USB Jtag help please

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Do not confuse BDM with JTAG.

Can you read my post in the 4dtv expiriment sticky and answer the questions?
To add when the battery goes dead on these 4dtv receivers, to I understand correctly that you lose UID and updated maps, but you do retain the original maps, correct?

Someone tried very hard on USBBDM forum to recover UID and old maps over a year ago. His conclusion was that besides the NVRAM (this is where I believe all the original maps are stored) there are also SRAM KM68V2000(confirmed by 4play source according to what I see) which is where the extra mapping among other data is stored. Just look at 4play source code.
Also look at the Datasheets for the samsung sram. Here is a quote:
"The families also support low data retention voltage
for battery back-up operation with low data retention current." cough, cough.
The problem with USBBDM hardware/software(according to MC68331 datasheet) has Chip Select pins for external RAM, moreover CS1, CS2. He thinks USBBDM does not read this RAM correctly. USBBDM (the person, not the hardware) said he would get this working if anyone donated a DSR to him. That simple. You will not ever be able to purchase his product and write your own app, period.
On a side note, that thread should be posted here. There is more info there. For example the same guy trying to restore his maps, also bought an XC chip from china and soldered it on...a new UID was back! He challenged any doubters, and offered to send an XC to any address that pays to try to recreate what he saw. He even posted pics.

But stoker_x1 what language you versed in?
Ive been eyeing this for when I find a cheap or dead or both 4dtv to help out the community.(my dte-7100 gets everything this box will) so I cant donate too much out of my own pockets.
I know you want USB, and I have found some generic solutions to implement, but at the end of the day its not worth it considering the price of USBBDM(the hardware/software) and the offer he made to help.
If scripts are your thing USBBDM is the way to go, but I will build that PD BDM hardware for ya and you could use the freescale driver and develop and app. It looks very well documented.
All that's being done here is continuing the Motorola mapping that is no longer provided on the satellite signal. Carry on gentlemen, there is nothing bad going on here.

Exactly, Greg read a book, how is this different than the copyrighted material you watch on dvb-s dvb-s2 every day with your bud?
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Hi merkin,

Let me bring you up to date a little bit. I now have a team of more than seven qualified programmers. None of us are concerned with violating anyone's rights regarding this work. There are good and bad hackers in this world. I'm sure you know what I mean. We are good hackers and that is the end of that story.

I'm versed in C, C++, Java and assembly. I read some of what this guy did and applaud him for the work he did. I think he was from Mexico or somewhere like that. I have always believed that two heads are better than one, so seven should be even better. Remember this, when he worked on his project, most of us were willing to wait and see how this stuff would all turn out. We know now that it was not a perfect process and there were loosers with this deal.

Your quote: "I will build that PD BDM hardware for ya and you could use the freescale driver and develop and app. It looks very well documented." That would be great and your are a generous person to offer. I would like to leave it this way with you. Should I feel it is needed, I will contact you and ask you to build one for me. For now, please send PM with contact info and I will update you if it becomes necessary.

Your quote: "Can you read my post in the 4dtv expiriment sticky and answer the questions?
To add when the battery goes dead on these 4dtv receivers, to I understand correctly that you lose UID and updated maps, but you do retain the original maps, correct?" I will read your post and try to answer your questions and you do retain your original maps after battery failure, or at least that is the case for most people, but some have reported having to do a factory reset to get things working again. You will loose the receivers ability to lock digital signals though. All of your sats will only have channels 1-24 and no 100 or above after battery failure.

Back to the guy and his work. I don't want to take anything away from him or minimize his qualifications to do this kind of work, but when I read his posts I found myself asking why he didn't try this or that at the time. It took a very large team of programmers to put the 4dtvs together at their R&D labs. "That" one person could find all the answers and beat moto at their own game would be a long shot. Just because we want to try to correct this problem, doesn't mean that we will. But I have always tried to start my projects, not by doing what others did and failed, but with new precesses and new technology. That is why I am interested in a different type of cable and with that style cable and all the new discoveries in software design, I hope to find a better way. I may fail, but it wont be because I didn't try.

Thanks for your help and interest.

Well watching is not hacking/changing the software, it is viewing it which as a paying subscriber I am entitled and authorized to do. I am not JTaging the reciever and downloading software then changing or adding to it. And merkin I suggest you do some reading about the DMCA and you will clearly see what is being done violates the DMCA. And hacking is hacking and if you do not have permission, regardless of you being good or bad it is wrong and its against the law. And Stoker_x1 your comment about you and your programers not caring about violating anyone rights is downright scary and why the DMCA was made into law in the first place.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures (commonly known as digital rights management or DRM) that control access to copyrighted works. It also criminalizes the act of circumventing an access control, whether or not there is actual infringement of copyright itself.

JTaging,downloading the software, altering it and re-installing it is circumventing an access control.
Well watching is not hacking/changing the software, it is viewing it which as a paying subscriber I am entitled and authorized to do. I am not JTaging the reciever and downloading software then changing or adding to it. And merkin I suggest you do some reading about the DMCA and you will clearly see what is being done violates the DMCA. And hacking is hacking and if you do not have permission, regardless of you being good or bad it is wrong and its against the law. And Stoker_x1 your comment about you and your programers not caring about violating anyone rights is downright scary and why the DMCA was made into law in the first place.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures (commonly known as digital rights management or DRM) that control access to copyrighted works. It also criminalizes the act of circumventing an access control, whether or not there is actual infringement of copyright itself.

JTaging,downloading the software, altering it and re-installing it is circumventing an access control.

Are you a Lawyer? What is your point? DMCA is just another law on the books that's take away peoples rights. In days gone by you had the right to do what you want in your own home with any signal that is transmitted in the air that you can receive. DMCA is just more BS to make the lawyers richer. We are not hurting anyone by experimenting with our receivers & restoring the data we had in our receivers before a MR. How is that breaking the law? What the hell has happened to America and freedom? You can't spit on the sidewalk without being jailed these days. Our freedoms that made our country great have been taken from us. They want to silence the type of people who have great ideas, and create nothing but robots and slaves that bow to some idiots way of thinking and write a law to force conformity. Its time America wakes up and stops all the BS before we become a dictatorship banana republic.
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I'm not sure what to think about you greg47. You took what I said out of context and turned it into something scary. Well, OK! What I said and meant was that since we were not breaking protected rights here, we were not concerned.

If your motives are representative of more than just someone who want to start a fuss, then tell us the whole story. If you work for motorola and just aren't willing to expose yourself, then OK! If Motorola has a problem with what I have said or with something I am doing, I feel sure they will let me know. On the other hand, they really don't care about this anymore. The chips have copy writes and patents, but Motorola lists them as obsolete and no longer supported. This stuff is old tech and worthless and no corp will spend money with lawyers and corporate personnel trying to protect something this old when after all we just want to see the free channels which could be viewed up to the first of Jan. 2011.

I will not get pulled into a contest of wills. No one wins in those debates. So I want you to know that I am done with this thread and you can now post to your hearts content. I for one will not be reading your comments. Better things to do than waste my time with someone like you.

Thanks for your interest though, Stoker
The guy is probably a troll that goes around looking to start fights just to get entertainment. I've seen it before. I though will not be talked down to as a criminal when I know I'm not doing anything wrong law or no stupid law.
Greg you must have missed that slate before the programming started and I am NOT talking about on subscriptions channels. Also what about when g15 floated across the arc? You didnt watch any of those channels that mysteriously opened? Just because you can "tune and watch" doesnt mean its not copyrighted.

And no democratic republic or organization can tell us what we can and cant do with our own property on our own property. Ask Apple Inc. Man will sign anything when getting a hummer.

We understand your point, but dont be a hypocrite. Another point is Motorola has completely ended support for them.

Please make a new thread to bitch, for the sake of staying on topic.

No need to answer those previous questions. But I have new ones.
So if battery goes dead you lose DC lock. You cant just add the active HITS emm to at least aquire lock? What other reason would it not lock besides the UID being all 0's? And if so, resoldering a new XC (like guy from mexico) would establish a new UID, albeit unsubscribe-able to HITS perhaps, but you may at least get DC lock. And who is to say SRL can/will not at least try to "hit it". Nothing to lose that is for sure.
Sorry for my ignorance on the DSR. No disrespect, but it goes both ways. I cant figure out why your USB hardware must be compatible with the broadcom decoder? And also the question you ask at another forum about USB cable length?

No need for my info, just let me know when/if you need anything. Would rather keep development public anyhow.
Like I said I can build a USB device based on FTDI just like USBBDM as well(schematics, gerbers, bom's are all over the net, we even design our own), but then you need to write firmware and software. And a perfectly good, inexpensive solution already exits. You guys should save your time and money and just send a unit to USBBDM if that is the case.

The PD BDM and the GAL(but need to program first) version is already proven.
This project should be trivial for one programmer with the 4play source, let alone seven, unless something drastic has changed. Just get a rig with lpt port. Cant quite figure out your direction. Do you have any useful info? If seven heads are better than one, how good is the entire community? But I have been confused before just ask Greg. ;-)

Good Luck if my instincts are correct you do not need to answer the last question either, I get it.
Hi Merkin,

All good questions. But you know that. As to what I am up to, well sometimes I have to ask my wife. She will surely tell me.

For me it is important to explore all possibilities. Why, because there are a lot of people out there who want the same thing you and I want. Good maps and our free channels. What is wrong with that? Let me tell you. If there were five thousand people hoping to find a way to restore their maps, and I say this with no disrespect meant, maybe a hundred of them would be capable of doing the mods needed to update their receivers. Lot's of people have 922s setting in their living rooms and have never even taken the cover off or remove the useless VCII module and metal case to spite the fact that their receivers would run cooler and then last longer.

If I explore all the options and find a simplified way for people to work with their receivers, then the number of people who could benefit from this upgrade mod would increase dramatically. I can tell you that I have friends who would never be able to restore maps based on the methods I seen so far. I also don't want to spend my time doing it for them. My methods may seem different and they may not work, but I will try to build something that the vast majority can use and enjoy.

I would like to take the time to answer all of your questions, and I mean that, but I am receiving so many emails right now that it is hard to find time to answer everyone's questions. I do have some secrets and successes at this point and don't know where they will take me. But I will follow that path for as long as I can.

I've decided to take a more private road from now on as I think that will allow me to spend more time on the project.
Sounds like from the OP you arent exploring anything but USB and JTAG that needs to be compatible with a broadcom mpeg decoder? Also you say more people the better, but also keep private. Maybe wrong, But I am not a mind reader so I have to go by what you post.

Look at my old post. I do NOT own a 4dtv and could care less about maps. I was gonna try to help out the community on the hardware side because after reading your OP of this thread it made no sense. I am no phd either, but I know the BDM is implemented in the MCU no the decoder, and its BDM NOT JTAG!

Good luck with the hardware development.
Here are two options besides the lpt interfaces.
If you havent fount it yet FTDI makes a chip capable of hardware bitbangin USB>lpt.

Someone created and publically documented a cypress solution as well. Driver too.
Converter From USB To Parallel

The latter being more of a hack, but could turn the public lpt>BDM adapters into USB.

btw the max cable length for USB 2.0 is 5 meters.

Sorry if I got it all wrong and hardware is NOT your current issue but again you made it sound that way.
hey merkin. good to see your willing to contribute. i think stoker is simply asking for a means of working communication. the term jtag is being used loosely and not really in its technical definition. i was more up to speed five days ago before i got my samsung galaxy-s smartphone and took a crash course in the android os, and the backlight flaking on my laptop making half the screen almost unreadable. (forgive me stoker for being MIA). my initial thoughts on the original 4play development left me thinking that the software was compiled with a specific adapter in mind. i also think that the test hardware was the 905 although i wasnt into cband in them days so i could be wrong about that. if you need a 4dtv unit to play with ill see what i have and what i can part with or what i can aquire.

as for you greg. we are all aware of the law and this sites rules. we are not talking about circumventing encryption. we are not trying to steal anything. we are simply talking about the ability to map channels to these recievers. the content providers all have the ability to protect their transmissions if they choose to. we are not altering the hardware to do something it wasnt intended to, afterall it was meant to reciever satellite transmissions. channels that you had to "pay" for and channels that you got for "free". at ~50 posts i really think you should leave moderating this forum to the proper people. especially when they have already green lighted this discussion as long as we dont get too dodgy. if you dont agree with this project then simply dont read about it. you probly dont have a 4dtv unit anyways and if you do then im sure you only use it as a paperweight like motorola intended. if motorola had issued a final firmware update with current mapping info then all of this wouldnt have been necessary. instead they abandoned it and that is where SRL picked up as a provider and we picked up as r&d / tech support.

crackt out,.

I haven't had any time lately to work with my box, but I purchased the one from usbjtag, and it WILL communicate with the IRD. It comes with configurable software, and the more of the interfaces this guy sells, the more he is going to support it. If I had a test unit, I could do a LOT more. Can't afford to lose them generics at this point.
Thanks Guys for all your support and input.

As for keeping this project public, it is not my intention to hide anything. But a small group of programmers who stay up to date on the progress of the work being done reduces the time needed to keep the team on track. I'm sure you understand how forums work. Someone like you will follow a thread from it's beginning to end, while others will stumble onto it and start asking questions that have already been answered. I don't expect people to find and read everything I have posted and it is not realistic to think that they would. But answering the same questions over and over for honest people with real questions seems to be a job in it's own right. My goal is not to hide anything, but more to reduce wasted time for me. Something like this thread. I'm looking for new ideas and probably didn't ask the proper question leaving people trying to figure out what I meant or what I'm doing. For that I do apologize. But look at what has happened here and you will find me and others spending time defending the reasons why I asked questions, not finding new ideas.

My goal will be to ask questions from time to time on the open forum, while trying not to stir the pot. When I think posting a question would help the effort, then I will do so. Remember that if the new team is successful, it will be because of everyone who help. That includes you guys and others across the web.

If anyone is interested at this point, for purposes of identity, the team will be referring to the new program as "4D Map Master". The name might change down the road, but I think this name will stick.

If you want to be more closely involved and you have the right background for this kind of work, then contact Tvropro at the 4D site he has generously made for all of us at his own expense. He will share your thoughts with the team and I promise that I will be reading any information you provide. If you can help in developing this new program, tell him that you would like to join the team and we will get back with you quickly.

I will be out of touch until the first of the week, but plan to investigate some of the cable solutions offered here over the last two days.

Thanks for helping!

What they are trying to do is not stealing. I know when some people hear JTAG they associate it with stealing. Hell it use to be (and in some cases still is) if you said you had free to air the next question would be "oh so you get like porn and HBO and all the channels for free?". I had to JTAG a receiver to bring it back to life. Thats not stealing, that was resurrecting a receiver to work again

Folks have already said more than I did but as staff the thread is OK (it was mentioned before that mods said it was ok). I am just re-emphasizing that
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