Versus Removed Sept 1 from DirecTV

Do you think they will get a deal done?

  • Yes they Will before 9/1

    Votes: 22 10.0%
  • Yes they will, but after 9/1 but before 9/12

    Votes: 37 16.7%
  • yes they will, but after 9/12 but in time for nhl season.

    Votes: 94 42.5%
  • no they won't

    Votes: 68 30.8%

  • Total voters
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I don't care what you were told, what a press release said, or what you want. They will add additional channels when they can and/or when they want. You don't have the right to anything more than the ability to change providers. No matter what they give will still be here complaining. You aren't forced to pay them. You choose to pay them and this is how it is going to be. Don't like it? Go elsewhere then. Of all the silly things to complain about. Are there not more important things in your lives? It's one channel. It's one thing to be passionate, but my lord...get a grip.
FYI - Some us on are forced to pay them because we are in a contract. The #1 reason I chose DTV was because of their HD content including the channels that we were told were coming. So, I feel like I have every right to complain. I send a complaint to them once a month and will continue to do so until my contract is up and I can switch to FiOS, who despite DTV's false advertising, is the real HD leader.
FYI - Some us on are forced to pay them because we are in a contract. The #1 reason I chose DTV was because of their HD content including the channels that we were told were coming. So, I feel like I have every right to complain. I send a complaint to them once a month and will continue to do so until my contract is up and I can switch to FiOS, who despite DTV's false advertising, is the real HD leader.

No, you aren't being forced. You agreed to the terms of the contract. That was your choice. You can opt out of the contract if you pay the fee you agreed to. That is also a choice. You have options and are not being forced into anything.

Let's step back from the ledge. It is only one channel. They could add every channel possible and many here would still complain.
FYI - Some us on are forced to pay them because we are in a contract. The #1 reason I chose DTV was because of their HD content including the channels that we were told were coming. So, I feel like I have every right to complain. I send a complaint to them once a month and will continue to do so until my contract is up and I can switch to FiOS, who despite DTV's false advertising, is the real HD leader.

Point out that press release I linked in my earlier post and I'm pretty sure DirecTV would (or at least SHOULD) let you out of your contractual obligation. Talk to retention and tell them you based your purchase on that info and they didn't follow through.

If I had FIOS available in my area I would switch too. Even with just cable or Dish available I'm on the verge. (And not because of Versus, per se, just at the end of my rope with DirecTV.) The only thing holding me back is not any contract—I feel relatively confident I have the fortitude to make sure that doesn't stick—but the major $$$ I have invested in DirecTV equipment: 5 HD DVRs, an additional HD receiver, all with external hard drives, multi-switch, custom wiring, etc. It's a sum so large I don't even want to add it up.
No, you aren't being forced. You agreed to the terms of the contract. That was your choice. You can opt out of the contract if you pay the fee you agreed to. That is also a choice. You have options and are not being forced into anything.

Let's step back from the ledge. It is only one channel. They could add every channel possible and many here would still complain.

Jcorwin- You keep saying "it is only one channel" to people that have clearly stated other reasons they are upset with DirecTV. You are responding to yet another person that is complaining about channels promised and not delivered. He is not specifically complaining about Versus either. Just because the thread is about "one channel" that we have had up until eight days ago, it doesn't mean we can't and won't discuss other reasons for being upset with DirecTV.

The "one channel" problem with losing Versus partially demonstrates how DirecTV is getting less and less balanced with customer satisfaction and profitability as a business. They are getting too greedy. Some of us are pointing out additional examples of how DirecTV is making changes for the worse. Not only are they not adding new HD channels (including ones they PROMISED when some of us were in the deciding stages before signing up), but now they are taking away "one channel" that we had. Like I said, I think they will add it back before hockey season, but not before Versus is forced to give in and take less $$$ per subscriber.
Jcorwin- You keep saying "it is only one channel" to people that have clearly stated other reasons they are upset with DirecTV. You are responding to yet another person that is complaining about channels promised and not delivered. He is not specifically complaining about Versus either. Just because the thread is about "one channel" that we have had up until eight days ago, it doesn't mean we can't and won't discuss other reasons for being upset with DirecTV.

The "one channel" problem with losing Versus partially demonstrates how DirecTV is getting less and less balanced with customer satisfaction and profitability as a business. They are getting too greedy. Some of us are pointing out additional examples of how DirecTV is making changes for the worse. Not only are they not adding new HD channels (including ones they PROMISED when some of us were in the deciding stages before signing up), but now they are taking away "one channel" that we had. Like I said, I think they will add it back before hockey season, but not before Versus is forced to give in and take less $$$ per subscriber.

I don't really care. It is still far too dramatic over TV channels.
I don't really care. It is still far too dramatic over TV channels.

I'm not saying you're wrong (TV is SO not life or death), but if you're so above it all, why are you participating in this thread at all? In general, if all you have to add to any conversation is a disdainful "get a life" attitude (and, trust me, there are plenty of times I feel that way about a variety of topics), you're probably better off just skipping the discussion. Roll your eyes (privately) and move on ... It's better for your blood pressure.
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FYI - Some us on are forced to pay them because we are in a contract. The #1 reason I chose DTV was because of their HD content including the channels that we were told were coming. So, I feel like I have every right to complain. I send a complaint to them once a month and will continue to do so until my contract is up and I can switch to FiOS, who despite DTV's false advertising, is the real HD leader.

Then again, by then they (fios) may NOT be the leader and D* may, will you then decide to KEEP D* ?

I could care less about the NUMBER of HD channels D* says they have as long as they have the ones I watch.
They can't have EVERYONE and they cannot please everyone either.
I don't really care. It is still far too dramatic over TV channels.

That is an opinion. I think people overreact with excitement over comic book or Star Trek conventions, but that is their right. TV is important to some more than others. It is especially important when it is a channel that carries something that is a big part of one's entertainment. In the case of Versus it is hockey for most and cycling, bull riding, or other stuff for other people.

If these people just thought of it as "one channel," they wouldn't be taking the time to post here repeatedly. It means something to them.
Then again, by then they (fios) may NOT be the leader and D* may, will you then decide to KEEP D* ?

I could care less about the NUMBER of HD channels D* says they have as long as they have the ones I watch.
They can't have EVERYONE and they cannot please everyone either.

The problem (or for some, the positive aspect) with DirecTV and it's HD offerings, is that they are too sports focused. They have most RSNs and spend a ton of money for the exclusive rights to Sunday Ticket, yet they only carry 3 or 4 of the 26 HBO/MAX HD channels. FIOS, on the other hand, has all the HBO/MAX channels in HD and everything in HD offered by Showtime/TMC. They have all the Starz except Starz West (for some odd reason) in HD. FIOS is a no-brainer if you are a movie lover. If you take out the sports package with DirecTV and the movie channels with FIOS, they have much in common as far as HD channels. They both have the Viacom HD channels and both are missing the Rainbow and Comcast HD offerings. If you love sports, go D*. If you love movies, go FIOS. DirecTV could easily ease the frustration by offering HBO2, HBO Family, Mormax, etc. in HD (as announced). But they don't take it serious or they would follow through.
The problem (or for some, the positive aspect) with DirecTV and it's HD offerings, is that they are too sports focused. They have most RSNs and spend a ton of money for the exclusive rights to Sunday Ticket, yet they only carry 3 or 4 of the 26 HBO/MAX HD channels. FIOS, on the other hand, has all the HBO/MAX channels in HD and everything in HD offered by Showtime/TMC. They have all the Starz except Starz West (for some odd reason) in HD. FIOS is a no-brainer if you are a movie lover. If you take out the sports package with DirecTV and the movie channels with FIOS, they have much in common as far as HD channels. They both have the Viacom HD channels and both are missing the Rainbow and Comcast HD offerings. If you love sports, go D*. If you love movies, go FIOS. DirecTV could easily ease the frustration by offering HBO2, HBO Family, Mormax, etc. in HD (as announced). But they don't take it serious or they would follow through.

Honestly, if you love movies you will skip everything other than Showtime and HDNet Movies. All the others give you the crop and zoom jobs with degraded PQ.
My wife and I live all alone,
in a little grass shack we call our own.
She likes coffee, I like tea,
and together we live happily !

There is no way any of us is going to change what is going on between these 2 parties. Can't we just all get along ? This topic has long outlived its importance.
Let's move on and all start ranting about why we don't have ESPNUHD.
Honestly, if you love movies you will skip everything other than Showtime and HDNet Movies. All the others give you the crop and zoom jobs with degraded PQ.

The HD versions of the premiums are 16x9 or better. Yes, OAR is preferred, but filling the screen is catering to the general public, not the connoisseur. HBO/MAX admittedly do this a lot. But this is not as bad as 4:3 pan and scan by any means and makes the viewing acceptable. For me, if I enjoy a movie enough I buy the DVD, or in the last few year the HD-DVD or most recently bluray. I watch the movie channels to find hidden gems, watch movies I don't think I'd like enough to buy, and watch comedies for laughs. Good action flicks like Rambo, Terminator, Matrix, etc. I would buy anyway and not rely on premium channels (Ronin looked darn good on MGM HD btw and that was a hidden gem of a movie).

What I hate is the commercial laced channels that edit the movies for time or content to make the advertisers happy. No thanks... I never watch movies on basic cable channels that have commercials and edit.

Edit: All the HBO/MAX HD channels require 8Mbps and that is why many providers (probably DirecTV) don't carry them. FIOS has them all and they all look good most of the time.
What I hate is the commercial laced channels that edit the movies for time or content to make the advertisers happy. No thanks... I never watch movies on basic cable channels that have commercials and edit.

+1, I love premiums and hate basic cable channels.

Isn't this the "give me back Versus" thread though.
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Still doing HR10-250 to HD-DVR for free?


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