Back in the day (and I remember this as if it was yesterday) all these stations had were rerun programs and maybe an original programs (More Brady Bunch than you could shake a stick at) old (not classic, just old
) movies and the very occasional original production. WWOR had Joe Franklin. WGN had Bozo. WTBS has a pretty funny "news" show.
But for the most part, they offered nothing that any other independent TV station offered except the baseball. At the time they showed nearly every "away" game and since that meant that you could watch "your" home team play at home through one of these channels, they were very popular for the sports. Remember that when these stations were in their heyday (widest distribution) the sports black-out rules hadn't caught up to them yet! I remember watching more than my share of Cubs and Mets games at Riverfront on these channels at home. It wasn't until 1984 and 1987 legislation came to pass that super stations were forced to black out many games. It took another 25 years and now super stations have been strangled from all sides and with the formation of RSNs, the fact that all of them went to network programming (WB/UPN and now CW) most of the appeal of these stations is gone.
Sports may not have been the reason you got the super stations, but I know it was the reason why cable systems and Dish had them. Again I am talking about the original reason why the stations became available. The reason they remain on Dish (which is really the only outlet for all of these guys except regionally) is inertia.
See ya

But for the most part, they offered nothing that any other independent TV station offered except the baseball. At the time they showed nearly every "away" game and since that meant that you could watch "your" home team play at home through one of these channels, they were very popular for the sports. Remember that when these stations were in their heyday (widest distribution) the sports black-out rules hadn't caught up to them yet! I remember watching more than my share of Cubs and Mets games at Riverfront on these channels at home. It wasn't until 1984 and 1987 legislation came to pass that super stations were forced to black out many games. It took another 25 years and now super stations have been strangled from all sides and with the formation of RSNs, the fact that all of them went to network programming (WB/UPN and now CW) most of the appeal of these stations is gone.
Sports may not have been the reason you got the super stations, but I know it was the reason why cable systems and Dish had them. Again I am talking about the original reason why the stations became available. The reason they remain on Dish (which is really the only outlet for all of these guys except regionally) is inertia.
See ya