The last CHarlie Chat said something about adding an external hard drive to a VIP211 and making it a DVR......IS that a done deal yet? Where can I get more info on this?
Beside the $40 activation fee, do we have to pay the monthly DVR fee too on a 211 with external storage?
OK, next question:
What is the advantage of adding a $200.00 hard drive (Give or take) versus just leasing an HD DVR from E*?
Yes, it is expected that this will be the case. You will, after all, have the DVR functionality.
External has more storage space, and eventually you will be able to have several external HDDs connected at once. Even now, you can have a few HDDs, just can only connect one at a time.
That's a good question.Will we be able to use the 211 with hard drive like a regular dvr?I have one at
my bar and I miss the ability to pause and and also go back when I miss some
dialogue. I already paid to activate the hard drive on my vip 622, with the
211 I could get a smaller hard drive cheap just for pause, fast forward etc
Well that kind of blows. We pay the same $40 activation fee and the same monthly DVR fee as users of the 622 but we get no internal HD AND we are limited to 1 tuner.
I doubt many people will opt for this as just switching to a 622 would be a MUCH better
deal. E* might as well not even work on this for the small return it will get them.
OK, now a technical question;
With my External Hard Drive connected to my VIP211, will I be able to connect it to a Laptop or PC to burn recorded games or movies off of it?
I think anything bigger than 500gb is going to create a bigger disappointment if it ever goes bad.So the bigger the hard drive the better (If I want to save recorded games ect).
For people who already have a Vip211, spending $40 activation + $90 for a HDD (320 GB WD @Best Buy), is cheaper than upgrading to a 622. Plus, I am at my tuner limit, 6, so I can't replace my 211 with a 622.