61.5 use and allocation
Rainbow 1 uses 1-21 odd and 23,24, 13 Tps
Echo 3 has all the rest
1 - hd
2 - hd (echo 3)
3 - hd
4 - empty, assumed dead on (echo 3)
5 - mp4
6 - sd
7 - hd
8 - sd
9 - hd
10 - sd
11 - mp4
12 - sd
13 - sd (r1)
14 - sd
15 - hd
16 - sd
17 - hd
18 - sd
19 - hd
20 - sd
21 - mp4
22 - sd
23 - empty (r1)
24 - empty (r1)
25 - sky angel
26 - empty, assumed dead on (echo 3)
27 - sd
28 - empty, assumed dead on (echo 3)
29 - sd
30 - sd
31 - sd
32 - sky angel
So it looks like all that's left on R1 is the old STAs 23,24 and on dishes list of 50 citites, those still not launched that can't go on 129 are: Orlando, Miami, Jacksonville, Baltimore, Burlington, Buffalo, Providence (7 total)
and assuming dish uses the remaining 8Tps left on 129 for hd lil, that means another 20 from the list would go on E10 as well