I have been a dish customer for a long time and have had to do everything myself due to lthe lack of techs where i live (juneau alaska). I had service on sats 110 and 119 on two seperate dishes and an ancient reciever. Recently got an upgrade to dish 500 everything package,vip 722k hd/dvr. My problem is the tech left me with no signal on 110 and 129. I am supposed to get my hd channels on 129. I only have signal for 119. I have one dish with a single lnb and another with two lnbs to pick up two satellites. Are 110 and 119 to come in on the same dish and 129 to come in on the other? I Know the AZ/EL for 110 and 119 but tech support does not know the AZ/EL 129. Could someone please help.