Upgrade to HD? How to get the best deal


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 28, 2009
Upper Midwest
I've been with DISH for years but do not have HD. DOn't have a contract or committment either. Would like to upgrade to HD and I believe the 722 is recommneded, correct? Am I guaranteed to get the722?

I believe this will be a 2-year committment to get the free upgrade. Is it possible to work out a deal for free Movie channels or discount on something? I know they offer great deals for new customers would be nice for existing loyal customers to benefit as well. If so, should I go through a phone rep, local installer, or online to get the best deal?
DIRT for deals, local installer for flexibility in equipment choices, or dishstore.net for possibly both.
What is DIRT? You've named three choices which does not narrow things down for me. If DIRT is for deals any downside to them?
DIRT = Dish Internet Response Team. Names are in RED on this forum and you click on that name to PM them.
I've been with DISH for years but do not have HD. DOn't have a contract or committment either. Would like to upgrade to HD and I believe the 722 is recommneded, correct? Am I guaranteed to get the722?

I believe this will be a 2-year committment to get the free upgrade. Is it possible to work out a deal for free Movie channels or discount on something? I know they offer great deals for new customers would be nice for existing loyal customers to benefit as well. If so, should I go through a phone rep, local installer, or online to get the best deal?

Please send me a PM with your account number or phone# and I will see what I can offer you to get you HD! Thank you!

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