Upset with DirecTV offer to new subscribers, where is the loyalty to existing customers

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As you know, I've had both services too and just recently (2 days ago) switched back to D*, primarily for the NFL ST. I have no big issues with either service because they both have given me what I wanted at the time I wanted it. When I left D* last time, it was because of the HR21 being so slow it was either throw the remote through the window, or cancel the service! :)

You'll like this... When I called E* to cancel, they were very nice and professional about it. They made the comment that after the 1st year was up, I'd be paying the higher D* sub rates. So after I got off the phone, I figured it up....

D* = Premier + MRV + DVR + (1) lease fee = $131/month
E* = America's Everything + Multi-Sports + DVR + Lease ($10 in this case) = $128/month

A whopping $3/month!! :)

and thats the mrv fee :)
I have had DirecTV for 6-7 years now. I have the HR20 DVR and I have been wanting to upgrade to the new HD DVR but everytime I call and ask for the upgrade, they want to charge me $100 bucks for it. I understand that the HR20 is still a supported system but I have been a customer for over 6 years. Check out the new offer to new subscribers, You get $5 off your bill, free HD, free NFL Sunday ticket, free HD DVR (I'm sure it's the new HD DVR as well), $16 off your bill during the 2nd year, and 3 months of HBO, Starz, Cinemax, and Showtime. I got something from them last week that I get a free gift for being a loyal customer, they were going to upgrade my package from Choice to ChoiceExtra for 3 months. Man, that is one heck of a freebie isn't it. I'm just upset that they call that customer loyalty. I should just cancel and sign up next month as a new subscriber. I am sorry to vent but I don't call that customer loyalty. By the way, these forums rock!

I'm a very new customer, just added it earlier this month. I got an HR-20 myself. I thought I was getting the one on the website, but I didn't. Plus it's silver and all my other components are black. It sticks out like a sore thumb.
I called the main DirecTV number, when I got the voice prompt asking for the reason for my call, I said "Cancel Service" and it transferred me to a rep in the retention department I believe.
See I told you they would take care of you.

The squeeky wheel gets the grease. :D
I'm a very new customer, just added it earlier this month. I got an HR-20 myself. I thought I was getting the one on the website, but I didn't. Plus it's silver and all my other components are black. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

There was a time when all my stuff was Silver and the Black looked out of place !
I have been with D* for 3 years, but significantly downgraded the service along the way. I started with Choice Xtra, HD, HD Extra Pack, and all of the premium movie channels. I downgraded all the way to Select and dropped everything else.

But D* still gave me some nice extras this summer. Free HBO for 3 months. Free HD Extra Pack for 3 months. Free HD for the next year. $5/mo discount for the next 3 months. My contract has already been fulfilled and I got these things with no contract extension. I thought it was a pretty nice deal for a customer with a low-end package. Right now I'm getting Select with HD access, HBO, and HD Extra Pack for $40/mo.
I got my new DVR on Friday, they shipped me an HR21 instead of the new one. I am cool with it because all my stuff is piano black and I got the piano black HR21. Would have liked the new one but this works for me. I also put a 2tb hard drive in it so I have plenty of space. I have been recording a ton of movies since I get HBO, Starz, etc for 2 months. I just hope I can still watch all those movies once I lose out of the premium channels in 2 months.
(Shramj) She told me that the new subscribers are getting NFL Sunday Ticket for free this year but they have to commit to buy it next year.

What, not sure why she told you this, but I just signed up a little over 2 weeks ago and I was told as long I cancel after the Superbowl that I would not get charged for the next season.
(Shramj) She told me that the new subscribers are getting NFL Sunday Ticket for free this year but they have to commit to buy it next year.

What, not sure why she told you this, but I just signed up a little over 2 weeks ago and I was told as long I cancel after the Superbowl that I would not get charged for the next season.

All 'commit to buy it next year' means is that you are on auto-renewal. You can cancel it for next year after the Super Bowl in Feb 2012 and you will be fine.
cappy29, Seems like we all hear different stuff when we call, go figure.
I dont get the deal with HD fee. Pay the 10.00 or Sign up for Auto Pay, that easy.
Its typical of all D* sport packages, if you call to cancel before the season starts, your good to go, just don't try to after the start of the next season.

Sent from my Samsung Epic using SatelliteGuys
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Did I pull the trigger too soon?

whole house dvr & computer control of dvr
