USA Has arrived !!!

I am glad to see another channel added to the line up to. Maybe this means that SciFiHD will be coming soon. I remember somone telling that the SCiFi channel is going HD this year, hopefully Voom is waiting until than to add them.
I dont mind that they add new ch's but I would like them to fix or add more bandwidth for what they currently had. If you are going to be an HD service FIRST then it should be the best looking HD around. Voom's HD looks good, but it isnt the best.
I think the key is to support Voom and keep flooding them with feedback so that the majority of the needs are satisifed and we are content. The bigger Voom gets the more pull they will have to keep on adding and improving HD. When I first joined this forum there were a lot of people asking for USA and SCIFI. Of course I wanted to know when USA-HD and SCIFI HD were coming really.. However I never watch OLN or WE or much SD for that matter, but some people do. Especially those of us who have SD sets in the house (like me in my bedroom) and suddenly SD channels look no different than HD channels and you just watch a couple of shows in SD. As someone already pointed out there are a few USA-Exclusive sports and TV shows that are worth watching to a some. And now as Voomers we have access to it. In my area only CBS is still broadcasting at around 19 mpbs, ABC, PBS, NBC, UPN, and WB are around 14. UPN and WB aren't even broadcasting with Dolby D. 5.1.. This is a trend being set by not just Voom but all providers of HD. They want to cut the bandwidth down and spam other subchannels - etc. However I think that if after their upgrade if Voom can deliver 16-17Mbps MPG2 quality picture under WM9, that would be ideal and what I want.
USA can have all of the exclusive content they want, but why does Voom compress the Hell out of it? I tuned it in yesterday on my 27" TV and the PQ was horrible! The compression artifacts were all over the place, from soft picture to smearing of the video. How does anyone put up with this kind of picture? Does anyone actually watch it? If so, does the overcompression not bother you?

I hate to say it, but I want Analog TV to stay. The analog OTA picture I get is much better then the digital SD crap I have ever received from ANY delivery system. The only difference being that the analog signal changes with the weather but the digital is always crappy. I'll take a snowy picture over a crappy SD digital anyday. The analog even looks better than the local OTA digital SD channels. What a shame.
Well, isn't the main problem that the source material is converted from an analog medium to a digital medium, then back to analog for your SD television? Not all SD channels look horrible, some of the HBO and Cinemax premium channels I've watched movies on in SD look pretty damn good. I admit some of Voom's SD had some really bad PQ issues, but they've gotten much better. Also DVI is supposed to be for uncompressed signals right? I noticed some channels look (especially SD) better with component cables on my HDTV, (makes no difference on my SD, so I just use COAX), and the picture looks even better.

I see no artificats or compression problems anymore or on my 36" Magnavox SD TV. I used to though, especially heavy sparklies on several SD channels. Having switched from Comcast Digital to Voom in March I immediately noticed that Voom had superior PQ over cable. Voom's SD channels look better than DIsh, and I can't tell a difference between DirectTV SD and Voom SD (Sparklies not included).

To test this I watched Lord of the Rings on my DVD on the SD TV, and then switched to Encore SD, they were showing the movie this weekend. Even cropped and stretched the picture looked sharp. On Encore HD the movie might as well have been playing off my DVD because even though it wasn't exact OAR it looked damn good. For some reason USA channel even on cable and Dish, always looked a bit more "washed" than other channels especially when they air their movies. I found USA only looked pretty good when they had some sporting or Live event going on (which is hardly ever).

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