parties with Carmageddon.... it just never really got old, and just like Tribes 2 and Tribes 3, sequels never lived up to how good the original was.
Five years ago I would have said PC, but now I'd have to say 360 is the best gaming experience. Though I still play on my PC for some games, and when i get bored with my two 360 titles and couple of XBoX games that will play on the 360.

360 and original Xbox I have currently, though I got rid of several Xbox games a while back to get some money.

I've had and liked Nintendo Gamecube, Super Nintendo, and the original Nintendo. I didn't like N64, though I only had one for a few months.

Playstation and Playstation II have played and didn't enjoy it anymore than the Xbox. Though there was a few games I wanted to play that were only on PS.

I'd play on the 360 more often if I had more games lol.
"Zork" rules!

Don't need no stinkin' graphics!

I was a fan of Leather Goddesses of Phobos myself....

Ah, the old Infocom games.....

OPEN mailbox... etc.

the toughest problem was trying to guess what verb the programmers were thinking of..... I'm not ashamed to admit that I used DEBUG to read the code looking through the verb list looking for one that would fit the situation when I got stuck....

Another time in college, my friends and I were playing a Star Trek based text game called the Kobiyashi Alternative (I think that was the name).... One of the clues was a bunch of two character letters and numbers. My buds in my dorm were stuck until I noted it looked like hexadecimal code. I opened DEBUG, put them in, and the code spelled out the phrase UNDER ME. Turned out there was an artifact hidden there....

Wow, the junk that I still remember. Can't remember to pick up the dry cleaning on the way home, but THAT I remember.....
I started with Sinclair ZX Spectrum as my first home PC- and soon I was writing my own games... not that fancy graphics but nevertheless they were funny enough. :) Later used Commodore machines... then PCs, first XT then AT...

Anyway Horace-series (H Goes Skiing, H and the Spiders, Hungry Horace etc) Boulder, Dash, Jet Set Willy, Impossible Mission I-II, Elite, The Great Escape names ring the bell for somebody? ;)
I have:

Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64
Xbox 360
First game I ever played was Xenos. A text game for the Radio Shack TRS-80. I played it at my computer lab in highschool around 1983. Got me out of study hall..... Had to load it off of a cassette tape....
Oh man Bob. I had an Atari 400 and you just reminded me about loading games via cassette. Yikes. We have come a looonnngggg way folks.
I remember having a Texas Instruments TI 99/4 computer and it had cartridges.
My freshman year at Drew University in Madison, NJ in 1984 we were all given Epson QX-10 computers. It ran on the CP/M operating system. Bill Gates had JUST bought the rights to BASIC for $50K from some garage based engineer.

Three years later they finally allowed us to trade in for computers based on the 286 chip that ran MS-DOS. Wow, we thought that was fast.... My cell phone can run laps around it now...
I remember having a Texas Instruments TI 99/4 computer and it had cartridges.

I had a TI 99/4a, and I learned stuff like TI basic off of cassette tapes. Games were on carts (parsec!!!), my cousin had one, too, but his was pimped out with the voice modulator!

I wasted like $200 on a sega master system so I could play choplifter. Its the only game I ever owned for that system! For a challenge, you could hook up a 2600 joystick (same connector, one less button), and play the game without being able to turn the chopper around!

Wii beats PS3 by large

Gran Turismo HD Canceled - PS3

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