Why the heck do they keep loading crap to TP 19? It looked like they were gong to have a free TP for HD, now they are filling it with SD. Not just SD, but junk SD.
That's not just any junk. That is political junk! Check your guide.
Why the heck do they keep loading crap to TP 19? It looked like they were gong to have a free TP for HD, now they are filling it with SD. Not just SD, but junk SD.
Medford OR, Cheyenne WY and Lubbock TX locals have moved to 110/119! That is noteworthy isn't it? Looks like 148º is one step closer to being removed from subscriber services today.
I think the key is not the absolute age of the EA Sats but rather the footprints of some of the recently moved Sats in their new locations.I just don't where you get such misinformation. E6 launched in 7/2000, E8 launched in 8/2002 and E12 launched in 7/2003. These sats are the CORE of EA. Yes, E3 and E4 are old and need replacing. AMC-14 was supposed to replace E3 but it didn't make it. E14 or E15 will probably be its replacement. E4 is just a place holder until E8 arrives at 77W.
Edit - Nimiq 5 will be going to 72.7W when launched and a Mexican licensed sat will be going to 77W when launched
. Eastern Arc will be limping along on very old sats.
I agree that the footprints of the sats is not ideal but they are really just placeholders until Nimiq-5 and Quetzsat-1 are launched. The OP specifically referred to the age of the EA sats though.I think the key is not the absolute age of the EA Sats but rather the footprints of some of the recently moved Sats in their new locations.
Talon Dancer
Probably just moving to a new channel number.Why is SRI taking up two channels now? They seem to be the same, although I don't have complete guide data for the new one. Are they two different streams?
....Yet....It appears that decision has been made that Houston will not be part of the Eastern Arc.
As in..After reading some post I think Dish needs a Civil War Channel
Well, now what do I do with my 148 dish?
Maybe swing it back around to 61.5 and get more stable reception for HD.
But I do agree, this doesn't look good for anyone ponted at 148w. Would be nice if Dish would make a statement about this, although I wont hold my breath.
I posted this was going to happen a few weeks ago. Also if I remember correctly more will be removed from 148 on the 15th.Medford OR, Cheyenne WY and Lubbock TX locals have moved to 110/119! That is noteworthy isn't it? Looks like 148º is one step closer to being removed from subscriber services today.