I have a NUVO Concerto whole house entertainment system that is now hooked up to one side of a Dish 322. The NUVO Concerto has cable out, I'm sure it is infrared, that sits in front of the 322 box. With this setup I can control some basic inputs to the 322 like channel up and down. I have my favorite channel guide set up for the music stations we like. From any where in the house we can change the audio to diffirent channels using the wall units. Qustion for all the Hopper/Joey guru's out there. Do I understant correctly that the remote control receiver used for the H/J is totally radio and not IR? If so does anybody know of a workaround for a setup similar to this. It's certainly not a deal killer for switching but we would hate to lose this valuable feature. Still waiting on Black Ops to call about our install for 3 Hoppers and 6 Joeys......