Yep, it's fun. Want to make it even less boring? Get you computer to export sounds and possibly video to your main tv where your fta receiver is using a graphics card with tv out. It opened up an entirely new dimension to my set up.
I couldn't get my graphic's card sound out to the tv, but picture went ok. For sound I got tired of trying to figure out how to do it with the card, so finally just went and did a long audio cord extension run from the computer's sound card out to the audigy's line in. I only plug in the line in down at the audigy when I'm actually watching stuff off of the computer. The coax going down to the fta receiver from the computer uses an a/b switch to swap from ota antenna to computer's signal. There's a couple of vcrs in the mix too, but with newer cards, you should be able to bypass that part of it and go directly from computer to receiver's ota antenna line in...