Venturing into 4DTV

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cool...thanks for the info

I've seen the Skyvision place a couple years ago (they're about 3 hours from my house) :)
cool...thanks for the info

I've seen the Skyvision place a couple years ago (they're about 3 hours from my house) :)

Bought my 4DTV, DSR 922 from Skyvision for $399. 00 last year. They had the best price going at the time. Got it in 2 days :)
Well the 905 arrived today. Hooked it up and it powered up :)
(the guy I got it from said he didnt know if it worked because it powered up then off right away....that's the old Motorola reset thing)

I tuned to X4 (and had to change the LNB in the menu to 90 degree rotated) and it worked. Have audio channels :)

Tried to go to AMC3 KU (I guess thats called K3?) and there are no channels logged on that satellite in the unit...stays on channel the maps are realy outdated

I did tune to AMC5 (k5) and did get OETA

So here are my questions....

Once I get the big dish moved out front probably this weekend and aimed at say G0 (where Showtime is) or G1 (where the guide is), I do a master reset which I know clears everything (thats why I havent done it yet)...then what? Leave the unit off for 1/2 hour or so?
Will it load all the channels (even the ones that are not subscribed) or just what is subscribed?

I know I'll have more questions but I want to take it one step at a time
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Well the 905 arrived today. Hooked it up and it powered up :)
(the guy I got it from said he didnt know if it worked because it powered up then off right away....that's the old Motorola reset thing)

I tuned to X4 (and had to change the LNB in the menu to 90 degree rotated) and it worked. Have audio channels :)

Tried to go to AMC3 KU (I guess thats called K3?) and there are no channels logged on that satellite in the unit...stays on channel the maps are realy outdated

I did tune to AMC5 (k5) and did get OETA

So here are my questions....

Once I get the big dish moved out front probably this weekend and aimed at say G0 (where Showtime is) or G1 (where the guide is), I do a master reset which I know clears everything (thats why I havent done it yet)...then what? Leave the unit off for 1/2 hour or so?
Will it load all the channels (even the ones that are not subscribed) or just what is subscribed?

I know I'll have more questions but I want to take it one step at a time

I know how to do a Master Reset on a DSR 922, but never owned a sidecar so I don't know if the sidecar would be the same. I would call NPS or SRL and ask them for specifics. Here is how it is done on a 922:

COPIED FROM A FILE I HAVE: I edited & updated a few parts of it.

1. First you should write down each satellites position and skew for each satellite.

Options 6-4-4 then push enter on every satellite programmed in (satellite names that have a check beside them) and write down Dish Position (NOT move dish to number)

Write down the skew numbers both for H & V
Push go back then use arrow right once to Don't Save and push enter then move the yellow box to every other satellite that has a check and do the same thing that you did above till all satellites are written down on the worksheet

2. Note: The dish Limits Options 6-4-3 will be reset so write this information down both East and West limits

3. Note: Dish settings Options 6-4-2 write down Actuator, LNB Type & Feedhorn Polarization

4. Note: All timers will be erased when you do a MR on the 4DTV

5. Now move your dish to satellite G1 (G15) Channel 3 (on your Analog receiver for the sidecar) Remember the number this satellite is at. If you like you can tweak your dishes position up or down a few numbers to bring in the maximum signal number on digital channels.

6. Press Options 6-7-7-8 arrow down to Reset to Factory Defaults and press enter The receiver should reset and reboot and you will see the receivers front say WM UP

7. After WM UP (warm up) you need to enter in your new dish limits.

8. Go to Options 6-4-2 and set this up as you recorded it down as. Then set the limits of your satellite and then push 3 Program Satellites and program in satellite G1 it should be at a dish position of 5000. Now tune to transponder 3 you should get a DCII Lock light and leave the receiver here for at least 1/2 hour. If you like go to Options 6-5 and look at the box at the bottom called Channels. Once you start receiving the new channel maps this number should slowly start to increment.

9. If your 4DTV doesn't have the IPG (on screen Guide) you will have to call your program provider and ask them for a hit. Go to options 6-5 and now look at the Trip Counter number once you receive a hit from the program provider you will see this number jump from 0 to a positive number usually 5. This means you have got a digital hit and your guide is now enabled. To download the guide push the Guide button on the 4DTV remote and let it load. If you don't have satellite G1 programmed in or can't receive a strong enough digital signal on G1 TP.3 you won't be able to receive the 4DTV IPG guide.

10. Now you can program in the rest of your satellites remember to program in each satellites skew and position as you had written it down on your work sheet. But before you do that you'll have to set the dishes Limits, but should be done from above.

I think with the sidecar all you have to do is write down your skew info since the analog receiver controls the rest, then do the MR. Hit the unit, let the channels load & guide, program in the satellites and skew. The current channel count is 4710. You need at least a 40 quality to get a usable stable lock. To answer your other question it will load all the channels not just the ones subscribed. You will receive a no subscription message on the unsubscribed ones. Hope this help's:rolleyes:
Thanks for the info! I won't need to adjust skew since I'm using a LNBF for both C & KU....Once I get the 6 footer out front of the house to see the western arc then I'll reset it..

addition: Menu 6-4 goes into the status list. Install menu 6-3 just gives me oiptions for remote, add or delete satellites and what LNB's I'm using.

On the 905 when you switch satellites you get a message saying "make sure to tune the analog reciever to the same satellite" and you can go into analog mode (turns the 905 off like the TV/sat button would) or exit and the satellite you chose pops up.

So I have a feeling I just aim at G1,G0, G5 etc...tune in the premium channel, and hit reset
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It sounds like the 905 is kind of nice slaved to a DVB box. I was wondering if you were going to get any complaints about the positioner. I wasn't sure if the 905 had any tie-in to the motor control on the analog box it's usually slaved to.

I sometimes miss my 922.

I wouldn't think you need a master reset but I guess it can't hurt. That's usually only needed when the unit runs out of memory.

The 905 / 920 I think just need a power cycle to pull down new maps. You can watch the trip count on the diagnostics screen increment to see if you're receiving hits. I think it's options, 6-0-5 to get there. This is from memory and may be completely different on the 905 :).
It sounds like the 905 is kind of nice slaved to a DVB box. I was wondering if you were going to get any complaints about the positioner. I wasn't sure if the 905 had any tie-in to the motor control on the analog box it's usually slaved to.
nope. When you change satellites it gives you a message that says to turn the analog box to the same satellite. I just hit "exit" and it shows the new satellite. If I slaved it to an analog, I would hit the "go to analog" then the analog box would be live.

I wouldn't think you need a master reset but I guess it can't hurt. That's usually only needed when the unit runs out of memory.
what about the channel maps? It is seriously channels on K3, 95% of the X4 channels are missing, no Nebraska PBS on T5 (old satellite) or T6 (where it moved to)
The 905 / 920 I think just need a power cycle to pull down new maps. You can watch the trip count on the diagnostics screen increment to see if you're receiving hits. I think it's options, 6-0-5 to get there. This is from memory and may be completely different on the 905 :). 6-0-5 gets me into the same menus as the StarChoice box so that is right. I wanted to see if that worked the same...I have where it shows ebno # (much better than a signal meter) :)

So Shawn what youre saying is to just aim it at G0,G1 etc and turn the box off for 1/2 hour and it should downaload the channel maps??
I would try G1-3, I have never been successful on G0 or G5. Not familiar with the sidecar but if I go to G1-3, pull up the guide, arrow over 24 hour period to tomorrows guide listings, it will say 'Updating information' and it will go ahead and load the maps and the guide, wait about 15 mins. and it should work.

The menus are the same as Starchoice so you will be very familiar with them and the guide.

T6/600 - 618 is Nebraska PBS ITC, simulcasted on T5-600-618 as well, K3-640,
k5-600, T7 (121 cband side)-799-804 has some ITC stuff.

Anything that is lettered G will be X on Ku, ex. G0-X0, G3-X3
T's will be L's, T6=L6, W's are K's....W4=K4, If you can get over to P9 there is some good music on that one as well.

Be sure in your menu, you have selcted both C/Ku LNB's as well so your Ku satellite tiles will show up.

Hope these little hints help, not sure if it is like the 922 but this is how you do it on the 922.

Just wanted to add one more note, G1-3 is tricky to pull in, but once that DCII light comes on, that means you have a lock...I would suggest getting an alacarte subscription just for some of the FTA stuff that wont come in unless the box has a subscription. That's where the generics come into play and then there is a whole other situation to talk about, but once you figured them out, its easy.
Now that I think about it.. I did an online re-hit after a reset. They had me check the trip counter to be sure the box was getting hit.

Once you're subscribed you can re-hit yourself with NPS:

The channel maps I think will come down automatically. I'm not sure if you need to have a sub to get those.

I'd ammend that to say if it was subbed, un-plug, plug it back in while on G1 -3 with DC lock and it will do it's thing.
I know on the 922 to add channels all I have to do is go to G1-3 and take a rehit. But if he's missing a bunch of stuff a master reset is probably better. If he subscribes to something ALTV, & Blackbelt will turn on also. There in U mode. If it's FP I think you don't need a sub but for U you need a subcription. I would get the big dish set up on G1-3 do the maps then worry about sub's. If ICE's 6 foot was alot bigger I'd say leave it there and sub to the HBO/MAX master's. Im watching them right now BEST DIGITAL VIDEO OUT THERE! :D
The 905 should be like the 922, so you should be able to go to G0-5 wait about 3-5 minutes and all should be ok, as long as you have the DC lock, the 920 is the only one that needs the unplug replug everytime the maps are updated.

A MR is up to you, the 905 should be good to go after you load the new maps.

I would not go to G1-3 unless you want the guide for one day :)
The menus are the same as Starchoice so you will be very familiar with them and the guide.
I found that out right away :)

T6/600 - 618 is Nebraska PBS ITC, simulcasted on T5-600-618 as well, K3-640,
k5-600, T7 (121 cband side)-799-804 has some ITC stuff.
I can get K5-600 but K3-640 doesn't show channels are on it needs the downaloads.

Anything that is lettered G will be X on Ku, ex. G0-X0, G3-X3
T's will be L's, T6=L6, W's are K's....W4=K4, If you can get over to P9 there is some good music on that one as well.
good to know

Be sure in your menu, you have selcted both C/Ku LNB's as well so your Ku satellite tiles will show up.
yep. right now I have it on KU LNBF 90 degrees rotated and K5 & X4 are working fine

Hope these little hints help, not sure if it is like the 922 but this is how you do it on the 922.
yes they help greatly

Just wanted to add one more note, G1-3 is tricky to pull in, but once that DCII light comes on, that means you have a lock...I would suggest getting an alacarte subscription just for some of the FTA stuff that wont come in unless the box has a subscription. That's where the generics come into play and then there is a whole other situation to talk about, but once you figured them out, its easy.

good to know. I probably will get a x4 sub for a while
I know on the 922 to add channels all I have to do is go to G1-3 and take a rehit. But if he's missing a bunch of stuff a master reset is probably better. If he subscribes to something ALTV, & Blackbelt will turn on also. There in U mode. If it's FP I think you don't need a sub but for U you need a subcription. I would get the big dish set up on G1-3 do the maps then worry about sub's. If ICE's 6 foot was alot bigger I'd say leave it there and sub to the HBO/MAX master's. Im watching them right now BEST DIGITAL VIDEO OUT THERE! :D

not much of a movie fan.

So now here is something stupid. If I sub to something to get those in U mode and if the subscription gets cacnelled, I assume I lose those chanenls too?
The 905 should be like the 922, so you should be able to go to G0-5 wait about 3-5 minutes and all should be ok, as long as you have the DC lock, the 920 is the only one that needs the unplug replug everytime the maps are updated.

A MR is up to you, the 905 should be good to go after you load the new maps.

I would not go to G1-3 unless you want the guide for one day :)

Thanks for the info guys. This is what makes this forum great is everyone is willing to help. I don't know much about 4DTV except for what I have read here and you guys have helped out immenselly.

So you're saying I dont even need to do a MR...just go to G0-5 as an example and let it sit for 5 minutes? Do I leave the unit on or off or does it matter?
Where is the trip meter? Is that the thing on the Diagnostic C screen right next to the ebno number? (ebno being the +10.0 I have on OETA) :)
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Cartoon Network now on G3-600

dsr-920 4DTV limits / motor movement

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