Uplink Activity 4/30/08 1:25 PM EDT

Viva la Revolucion! Down with SatelliteGuys!

Come 'on people. When Scott posts he does so for the advantage of his members. If it doesn't happen, I don't look for excuses or to point a finger. He said more locals and more national... batting .500. Better then any info that I personally got. He is pretty open that he just reports what he hears and it should be all taken with a grain of salt.

Go to your TV and turn on Voom. Most people write it off, but there is plenty of content to keep you entertained and it is ALL in HD. ;)
Not worth an individual thread:

UPLINK ACTIVITY: SAMPLE TAKEN 04-30-2008 19:21:31 TO 04-30-2008 19:22:35 ET

[B] 1 CHANGE(S)[/B]

CHNG   464 SPORT MPEG2 SD Tp 2 EchoStar 8 110w [COLOR='Teal']AT100?[/COLOR]
  TO   464 SPORT MPEG2 SD Tp 2 EchoStar 8 110w UNAVAIL HIDE

I think Dish should just go ahead and add the SD version of the all the channels they will be including in the HD Only pack. Then, when the HD version is uplinked I will have HD too. That way I don't have to wait.
Oh, and for those of you that are saying that some of these channels don't have true HD programming so they're pointless, you are wrong. If you've ever watched the SD version of a channel and compared it directly against the HD version (non-HD programming), you'll see a very big difference. If it's not going to be HD, at least it would be high quality SD.

That's the myth, but it is not actually true.

When CNN-HD was added, I switched back and forth during the afternoon SD portion of the programming schedule. There was no difference in PQ, and in fact, FoxNews-SD actually looked better in terms of PQ than CNN-HD during SD-upconverting.

There may be a few SD channels that happen to look better when their HD versions are upconverting SD programming, but it is not an automatic feature.

It's also a waste of bandwidth to duplicate the same SD programming twice.

Lastly, I personally find 16x9 to be about two-thirds of the appeal of "HD" (especially during sports), and you don't get any 16x9 programming in upconverted-SD programming...
That's the myth, but it is not actually true.

When CNN-HD was added, I switched back and forth during the afternoon SD portion of the programming schedule. There was no difference in PQ, and in fact, FoxNews-SD actually looked better in terms of PQ than CNN-HD during SD-upconverting.

But an unknown is what is E* doing to the CNN-HD feed, are they passing it along at full resolution or down rezzing and how much bandwidth are they giving it? Maybe they're screwing with the signal too much which is why you're seeing what you're saying on E*?
I waited until I was sure no one else had responded. Jackson MS is still stuck at ABC, CBS, NBC (No Fox). Hopefully soon. I'm not sure if the lack of this channel is due to the any litigation or not. Holding out for CW maybe at some point too.

Thanks. I didnt think Jackson had fox in hd locals. Not sure where the op tngtony got that info from.
Currently D* only has one HD channel that E* doesn't and that is FX... the rest of the networks have no HD Content so you might as well just change the SD to stretch. FX is pending due to the fox lawsuit.

Last week they added SciFi and USA and immediately the bitching began that they weren't airing any HD content so why add more channels that do not show HD Content.

edit: I forgot Speed HD... not much of a racing fan so it skipped my mind
You forgot A LOT of channels....

Bravo, Bio, Disney, FX, Toon Disney, Spike, CNBC, Fox Business, Weather Channel, ESPN News, CSTV, Fuel, Speed, Tennis all show some to most HD content

MGM, Smithsonian, Cinemax West, HBO West, Movie Channel, Showtime West, Show Too West, Starz Comedy, Starz Edge, Starz Kids and Family, Starz West all show 100% or close to 100% HD

All of these are channels the Direct has the Dish does not…
I'll partially recant... HD Channels that actually show HD that D* has that E* does not:
What I stated in my post above. All of those channels listed show HD content, some 100%. I did not list MTV and VH1 or the Cartoon Network, because they have not shown any yet.
I agree with TNGTony about what most of the HD nationals show. There are only about 1 or 2 channels (basically HBO2 and starz edge) that show HD all the time. I hope E* can get those two as soon as possible. Cartoon network and all the rest of the other channels mentioned are not on my "i want it now" list. I hate stretch-o-vision so i dont mind to wait until those channels show more real HD content.
Not true. Look at the my post above. I listed about 11 channels that show HD pretty much all of the time.
Rumor has it ESPNNews HD has replaced WFN as one of the "temp" engineering channels. Also, USAHD and SciFiHD have been mirrored to a transponder on 61.5 (most likely for eastern arc use), just like the original mpeg2 HD on 110w had been mirrored to 61.5 recently. There is no video on the new USA and SciFi channels, just slates (video feed is a constant 2mbit).

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