I've got a long range yagy antenna with a 13 db motorolla amplifier mounted at the base of the antenna.
My signal strength is terrific, but channel 65 (Fox 11) in Southern California still goes in and out of signal with a minimum signal strenght of 86....sometimes in high 90's!
I have a Motorolla (Voom) receiver.
I have a Samsung HDTV upstairs with an OTA receiver that I guess I could try to see if the same thing happens. I don't have an OTA signal hooked up to that TV yet...if you were wondering. I am not going to split the signal....that's for sure.
Anyway, any ideas? Ever seen this before?
My signal strength is terrific, but channel 65 (Fox 11) in Southern California still goes in and out of signal with a minimum signal strenght of 86....sometimes in high 90's!
I have a Motorolla (Voom) receiver.
I have a Samsung HDTV upstairs with an OTA receiver that I guess I could try to see if the same thing happens. I don't have an OTA signal hooked up to that TV yet...if you were wondering. I am not going to split the signal....that's for sure.
Anyway, any ideas? Ever seen this before?