Those horns sounded like they were playing in a bee hive. Annoying as hell.
Missed this topic throughout...Oh well.
A few observations after reading through the thread.
1. The horns are a not a normal thing. They have done everyone's head in and FIFA better reconsider a ban on them for the World Cup or else it has the potential to become a ratings disaster.:rant:
2. The final was a very good match. Pity for the US team and I think Bradley dropped the ball when he did not make substitutions and played back in the box in the second half. that said, There is no better group of individual players than that Brazil team and the US did put up a great effort.
3. It's hard for a US audience, watching 1-2 matches a year, to understand a lot of the strategy and intricacies. It's much more of a team sport than our US sports and a good defense often trumps a better and potent offense. Refereeing decisions end up having much more impact than in most sports.
4. It's hard to watch a sport when you don't know any of the players. A lot of the fun comes from watching individual match ups on the pitch. Knowing the history of the teams also makes a big difference.
5. International football is usually pretty boring. The club level is a lot better IMHO.
6. The pacing in soccer/football is unbelievably quick. It gets a bad rap because of the usual lack of scoring but to me watching a NFL or NBA game is pure torture because it takes so long in-between plays.
The next two are the reasons why I do not care for it:
- The game is to repetative and slow. Basketball is my least favorite American sport because it too is to repetitive. The difference is, basketball has the advantage of being faster. It seems like most of the game is spent in the middle 1/3 of the field kicking the ball back and forth. I realize this comes down to strategy, but the constant repetative stategic moves do get monatonous at time.
I'm sorry, I still find this ironic coming from a BASEBALL fan. Repetition and slowness are CELEBRATED by baseball fans!
Here we go again. Then I am going to reply and you will accuse me of turning this into a baseball thread. If you don't want it turned into a baseball thread, then stopping bringing up baseball.[/LIST]
I'm sorry, I still find this ironic coming from a BASEBALL fan. Repetition and slowness are CELEBRATED by baseball fans!
This is probably the most coverage soccer has ever got in this forum!
Nice game USA!
Here we go again. Then I am going to reply and you will accuse me of turning this into a baseball thread. If you don't want it turned into a baseball thread, then stopping bringing up baseball.
Since you did bring it up, let me reply by saying this, TO EACH HIS OWN. This is the way soccer appears to me and I am sure baseball appears the same to others.
La Liga on Voom was pretty well covered. Best soccer on the planet IMO
NP...We just see it different. I like the constant change of pace from fast 1,2,3 innings, to slow strategic pitching when fast runners are on base, to sudden burst of offense. I guess soccer can bring the same level of variation, I just haven't watched it enough to see it.I'm sorry I just find it ironic, that's all. I love baseball, but sports don't get much slower. Well perhaps golf.![]()