Verizon Sets First FiOS Rate Hike


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Supporting Founder
Apr 18, 2005
DeKalb County, AL
Verizon Communications plans to raise the rates for its most widely distributed Verizon FiOS TV programming packages by about 7% in January.

Beginning Jan. 1, the price for its 200-channel FiOS TV Premiere package will increase from $39.95 to $42.99 monthly for new customers in New York, New Jersey, Texas, Massachusetts, California and Florida, Verizon spokesman Cliff Lee said Monday. New customers in Virginia and Maryland will see the price increase go into effect Jan. 14, he added.

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Note the rate increases won't apply to existing customers, so long as they don't make any any changes to their account. If you make changes to your account after January 14, you will be hit with the updated rates.
That will probably encourage a few people to add on packages to avoid the rate hike, at least if they are on the fence about getting HBO or whatever.

What new HD Channels will be added....

Videotron cable box and tivo

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